diff --git a/docs/ha-mode.md b/docs/ha-mode.md
index 3ee2063c393f940a15d583a8300f99768bac0e82..f3bc97e1c6edbc8cde90352d997a1e8c3b672ce4 100644
--- a/docs/ha-mode.md
+++ b/docs/ha-mode.md
@@ -68,7 +68,10 @@ listen kubernetes-apiserver-https
   balance roundrobin
-And the corresponding example global vars config:
+  Note: That's an example config managed elsewhere outside of Kubespray.
+And the corresponding example global vars for such a "cluster-aware"
+external LB with the cluster API access modes configured in Kubespray:
 apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name: "my-apiserver-lb.example.com"
@@ -78,40 +81,58 @@ loadbalancer_apiserver:
   Note: The default kubernetes apiserver configuration binds to all interfaces,
   so you will need to use a different port for the vip from that the API is
-  listening on, or set the kube_apiserver_bind_address so that the API only
+  listening on, or set the `kube_apiserver_bind_address` so that the API only
   listens on a specific interface (to avoid conflict with haproxy binding the
   port on the VIP adddress)
 This domain name, or default "lb-apiserver.kubernetes.local", will be inserted
-into the `/etc/hosts` file of all servers in the `k8s-cluster` group. Note that
+into the `/etc/hosts` file of all servers in the `k8s-cluster` group and wired
+into the generated self-signed TLS/SSL certificates as well. Note that
 the HAProxy service should as well be HA and requires a VIP management, which
-is out of scope of this doc. Specifying an external LB overrides any internal
-localhost LB configuration.
+is out of scope of this doc.
+There is a special case for an internal and an externally configured (not with
+Kubespray) LB used simultaneously. Keep in mind that the cluster is not aware
+of such an external LB and you need no to specify any configuration variables
+for it.
+  Note: TLS/SSL termination for externally accessed API endpoints' will **not**
+  be covered by Kubespray for that case. Make sure your external LB provides it.
+  Alternatively you may specify an externally load balanced VIPs in the
+  `supplementary_addresses_in_ssl_keys` list. Then, kubespray will add them into
+  the generated cluster certifactes as well.
-  Note: In order to achieve HA for HAProxy instances, those must be running on
-  the each node in the `k8s-cluster` group as well, but require no VIP, thus
-  no VIP management.
+Aside of that specific case, the `loadbalancer_apiserver` considered mutually
+exclusive to `loadbalancer_apiserver_localhost`.
 Access API endpoints are evaluated automagically, as the following:
-| Endpoint type                | kube-master    | non-master          |
-| Local LB (default)           | https://lc:sp  | https://lc:nsp      |
-| External LB, no internal     | https://lb:lp  | https://lb:lp       |
-| No ext/int LB, bind  | https://lc:sp  | https://m[0].aip:sp |
-| No ext/int LB, a custom bind | https://bip:sp | https://m[0].aip:sp |
+| Endpoint type                | kube-master    | non-master          | external            |
+| Local LB (default)           | https://bip:sp | https://lc:nsp      | https://m[0].aip:sp |
+| Local LB + Unmanaged here LB | https://bip:sp | https://lc:nsp      | https://ext         |
+| External LB, no internal     | https://bip:sp | https://lb:lp       | https://lb:lp       |
+| No ext/int LB                | https://bip:sp | https://m[0].aip:sp | https://m[0].aip:sp |
 * `m[0]` - the first node in the `kube-master` group;
 * `lb` - LB FQDN, `apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name`;
+* `ext` - Externally load balanced VIP:port and FQDN, not managed by Kubespray;
 * `lc` - localhost;
-* `bip` - a custom bind IP value (defaults to '');
+* `bip` - a custom bind IP or localhost for the default bind IP '';
 * `nsp` - nginx secure port, `nginx_kube_apiserver_port`, defers to `sp`;
 * `sp` - secure port, `kube_apiserver_port`;
 * `lp` - LB port, `loadbalancer_apiserver.port`, defers to the secure port;
 * `ip` - the node IP, defers to the ansible IP;
 * `aip` - `access_ip`, defers to the ip.
+A second and a third column represent internal cluster access modes. The last
+column illustrates an example URI to access the cluster APIs externally.
+Kubespray has nothing to do with it, this is informational only.
+As you can see, the masters' internal API endpoints are always
+contacted via the local bind IP, which is `https://bip:sp`.
 **Note** that for some cases, like healthchecks of applications deployed by
 Kubespray, the masters' APIs are accessed via the insecure endpoint, which
 consists of the local `kube_apiserver_insecure_bind_address` and