From 66408a87ee1755f0a36a3a0001fcb58ffa8a31b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kubernetes Prow Robot <>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 07:31:39 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor download role (#5697)

* download file

* download containers

* fix push image to nodes

* pull if none image on host

* fix

* improve docker image tag checks.
do not pull already cached images

* rebase fix merge conflict

* add support download_run_once when upgrade and scale cluster
add some test with download_run_once

* set default values to temp flag for every download cycle

* add save,load abilty for containerd and crio when download_run_once=true

* return redefine image save/load command to  set_docker_image_facts.yml

* move set command to set_container_facts

* ctr in containerd_bin_dir

* fix order of ctr image export arguments

* temporary disable download_run_once for containerd and crio

* remove unused files

* fix strict yaml linter warning and errors

* refactor logical conditions to pull and cache container images

* remove comment due lint check

* document role

* remove image_load_on_localhost, because cached images are always loaded to docker on remote sites

* remove XXX from debug output
 .gitlab-ci/packet.yml                         |  17 +++
 docs/                             |   6 +-
 roles/download/defaults/main.yml              |   8 +-
 roles/download/tasks/check_pull_required.yml  |   4 +-
 roles/download/tasks/download_container.yml   | 127 ++++++++----------
 roles/download/tasks/download_file.yml        |  95 ++++++-------
 roles/download/tasks/main.yml                 |  14 --
 roles/download/tasks/prep_download.yml        |  78 ++++++-----
 roles/download/tasks/prep_kubeadm_images.yml  |  10 --
 roles/download/tasks/set_container_facts.yml  |  11 ++
 .../download/tasks/set_docker_image_facts.yml |  54 --------
 roles/download/tasks/sync_container.yml       |  37 -----
 roles/download/tasks/sync_file.yml            |  45 -------
 .../preinstall/tasks/0020-verify-settings.yml |  18 +++
 roles/kubespray-defaults/defaults/main.yaml   |   3 +
 scale.yml                                     |   8 ++
 ...acket_centos7-calico-ha-once-localhost.yml |  14 ++
 tests/files/packet_centos7-calico-ha.yml      |   2 +-
 .../packet_debian9-calico-upgrade-once.yml    |  10 ++
 ...acket_ubuntu18-flannel-containerd-once.yml |  29 ++++
 upgrade-cluster.yml                           |   9 ++
 21 files changed, 269 insertions(+), 330 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 roles/download/tasks/set_docker_image_facts.yml
 delete mode 100644 roles/download/tasks/sync_container.yml
 delete mode 100644 roles/download/tasks/sync_file.yml
 create mode 100644 tests/files/packet_centos7-calico-ha-once-localhost.yml
 create mode 100644 tests/files/packet_debian9-calico-upgrade-once.yml
 create mode 100644 tests/files/packet_ubuntu18-flannel-containerd-once.yml

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci/packet.yml b/.gitlab-ci/packet.yml
index 86164c392..1f48e3d8b 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci/packet.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci/packet.yml
@@ -68,6 +68,11 @@ packet_ubuntu18-flannel-containerd:
   extends: .packet
   when: manual
+  stage: deploy-part2
+  extends: .packet
+  when: manual
   stage: deploy-part2
   extends: .packet
@@ -80,6 +85,13 @@ packet_debian9-calico-upgrade:
     UPGRADE_TEST: graceful
+  stage: deploy-part2
+  extends: .packet
+  when: on_success
+  variables:
+    UPGRADE_TEST: graceful
   stage: deploy-part2
   extends: .packet
@@ -90,6 +102,11 @@ packet_centos7-calico-ha:
   extends: .packet
   when: manual
+  stage: deploy-part2
+  extends: .packet
+  when: manual
   stage: deploy-part2
   extends: .packet
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 158b6d784..6f365bafc 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -13,11 +13,13 @@ There is also a "pull once, push many" mode as well:
 NOTE: When `download_run_once` is true and `download_localhost` is false, all downloads will be done on the delegate node, including downloads for container images that are not required on that node. As a consequence, the storage required on that node will probably be more than if download_run_once was false, because all images will be loaded into the docker instance on that node, instead of just the images required for that node.
+:warning: [`download_run_once: true` support only for `container_manager: docker`]( :warning:
 On caching:
 * When `download_run_once` is `True`, all downloaded files will be cached locally in `download_cache_dir`, which defaults to `/tmp/kubespray_cache`. On subsequent provisioning runs, this local cache will be used to provision the nodes, minimizing bandwidth usage and improving provisioning time. Expect about 800MB of disk space to be used on the ansible node for the cache. Disk space required for the image cache on the kubernetes nodes is a much as is needed for the largest image, which is currently slightly less than 150MB.
-* By default, if `download_run_once` is false, kubespray will not retrieve the downloaded images and files from the remote node to the local cache, or use that cache to pre-provision those nodes. To force the use of the cache, set `download_force_cache` to `True`.
-* By default, cached images that are used to pre-provision the remote nodes will be deleted from the remote nodes after use, to save disk space. Setting download_keep_remote_cache will prevent the files from being deleted. This can be useful while developing kubespray, as it can decrease provisioning times. As a consequence, the required storage for images on the remote nodes will increase from 150MB to about 550MB, which is currently the combined size of all required container images.
+* By default, if `download_run_once` is false, kubespray will not retrieve the downloaded images and files from the download delegate node to the local cache, or use that cache to pre-provision those nodes. If you have a full cache with container images and files and you don’t need to download anything, but want to use a cache - set `download_force_cache` to `True`.
+* By default, cached images that are used to pre-provision the remote nodes will be deleted from the remote nodes after use, to save disk space. Setting `download_keep_remote_cache` will prevent the files from being deleted. This can be useful while developing kubespray, as it can decrease provisioning times. As a consequence, the required storage for images on the remote nodes will increase from 150MB to about 550MB, which is currently the combined size of all required container images.
 Container images and binary files are described by the vars like ``foo_version``,
 ``foo_download_url``, ``foo_checksum`` for binaries and ``foo_image_repo``,
diff --git a/roles/download/defaults/main.yml b/roles/download/defaults/main.yml
index 18309b390..a19134b98 100644
--- a/roles/download/defaults/main.yml
+++ b/roles/download/defaults/main.yml
@@ -476,7 +476,13 @@ dashboard_image_repo: "{{ gcr_image_repo }}/google_containers/kubernetes-dashboa
 dashboard_image_tag: "v1.10.1"
 image_pull_command: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker pull"
-image_info_command: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker images -q | xargs {{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker inspect -f \"{{ '{{' }} if .RepoTags {{ '}}' }}{{ '{{' }} (index .RepoTags 0) {{ '}}' }}{{ '{{' }} end {{ '}}' }}{{ '{{' }} if .RepoDigests {{ '}}' }},{{ '{{' }} (index .RepoDigests 0) {{ '}}' }}{{ '{{' }} end {{ '}}' }}\" | tr '\n' ','"
+image_save_command: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker save {{ image_reponame }} | gzip -{{ download_compress }} > {{ image_path_final }}"
+image_load_command: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker load < {{ image_path_final }}"
+image_info_command: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker images -q | xargs {{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker inspect -f \"{{ '{{' }} if .RepoTags {{ '}}' }}{{ '{{' }} (join .RepoTags \\\",\\\") {{ '}}' }}{{ '{{' }} end {{ '}}' }}{{ '{{' }} if .RepoDigests {{ '}}' }},{{ '{{' }} (join .RepoDigests \\\",\\\") {{ '}}' }}{{ '{{' }} end {{ '}}' }}\" | tr '\n' ','"
+image_pull_command_on_localhost: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker pull"
+image_save_command_on_localhost: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker save {{ image_reponame }} | gzip -{{ download_compress }} > {{ image_path_cached }}"
+image_info_command_on_localhost: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker images"
diff --git a/roles/download/tasks/check_pull_required.yml b/roles/download/tasks/check_pull_required.yml
index d5ff60854..9361b87c5 100644
--- a/roles/download/tasks/check_pull_required.yml
+++ b/roles/download/tasks/check_pull_required.yml
@@ -6,19 +6,17 @@
 # nginx:1.15,,,,etc...
 - name: check_pull_required |  Generate a list of information about the images on a node
   shell: "{{ image_info_command }}"
-  delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate if download_run_once else inventory_hostname }}"
   no_log: true
   register: docker_images
   failed_when: false
   changed_when: false
   check_mode: no
-  become: "{{ not download_localhost }}"
   when: not download_always_pull
 - name: check_pull_required | Set pull_required if the desired image is not yet loaded
     pull_required: >-
-      {%- if image_reponame in docker_images.stdout.split(',') %}false{%- else -%}true{%- endif -%}
+      {%- if image_reponame | regex_replace('^docker\.io/(library/)?','') in docker_images.stdout.split(',') %}false{%- else -%}true{%- endif -%}
   when: not download_always_pull
 - name: check_pull_required | Check that the local digest sha256 corresponds to the given image tag
diff --git a/roles/download/tasks/download_container.yml b/roles/download/tasks/download_container.yml
index c3875e99c..2e804d544 100644
--- a/roles/download/tasks/download_container.yml
+++ b/roles/download/tasks/download_container.yml
@@ -1,19 +1,26 @@
-- name: container_download | Make download decision if pull is required by tag or sha256
-  include_tasks: set_docker_image_facts.yml
-  when:
-    - download.enabled
-    - download.container
-  tags:
-    - facts
 - block:
+    - name: set default values for flag variables
+      set_fact:
+        image_is_cached: false
+        image_changed: false
+        pull_required: "{{ download_always_pull }}"
+      tags:
+        - facts
     - name: download_container | Set a few facts
       import_tasks: set_container_facts.yml
-      run_once: "{{ download_run_once }}"
         - facts
+    - name: download_container | Prepare container download
+      include_tasks: check_pull_required.yml
+      when:
+        - not download_always_pull
+    - debug:
+        msg: "Pull {{ image_reponame }} required is: {{ pull_required }}"
     - name: download_container | Determine if image is in cache
         path: "{{ image_path_cached }}"
@@ -27,56 +34,22 @@
     - name: download_container | Set fact indicating if image is in cache
-        image_is_cached: "{{ cache_image.stat.exists | default(false) }}"
+        image_is_cached: "{{ cache_image.stat.exists }}"
         - facts
         - download_force_cache
-    - name: download_container | Upload image to node if it is cached
-      synchronize:
-        src: "{{ image_path_cached }}"
-        dest: "{{ image_path_final }}"
-        use_ssh_args: "{{ has_bastion | default(false) }}"
-        mode: push
-      delegate_facts: no
-      register: upload_image
-      failed_when: not upload_image
-      run_once: "{{ download_run_once }}"
-      until: upload_image is succeeded
-      retries: 4
-      delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}"
+    - name: Stop if image not in cache on ansible host when download_force_cache=true
+      assert:
+        that: not image_is_cached
+        msg: "Image cache file {{ image_path_cached }} not found for {{ image_reponame }} on localhost"
         - download_force_cache
-        - image_is_cached
-        - not download_localhost
-        - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
+        - not download_run_once
-    - name: download_container | Load image into docker
-      shell: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker load < {{ image_path_cached if download_localhost else image_path_final }}"
-      delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate if download_run_once else inventory_hostname }}"
-      run_once: "{{ download_run_once }}"
-      register: container_load_status
-      failed_when: container_load_status is failed
-      become: "{{ user_can_become_root | default(false) or not (download_run_once and download_localhost) }}"
-      when:
-        - download_force_cache
-        - image_is_cached
-        - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
-    - name: download_container | Prepare container download
-      include_tasks: check_pull_required.yml
-      run_once: "{{ download_run_once }}"
-      when:
-        - not download_always_pull
-    - debug:
-        msg: "XXX Pull required is: {{ pull_required }}"
-    # NOTE: Pre-loading docker images will not prevent 'docker pull' from re-downloading the layers in that image
-    # if a pull is forced. This is a known issue with docker. See
     - name: download_container | Download image if required
-      command: "{{ image_pull_command }} {{ image_reponame }}"
+      command: "{{ image_pull_command_on_localhost if download_localhost else image_pull_command }} {{ image_reponame }}"
       delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate if download_run_once else inventory_hostname }}"
       delegate_facts: yes
       run_once: "{{ download_run_once }}"
@@ -86,30 +59,20 @@
       retries: 4
       become: "{{ user_can_become_root | default(false) or not download_localhost }}"
-        - pull_required | default(download_always_pull)
-    # NOTE: image_changed is only valid if a pull is was needed or forced.
-    - name: download_container | Check if image changed
-      set_fact:
-        image_changed: "{{ true if pull_task_result.stdout is defined and not 'up to date' in pull_task_result.stdout else false }}"
-      run_once: true
-      when:
-        - download_force_cache
-      tags:
-        - facts
+        - pull_required
+        - not image_is_cached
     - name: download_container | Save and compress image
-      shell: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker save {{ image_reponame }} | gzip -{{ download_compress }} > {{ image_path_cached if download_localhost else image_path_final }}"
-      delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate if download_run_once else inventory_hostname }}"
+      shell: "{{ image_save_command_on_localhost if download_localhost else image_save_command }}"
+      delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate }}"
       delegate_facts: no
       register: container_save_status
       failed_when: container_save_status.stderr
       run_once: true
       become: "{{ user_can_become_root | default(false) or not download_localhost }}"
-        - download_force_cache
-        - not image_is_cached or (image_changed | default(true))
-        - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
+        - not image_is_cached
+        - download_run_once
     - name: download_container | Copy image to ansible host cache
@@ -117,13 +80,35 @@
         dest: "{{ image_path_cached }}"
         use_ssh_args: "{{ has_bastion | default(false) }}"
         mode: pull
-      delegate_facts: no
-        - download_force_cache
+        - not image_is_cached
+        - download_run_once
         - not download_localhost
         - download_delegate == inventory_hostname
-        - not image_is_cached or (image_changed | default(true))
-        - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
+    - name: download_container | Upload image to node if it is cached
+      synchronize:
+        src: "{{ image_path_cached }}"
+        dest: "{{ image_path_final }}"
+        use_ssh_args: "{{ has_bastion | default(false) }}"
+        mode: push
+      delegate_facts: no
+      register: upload_image
+      failed_when: not upload_image
+      until: upload_image is succeeded
+      retries: 4
+      delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}"
+      when:
+        - pull_required
+        - download_force_cache
+    - name: download_container | Load image into docker
+      shell: "{{ image_load_command }}"
+      register: container_load_status
+      failed_when: container_load_status is failed
+      when:
+        - pull_required
+        - download_force_cache
     - name: download_container | Remove container image from cache
@@ -131,7 +116,5 @@
         path: "{{ image_path_final }}"
         - not download_keep_remote_cache
-        - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
     - download
diff --git a/roles/download/tasks/download_file.yml b/roles/download/tasks/download_file.yml
index cf7319018..86727dafc 100644
--- a/roles/download/tasks/download_file.yml
+++ b/roles/download/tasks/download_file.yml
@@ -28,30 +28,54 @@
     delegate_facts: false
     run_once: true
     become: false
+    when:
+    - download_force_cache
+    - download_localhost
     - localhost
-  - name: download_file | Check if file is available in cache
-    stat:
-      path: "{{ file_path_cached }}"
-    register: cache_file
+  - name: download_file | Create cache directory on download_delegate host
+    file:
+      path: "{{ file_path_cached | dirname }}"
+      state: directory
+      recurse: yes
+    delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate }}"
+    delegate_facts: false
     run_once: true
-    changed_when: false
-    delegate_to: localhost
-    delegate_facts: no
-    become: false
     - download_force_cache
-    tags:
-    - facts
+    - not download_localhost
-  - name: download_file | Set file_is_cached fact based on previous task
-    set_fact:
-      file_is_cached: "{{ cache_file.stat.exists | default(false) }}"
+  # This must always be called, to check if the checksum matches. On no-match the file is re-downloaded.
+  - name: download_file | Download item
+    get_url:
+      url: "{{ download.url }}"
+      dest: "{{ file_path_cached if download_force_cache else download.dest }}"
+      owner: "{{ omit if download_localhost else (download.owner | default(omit)) }}"
+      mode: "{{ omit if download_localhost else (download.mode | default(omit)) }}"
+      checksum: "{{ 'sha256:' + download.sha256 if download.sha256 else omit }}"
+      validate_certs: "{{ download_validate_certs }}"
+      url_username: "{{ download.username | default(omit) }}"
+      url_password: "{{ download.password | default(omit) }}"
+      force_basic_auth: "{{ download.force_basic_auth | default(omit) }}"
+    delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate if download_force_cache else inventory_hostname }}"
+    run_once: "{{ download_force_cache }}"
+    register: get_url_result
+    become: "{{ not download_localhost }}"
+    until: "'OK' in get_url_result.msg or 'file already exists' in get_url_result.msg"
+    retries: 4
+    delay: "{{ retry_stagger | default(5) }}"
+  - name: download_file | Copy file back to ansible host file cache
+    synchronize:
+      src: "{{ file_path_cached }}"
+      dest: "{{ file_path_cached }}"
+      use_ssh_args: "{{ has_bastion | default(false) }}"
+      mode: pull
     - download_force_cache
-    tags:
-    - facts
+    - not download_localhost
+    - download_delegate == inventory_hostname
   - name: download_file | Copy file from cache to nodes, if it is available
@@ -59,64 +83,23 @@
       dest: "{{ download.dest }}"
       use_ssh_args: "{{ has_bastion | default(false) }}"
       mode: push
-    run_once: "{{ download_run_once }}"
     register: get_task
     until: get_task is succeeded
     delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}"
     retries: 4
     - download_force_cache
-    - file_is_cached
-    - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
   - name: download_file | Set mode and owner
       path: "{{ download.dest }}"
       mode: "{{ download.mode | default(omit) }}"
       owner: "{{ download.owner | default(omit) }}"
-    run_once: "{{ download_run_once }}"
     - download_force_cache
-    - file_is_cached
-    - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
-  # This must always be called, to check if the checksum matches. On no-match the file is re-downloaded.
-  - name: download_file | Download item
-    get_url:
-      url: "{{ download.url }}"
-      dest: "{{ file_path_cached if download_localhost else download.dest }}"
-      owner: "{{ omit if download_localhost else (download.owner | default(omit)) }}"
-      mode: "{{ omit if download_localhost else (download.mode | default(omit)) }}"
-      checksum: "{{ 'sha256:' + download.sha256 if download.sha256 or omit }}"
-      validate_certs: "{{ download_validate_certs }}"
-      url_username: "{{ download.username | default(omit) }}"
-      url_password: "{{ download.password | default(omit) }}"
-      force_basic_auth: "{{ download.force_basic_auth | default(omit) }}"
-    delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate if download_run_once else inventory_hostname }}"
-    run_once: "{{ download_run_once }}"
-    register: get_url_result
-    become: "{{ not download_localhost }}"
-    until: "'OK' in get_url_result.msg or 'file already exists' in get_url_result.msg"
-    retries: 4
-    delay: "{{ retry_stagger | default(5) }}"
   - name: "download_file | Extract file archives"
     include_tasks: "extract_file.yml"
-    when:
-    - not download_localhost
-  - name: download_file | Copy file back to ansible host file cache
-    synchronize:
-      src: "{{ download.dest }}"
-      dest: "{{ file_path_cached }}"
-      use_ssh_args: "{{ has_bastion | default(false) }}"
-      mode: pull
-    when:
-    - download_force_cache
-    - not file_is_cached or get_url_result.changed
-    - download_delegate == inventory_hostname
-    - not (download_run_once and download_delegate == 'localhost')
-    - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
   - download
diff --git a/roles/download/tasks/main.yml b/roles/download/tasks/main.yml
index c780ad89b..8f811b02e 100644
--- a/roles/download/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/download/tasks/main.yml
@@ -33,17 +33,3 @@
     - item.value.enabled
     - (not (item.value.container | default(false))) or (item.value.container and download_container)
     - (download_run_once and inventory_hostname == download_delegate) or (group_names | intersect(download.groups) | length)
-- name: download | Sync files / images from ansible host to nodes
-  include_tasks: "{{ include_file }}"
-  with_dict: "{{ downloads | combine(kubeadm_images) }}"
-  vars:
-    download: "{{ download_defaults | combine(item.value) }}"
-    include_file: "sync_{% if download.container %}container{% else %}file{% endif %}.yml"
-  when:
-    - not skip_downloads | default(false)
-    - download.enabled
-    - item.value.enabled
-    - download_run_once
-    - group_names | intersect(download.groups) | length
-    - not (inventory_hostname == download_delegate)
diff --git a/roles/download/tasks/prep_download.yml b/roles/download/tasks/prep_download.yml
index 22a42fb0a..b0d8a2bb1 100644
--- a/roles/download/tasks/prep_download.yml
+++ b/roles/download/tasks/prep_download.yml
@@ -5,42 +5,17 @@
     - facts
-- name: Set image info command for containerd
+- name: prep_download | Set image info command for containerd and crio
     image_info_command: "{{ bin_dir }}/crictl images --verbose | awk -F ': ' '/RepoTags|RepoDigests/ {print $2}' | tr '\n' ','"
-  when: container_manager == 'containerd'
+    image_pull_command: "{{ bin_dir }}/crictl pull"
+  when: container_manager in ['crio' ,'containerd']
-- name: Register docker images info
-  shell: "{{ image_info_command }}"
-  no_log: true
-  register: docker_images
-  failed_when: false
-  changed_when: false
-  check_mode: no
-  when: download_container
-- name: prep_download | Create staging directory on remote node
-  file:
-    path: "{{ local_release_dir }}/images"
-    state: directory
-    recurse: yes
-    mode: 0755
-    owner: "{{ ansible_ssh_user | default(ansible_user_id) }}"
-  when:
-    - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
-- name: prep_download | Create local cache for files and images
-  file:
-    path: "{{ download_cache_dir }}/images"
-    state: directory
-    recurse: yes
-    mode: 0755
-  delegate_to: localhost
-  delegate_facts: no
-  run_once: true
-  become: false
-  tags:
-    - localhost
+- name: prep_download | Set image info command for containerd and crio on localhost
+  set_fact:
+    image_info_command_on_localhost: "{{ bin_dir }}/crictl images --verbose | awk -F ': ' '/RepoTags|RepoDigests/ {print $2}' | tr '\n' ','"
+    image_pull_command_on_localhost: "{{ bin_dir }}/crictl pull"
+  when: container_manager_on_localhost in ['crio' ,'containerd']
 - name: prep_download | On localhost, check if passwordless root is possible
   command: "true"
@@ -57,13 +32,12 @@
     - asserts
 - name: prep_download | On localhost, check if user has access to docker without using sudo
-  shell: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker images"
+  shell: "{{ image_info_command_on_localhost }}"
   delegate_to: localhost
   run_once: true
   register: test_docker
   changed_when: false
   ignore_errors: true
-  become: false
     - download_localhost
@@ -90,3 +64,37 @@
     - localhost
     - asserts
+- name: prep_download | Register docker images info
+  shell: "{{ image_info_command }}"
+  no_log: true
+  register: docker_images
+  failed_when: false
+  changed_when: false
+  check_mode: no
+  when: download_container
+- name: prep_download | Create staging directory on remote node
+  file:
+    path: "{{ local_release_dir }}/images"
+    state: directory
+    recurse: yes
+    mode: 0755
+    owner: "{{ ansible_ssh_user | default(ansible_user_id) }}"
+  when:
+    - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
+- name: prep_download | Create local cache for files and images on control node
+  file:
+    path: "{{ download_cache_dir }}/images"
+    state: directory
+    recurse: yes
+    mode: 0755
+  delegate_to: localhost
+  delegate_facts: no
+  run_once: true
+  become: false
+  when:
+    - download_force_cache
+  tags:
+    - localhost
diff --git a/roles/download/tasks/prep_kubeadm_images.yml b/roles/download/tasks/prep_kubeadm_images.yml
index 6a8d7375b..411ef5b3f 100644
--- a/roles/download/tasks/prep_kubeadm_images.yml
+++ b/roles/download/tasks/prep_kubeadm_images.yml
@@ -7,16 +7,6 @@
     - not skip_downloads | default(false)
     - downloads.kubeadm.enabled
-- name: prep_kubeadm_images | Sync kubeadm binary to nodes
-  include_tasks: "sync_file.yml"
-  vars:
-    download: "{{ download_defaults | combine(downloads.kubeadm) }}"
-  when:
-    - not skip_downloads | default(false)
-    - downloads.kubeadm.enabled
-    - download_run_once
-    - group_names | intersect(download.groups) | length
 - name: prep_kubeadm_images | Create kubeadm config
     src: "kubeadm-images.yaml.j2"
diff --git a/roles/download/tasks/set_container_facts.yml b/roles/download/tasks/set_container_facts.yml
index 3920f13c9..0d37e51c1 100644
--- a/roles/download/tasks/set_container_facts.yml
+++ b/roles/download/tasks/set_container_facts.yml
@@ -21,3 +21,14 @@
     image_path_cached: "{{ download_cache_dir }}/images/{{ image_filename }}"
     image_path_final: "{{ local_release_dir }}/images/{{ image_filename }}"
+- name: Set image save/load command for containerd and crio
+  set_fact:
+    image_save_command: "{{ containerd_bin_dir }}/ctr -n image export {{ image_path_final }} {{ image_reponame }}"
+    image_load_command: "{{ containerd_bin_dir }}/ctr -n image import --base-name {{ download.repo }} {{ image_path_final }}"
+  when: container_manager in ['crio' ,'containerd']
+- name: Set image save/load command for containerd and crio on localhost
+  set_fact:
+    image_save_command_on_localhost: "{{ containerd_bin_dir }}/ctr -n image export {{ image_path_cached }} {{ image_reponame }}"
+  when: container_manager_on_localhost in ['crio' ,'containerd']
diff --git a/roles/download/tasks/set_docker_image_facts.yml b/roles/download/tasks/set_docker_image_facts.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e9ca433b..000000000
--- a/roles/download/tasks/set_docker_image_facts.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-- name: Set if containers should be pulled by digest
-  set_fact:
-    pull_by_digest: >-
-      {%- if download.sha256 is defined and download.sha256 -%}true{%- else -%}false{%- endif -%}
-- name: Set pull_args
-  set_fact:
-    pull_args: >-
-      {%- if pull_by_digest %}{{ download.repo }}@sha256:{{ download.sha256 }}{%- else -%}{{ download.repo }}:{{ download.tag }}{%- endif -%}
-- name: Set image pull command for containerd
-  set_fact:
-    image_pull_command: "{{ bin_dir }}/crictl pull"
-  when: container_manager in ['crio' ,'containerd']
-- name: Register docker images info
-  shell: "{{ image_info_command }}"
-  no_log: true
-  register: docker_images
-  failed_when: false
-  changed_when: false
-  check_mode: no
-  when:
-    - not download_always_pull
-    - group_names | intersect(download.groups) | length
-- name: Set if pull is required per container
-  set_fact:
-    pull_required: >-
-      {%- if pull_args in docker_images.stdout.split(',') %}false{%- else -%}true{%- endif -%}
-  when:
-    - not download_always_pull
-    - group_names | intersect(download.groups) | length
-- name: Does any host require container pull?
-  vars:
-    hosts_pull_required: "{{ hostvars.values() | map(attribute='pull_required') | select('defined') | list }}"
-  set_fact:
-    any_pull_required: "{{ True in hosts_pull_required }}"
-  run_once: true
-  changed_when: false
-  when: not download_always_pull
-- name: Check the local digest sha256 corresponds to the given image tag
-  assert:
-    that: "{{ download.repo }}:{{ download.tag }} in docker_images.stdout.split(',')"
-  when:
-    - group_names | intersect(download.groups) | length
-    - not download_always_pull
-    - not pull_required
-    - pull_by_digest
-  tags:
-    - asserts
diff --git a/roles/download/tasks/sync_container.yml b/roles/download/tasks/sync_container.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a84a9ef27..000000000
--- a/roles/download/tasks/sync_container.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-- block:
-  - name: sync_container | Gather information about the current image (how to download, is it cached etc.)
-    import_tasks: set_container_facts.yml
-    tags:
-    - facts
-  - name: sync_container | Upload container image to node
-    synchronize:
-      src: "{{ image_path_cached }}"
-      dest: "{{ image_path_final }}"
-      use_ssh_args: "{{ has_bastion | default(false) }}"
-      mode: push
-    delegate_facts: no
-    register: get_task
-    become: true
-    until: get_task is succeeded
-    retries: 4
-    delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}"
-    when:
-    - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
-  - name: sync_container | Load container image into docker
-    shell: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker load < {{ image_path_final }}"
-    when:
-    - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
-  - name: sync_container | Remove container image from cache
-    file:
-      state: absent
-      path: "{{ image_path_final }}"
-    when:
-    - not download_keep_remote_cache
-    - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
-  tags:
-  - upload
diff --git a/roles/download/tasks/sync_file.yml b/roles/download/tasks/sync_file.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index acc7ca010..000000000
--- a/roles/download/tasks/sync_file.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-- block:
-  - name: sync_file | Starting file sync of file
-    debug:
-      msg: "Starting file sync of file: {{ download.dest }}"
-  - name: download_file | Set pathname of cached file
-    set_fact:
-      file_path_cached: "{{ download_cache_dir }}/{{ download.dest | basename }}"
-    tags:
-    - facts
-  - name: sync_file | Create dest directory on node
-    file:
-      path: "{{ download.dest | dirname }}"
-      owner: "{{ download.owner | default(omit) }}"
-      mode: 0755
-      state: directory
-      recurse: yes
-  - name: sync_file | Upload file images to node
-    synchronize:
-      src: "{{ file_path_cached }}"
-      dest: "{{ download.dest }}"
-      use_ssh_args: "{{ has_bastion | default(false) }}"
-      mode: push
-    become: true
-    register: get_task
-    until: get_task is succeeded
-    retries: 4
-    delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}"
-    when:
-    - ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
-  - name: sync_file | Set mode and owner
-    file:
-      path: "{{ download.dest }}"
-      mode: "{{ download.mode | default(omit) }}"
-      owner: "{{ download.owner | default(omit) }}"
-  - name: sync_file | Extract file archives
-    include_tasks: "extract_file.yml"
-  tags:
-  - upload
diff --git a/roles/kubernetes/preinstall/tasks/0020-verify-settings.yml b/roles/kubernetes/preinstall/tasks/0020-verify-settings.yml
index 1bc03bcfe..d4e4a147c 100644
--- a/roles/kubernetes/preinstall/tasks/0020-verify-settings.yml
+++ b/roles/kubernetes/preinstall/tasks/0020-verify-settings.yml
@@ -249,3 +249,21 @@
     that: kubeadm_control_plane
     msg: "kubeadm etcd mode requires experimental control plane"
   when: etcd_kubeadm_enabled
+- name: Stop if download_localhost is enabled but download_run_once is not
+  assert:
+    that: download_run_once
+    msg: "download_localhost requires enable download_run_once"
+  when: download_localhost
+- name: Stop if download_localhost is enabled when container_manager not docker
+  assert:
+    that: container_manager == 'docker'
+    msg: "download_run_once support only for docker. See for details"
+  when: download_run_once or download_force_cache
+- name: Stop if download_localhost is enabled for CoreOS or Flatcar
+  assert:
+    that: ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
+    msg: "download_run_once not support for CoreOS or Flatcar"
+  when: download_run_once or download_force_cache
diff --git a/roles/kubespray-defaults/defaults/main.yaml b/roles/kubespray-defaults/defaults/main.yaml
index ab0768bf4..9b196946e 100644
--- a/roles/kubespray-defaults/defaults/main.yaml
+++ b/roles/kubespray-defaults/defaults/main.yaml
@@ -201,6 +201,9 @@ kube_profiling: false
 # Container for runtime
 container_manager: docker
+# Container on localhost (download images when download_localhost is true)
+container_manager_on_localhost: "{{ container_manager }}"
 # CRI socket path
 cri_socket: >-
   {%- if container_manager == 'crio' -%}
diff --git a/scale.yml b/scale.yml
index 27c32e907..0d93e31af 100644
--- a/scale.yml
+++ b/scale.yml
@@ -34,6 +34,14 @@
     - { role: kubespray-defaults}
     - { role: etcd, tags: etcd, etcd_cluster_setup: false }
+- name: Download images to ansible host cache via first kube-master node
+  hosts: kube-master[0]
+  any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+  roles:
+    - { role: kubespray-defaults, when: "not skip_downloads and download_run_once and not download_localhost"}
+    - { role: kubernetes/preinstall, tags: preinstall, when: "not skip_downloads and download_run_once and not download_localhost" }
+    - { role: download, tags: download, when: "not skip_downloads and download_run_once and not download_localhost" }
 - name: Target only workers to get kubelet installed and checking in on any new nodes
   hosts: kube-node
   any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
diff --git a/tests/files/packet_centos7-calico-ha-once-localhost.yml b/tests/files/packet_centos7-calico-ha-once-localhost.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b51556176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/files/packet_centos7-calico-ha-once-localhost.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Instance settings
+cloud_image: centos-7
+mode: ha
+# Kubespray settings
+kube_network_plugin: calico
+download_localhost: true
+download_run_once: true
+deploy_netchecker: true
+dns_min_replicas: 1
+typha_enabled: true
+calico_backend: kdd
+typha_secure: true
diff --git a/tests/files/packet_centos7-calico-ha.yml b/tests/files/packet_centos7-calico-ha.yml
index b51556176..526f12899 100644
--- a/tests/files/packet_centos7-calico-ha.yml
+++ b/tests/files/packet_centos7-calico-ha.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ mode: ha
 # Kubespray settings
 kube_network_plugin: calico
-download_localhost: true
+download_localhost: false
 download_run_once: true
 deploy_netchecker: true
 dns_min_replicas: 1
diff --git a/tests/files/packet_debian9-calico-upgrade-once.yml b/tests/files/packet_debian9-calico-upgrade-once.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0d5a80f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/files/packet_debian9-calico-upgrade-once.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Instance settings
+cloud_image: debian-9
+mode: default
+# Kubespray settings
+kube_network_plugin: calico
+deploy_netchecker: true
+dns_min_replicas: 1
+download_run_once: true
diff --git a/tests/files/packet_ubuntu18-flannel-containerd-once.yml b/tests/files/packet_ubuntu18-flannel-containerd-once.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bfc6fd42c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/files/packet_ubuntu18-flannel-containerd-once.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Instance settings
+cloud_image: ubuntu-1804
+mode: ha
+vm_memory: 1600Mi
+# Kubespray settings
+kubeadm_control_plane: true
+kubeadm_certificate_key: 3998c58db6497dd17d909394e62d515368c06ec617710d02edea31c06d741085
+kube_proxy_mode: iptables
+kube_network_plugin: flannel
+helm_enabled: true
+kubernetes_audit: true
+container_manager: containerd
+etcd_events_cluster_enabled: true
+local_volume_provisioner_enabled: true
+etcd_deployment_type: host
+deploy_netchecker: true
+dns_min_replicas: 1
+kube_encrypt_secret_data: true
+ingress_nginx_enabled: true
+cert_manager_enabled: true
+# Disable as health checks are still unstable and slow to respond.
+metrics_server_enabled: false
+metrics_server_kubelet_insecure_tls: true
+kube_token_auth: true
+kube_basic_auth: true
+enable_nodelocaldns: false
+download_run_once: true
diff --git a/upgrade-cluster.yml b/upgrade-cluster.yml
index c0c256283..04b661461 100644
--- a/upgrade-cluster.yml
+++ b/upgrade-cluster.yml
@@ -30,6 +30,15 @@
     - { role: kubespray-defaults}
     - { role: bootstrap-os, tags: bootstrap-os}
+- name: Download images to ansible host cache via first kube-master node
+  hosts: kube-master[0]
+  any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
+  roles:
+    - { role: kubespray-defaults, when: "not skip_downloads and download_run_once and not download_localhost"}
+    - { role: kubernetes/preinstall, tags: preinstall, when: "not skip_downloads and download_run_once and not download_localhost" }
+    - { role: download, tags: download, when: "not skip_downloads and download_run_once and not download_localhost" }
+  environment: "{{ proxy_env }}"
 - name: Prepare nodes for upgrade
   hosts: k8s-cluster:etcd:calico-rr
   any_errors_fatal: "{{ any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"