# tasks to uninstall IPA replica
# - name: Uninstall - Include Python2/3 import test
# import_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/python_2_3_test.yml"
- name: Uninstall - Uninstall IPA replica
command: >
{{ "--ignore-topology-disconnect" if
ipareplica_ignore_topology_disconnect | bool else "" }}
{{ "--ignore-last-of-role" if ipareplica_ignore_last_of_role | bool
else "" }}
register: result_uninstall
# 2 means that uninstall failed because IPA replica was not configured
failed_when: result_uninstall.rc != 0 and "'Env' object
has no attribute 'basedn'" not in result_uninstall.stderr
# IPA server is not configured on this system" not in
# result_uninstall.stdout_lines
# changed_when: result_uninstall.rc == 0
# until: result_uninstall.rc == 0
retries: 2
delay: 1
- name: Uninstall - Remove all replication agreements and data about replica
command: >
{{ ipareplica_hostname | default(ansible_fqdn) }}
--password={{ ipadm_password }}
failed_when: False
delegate_to: "{{ groups.ipaserver[0] | default(fail) }}"
# - name: Remove IPA replica packages
# package:
# name: "{{ item }}"
# state: absent
# with_items: "{{ ipareplica_packages }}"