Weave be use with [**consensus**]( mode (default mode) and [**seed**]( mode
In kubespray, Weave encryption for all communication is supported
* For use Weave encryption, it's necessary to specify password
if no password specify, no encrytion
# In file ./inventory/group_vars/k8s-cluster.yml
weave_password: EnterPasswordHere
Weave is deploy by kubernetes with daemonSet
* Check the status of Weave containers
kubectl -n kube-system get pods | grep weave
* Check status of weave (connection,encryption ...)
### Consensus mode (default mode)
This mode is to fixed cluster
### Seed mode
This mode is to dynamic cluster
the seed mode allows multi clouds simultaneously and also hybrid on premise/cloud clusters
* Change censensus mode to seed mode
# In file ./inventory/group_vars/k8s-cluster.yml
weave_mode_seed: true
This two variables are use to have automaticaly dynamic cluster (**/!\ do not manually change these values**)
# In file ./inventory/group_vars/k8s-cluster.yml
weave_seed: uninitialized
weave_peers: uninitialized
The first variable, `weave_seed`, allows to save the first or firsts node of the weave network
The seconde variable, `weave_peers`, allows to save IP of all node of the weave network
these two allows to connecte a new node to the weave network. this new node need to know the first node (seed) and list of IP to all node of network
For reset these variables set there values to `uninitialized`