
If you have questions, join us on the [kubernetes slack](, channel **#kubespray**.
- Can be deployed on **AWS, GCE, Azure, OpenStack or Baremetal**
- **High available** cluster
- **Composable** (Choice of the network plugin for instance)
- Support most popular **Linux distributions**
- **Continuous integration tests**
To deploy the cluster you can use :
[**kubespray-cli**]( <br>
**Ansible** usual commands and [**inventory builder**]( <br>
**vagrant** by simply running `vagrant up` (for tests purposes) <br>
* [Requirements](#requirements)
* [Kubespray vs ...](docs/
* [Getting started](docs/
* [Integration with existing ansible repo](docs/
* [Deployment data variables](docs/
* [DNS stack](docs/
* [HA mode](docs/
* [Network plugins](#network-plugins)
* [Vagrant install](docs/
* [CoreOS bootstrap](docs/
* [Large deployments](docs/
* [Upgrades basics](docs/
* [Roadmap](docs/
Supported Linux distributions
* **Container Linux by CoreOS**
* **Debian** Jessie
* **Ubuntu** 16.04
Note: Upstart/SysV init based OS types are not supported.
Versions of supported components
[kubernetes]( v1.8.1 <br>
[etcd]( v3.2.4 <br>
[flanneld]( v0.8.0 <br>
[calico]( v2.5.0 <br>
[canal]( (given calico/flannel versions) <br>
[docker]( v1.13 (see note)<br>
[rkt]( v1.21.0 (see Note 2)<br>
Note: kubernetes doesn't support newer docker versions. Among other things kubelet currently breaks on docker's non-standard version numbering (it no longer uses semantic versioning). To ensure auto-updates don't break your cluster look into e.g. yum versionlock plugin or apt pin).
Note 2: rkt support as docker alternative is limited to control plane (etcd and
kubelet). Docker is still used for Kubernetes cluster workloads and network
plugins' related OS services. Also note, only one of the supported network
plugins can be deployed for a given single cluster.
* **Ansible v2.4 (or newer) and python-netaddr is installed on the machine
* **Jinja 2.9 (or newer) is required to run the Ansible Playbooks**
* The target servers must have **access to the Internet** in order to pull docker images.
* The target servers are configured to allow **IPv4 forwarding**.
* **Your ssh key must be copied** to all the servers part of your inventory.
* The **firewalls are not managed**, you'll need to implement your own rules the way you used to.
in order to avoid any issue during deployment you should disable your firewall.
You can choose between 4 network plugins. (default: `calico`, except Vagrant uses `flannel`)
* [**flannel**](docs/ gre/vxlan (layer 2) networking.
* [**calico**](docs/ bgp (layer 3) networking.
* [**canal**]( a composition of calico and flannel plugins.
* [**weave**](docs/ Weave is a lightweight container overlay network that doesn't require an external K/V database cluster. <br>
(Please refer to `weave` [troubleshooting documentation](
The choice is defined with the variable `kube_network_plugin`. There is also an
option to leverage built-in cloud provider networking instead.
See also [Network checker](docs/
## Community docs and resources
- [](
- [kubespray, monitoring and logging]( by @gregbkr
- [Deploy Kubernetes w/ Ansible & Terraform]( by @rsmitty
- [Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster with Kubespray (video)](
## Tools and projects on top of Kubespray
- [Digital Rebar](
- [Kubespray-cli](
- [Fuel-ccp-installer](
- [Terraform Contrib](

[]( </br>
CI/end-to-end tests sponsored by Google (GCE), DigitalOcean, []( (openstack).