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Thomas Woerner committed


This role allows to join hosts as clients to an IPA domain. This can be done in differnt ways using auto-discovery of the servers, domain and other settings or by specifying them.


Example inventory file with fixed principal using auto-discovery with DNS records:
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Thomas Woerner committed



Example playbook to setup the IPA client(s) using principal from inventory file and password from an [Ansible Vault]( file:

    - name: Playbook to configure IPA clients with username/password
      hosts: ipaclients
      become: true
      - playbook_sensitive_data.yml
      - role: ipaclient
        state: present

Example playbook to unconfigure the IPA client(s) using principal and password from inventory file:

    - name: Playbook to unconfigure IPA clients
      hosts: ipaclients
      become: true
      - role: ipaclient
        state: absent

Example inventory file with fixed servers, principal, password and domain:


Example playbook to setup the IPA client(s) using principal and password from inventory file:

    - name: Playbook to configure IPA clients with username/password
      hosts: ipaclients
      become: true
      - role: ipaclient
        state: present


**ipaservers** - Group of IPA server hostnames.
 (list of strings, optional)

**ipaadmin_keytab** - The path to the admin keytab used for alternative authentication.
 (string, optional)

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Thomas Woerner committed
**ipaclient_domain** - The primary DNS domain of an existing IPA deployment.
 (string, optional)

**ipaclient_realm** - The Kerberos realm of an existing IPA deployment.
 (string, optional)

**ipaclient_principal** - The authorized kerberos principal used to join the IPA realm.
 (string, optional)

**ipaclient_password** - The password for the kerberos principal.
 (string, optional)

**ipaclient_keytab** - The path to a backed-up host keytab from previous enrollment.
 (string, optional)

**ipaclient_force_join** - Set force_join to yes to join the host even if it is already enrolled.
 (bool, optional)

**ipaclient_use_otp** - Enforce the generation of a one time password to configure new and existing hosts. The enforcement on an existing host is not done if there is a working krb5.keytab on the host. If the generation of an otp is enforced for an existing host entry, then the host gets diabled and the containing keytab gets removed.
 (bool, optional)

**ipaclient_allow_repair** - Allow repair of already joined hosts. Contrary to ipaclient_force_join the host entry will not be changed on the server.
 (bool, optional)

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Thomas Woerner committed
**ipaclient_kinit_attempts** - Repeat the request for host Kerberos ticket X times if it fails.
 (int, optional)

**ipaclient_ntp** - Set to no to not configure and enable NTP
 (bool, optional)

**ipaclient_mkhomedir** - Set to yes to configure PAM to create a users home directory if it does not exist.
 (string, optional)


freeipa-client v4.4 or later
Thomas Woerner's avatar
Thomas Woerner committed


Florence Blanc-Renaud
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Thomas Woerner committed
Thomas Woerner