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Smaine Kahlouch's avatar
Smaine Kahlouch committed
- include_tasks: check_certs.yml
  when: cert_management == "script"
- include_tasks: "gen_certs_{{ cert_management }}.yml"
woopstar's avatar
woopstar committed
- include_tasks: upd_ca_trust.yml
- name: "Gen_certs | Get etcd certificate serials"
  shell: "openssl x509 -in {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/node-{{ inventory_hostname }}.pem -noout -serial | cut -d= -f2"
  register: "etcd_client_cert_serial_result"
  changed_when: false
  when: inventory_hostname in groups['k8s-cluster']|union(groups['etcd'])|union(groups['calico-rr']|default([]))|unique|sort

- name: Set etcd_client_cert_serial
    etcd_client_cert_serial: "{{ etcd_client_cert_serial_result.stdout }}"
  when: inventory_hostname in groups['k8s-cluster']|union(groups['etcd'])|union(groups['calico-rr']|default([]))|unique|sort

- include_tasks: "install_{{ etcd_deployment_type }}.yml"
woopstar's avatar
woopstar committed
  when: is_etcd_master
woopstar's avatar
woopstar committed
  when: is_etcd_master
- name: Restart etcd if certs changed
    name: etcd
woopstar's avatar
woopstar committed
    state: restarted
    enabled: yes
woopstar's avatar
woopstar committed
  when: is_etcd_master and etcd_cluster_setup and etcd_secret_changed|default(false)
woopstar's avatar
woopstar committed
- name: Restart etcd-events if certs changed
    name: etcd-events
woopstar's avatar
woopstar committed
    state: restarted
woopstar's avatar
woopstar committed
  when: is_etcd_master and etcd_events_cluster_setup and etcd_secret_changed|default(false)
# After etcd cluster is assembled, make sure that
# initial state of the cluster is in `existing`
# state insted of `new`.
woopstar's avatar
woopstar committed
  when: is_etcd_master