diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 50f6e397719288578b0a720c7a3f8b27c8781c57..ab03ca853210f51273dbf68ff75dd91ef6eea470 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Deploy a production ready kubernetes cluster
-If you have questions, join us on the [kubernetes slack](https://slack.k8s.io), channel **#kargo**.
+If you have questions, join us on the [kubernetes slack](https://slack.k8s.io), channel **#kubespray**.
 - Can be deployed on **AWS, GCE, Azure, OpenStack or Baremetal**
 - **High available** cluster
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ If you have questions, join us on the [kubernetes slack](https://slack.k8s.io),
 To deploy the cluster you can use :
-[**kargo-cli**](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo-cli) <br>
+[**kubespray-cli**](https://github.com/kubespray/kubespray-cli) <br>
 **Ansible** usual commands and [**inventory builder**](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/kubespray/blob/master/contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py) <br>
 **vagrant** by simply running `vagrant up` (for tests purposes) <br>
@@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ option to leverage built-in cloud provider networking instead.
 See also [Network checker](docs/netcheck.md).
 ## Community docs and resources
- - [kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/kargo/](https://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/kargo/)
- - [kargo, monitoring and logging](https://github.com/gregbkr/kubernetes-kargo-logging-monitoring) by @gregbkr
+ - [kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/kubespray/](https://kubernetes.io/docs/getting-started-guides/kubespray/)
+ - [kubespray, monitoring and logging](https://github.com/gregbkr/kubernetes-kargo-logging-monitoring) by @gregbkr
  - [Deploy Kubernetes w/ Ansible & Terraform](https://rsmitty.github.io/Terraform-Ansible-Kubernetes/) by @rsmitty
- - [Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster with Kargo (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9q51JgbWu8)
+ - [Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster with Kubespray (video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9q51JgbWu8)
 ## Tools and projects on top of Kubespray
  - [Digital Rebar](https://github.com/digitalrebar/digitalrebar)
- - [Kargo-cli](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo-cli)
+ - [Kubespray-cli](https://github.com/kubespray/kubespray-cli)
  - [Fuel-ccp-installer](https://github.com/openstack/fuel-ccp-installer)
  - [Terraform Contrib](https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/kubespray/tree/master/contrib/terraform)
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ See also [Network checker](docs/netcheck.md).
 ![Gitlab Logo](https://s27.postimg.org/wmtaig1wz/gitlabci.png)
-[![Build graphs](https://gitlab.com/kargo-ci/kubernetes-incubator__kargo/badges/master/build.svg)](https://gitlab.com/kargo-ci/kubernetes-incubator__kargo/pipelines) </br>
+[![Build graphs](https://gitlab.com/kubespray-ci/kubernetes-incubator__kubespray/badges/master/build.svg)](https://gitlab.com/kubespray-ci/kubernetes-incubator__kubespray/pipelines) </br>
 CI/end-to-end tests sponsored by Google (GCE), DigitalOcean, [teuto.net](https://teuto.net/) (openstack).
 See the [test matrix](docs/test_cases.md) for details.
diff --git a/contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py b/contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py
index 7e0a89f09f044a779895b2d757b1fc45733bbcfb..04c71aecc61b15367df72f444b596751b054fe57 100644
--- a/contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py
+++ b/contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ HOST_PREFIX = os.environ.get("HOST_PREFIX", "node")
 # Configurable as shell vars end
-class KargoInventory(object):
+class KubesprayInventory(object):
     def __init__(self, changed_hosts=None, config_file=None):
         self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True,
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ MASSIVE_SCALE_THRESHOLD Separate K8s master and ETCD if # of nodes >= 200
 def main(argv=None):
     if not argv:
         argv = sys.argv[1:]
-    KargoInventory(argv, CONFIG_FILE)
+    KubesprayInventory(argv, CONFIG_FILE)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/contrib/inventory_builder/setup.cfg b/contrib/inventory_builder/setup.cfg
index a099273053501040f974cc817015dfaa818cc94b..a775367e2005ceaefb8eb30e6b655deea26d9bc1 100644
--- a/contrib/inventory_builder/setup.cfg
+++ b/contrib/inventory_builder/setup.cfg
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-name = kargo-inventory-builder
+name = kubespray-inventory-builder
 version = 0.1
diff --git a/contrib/inventory_builder/tests/test_inventory.py b/contrib/inventory_builder/tests/test_inventory.py
index ad393079d91989c4798ad63b224af703ae663635..43f6b2bb6cffcf2f6ffa613ae75b65cdd548bb54 100644
--- a/contrib/inventory_builder/tests/test_inventory.py
+++ b/contrib/inventory_builder/tests/test_inventory.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class TestInventory(unittest.TestCase):
         sys_mock.exit = mock.Mock()
         super(TestInventory, self).setUp()
         self.data = ['', '', '']
-        self.inv = inventory.KargoInventory()
+        self.inv = inventory.KubesprayInventory()
     def test_get_ip_from_opts(self):
         optstring = "ansible_host= ip="
diff --git a/contrib/kvm-setup/README.md b/contrib/kvm-setup/README.md
index 61e6265900a7e0024257fe02a5c8f60c8934f0ca..b77299a7892efa0cb0a9db2cf83296b7e81fa0fc 100644
--- a/contrib/kvm-setup/README.md
+++ b/contrib/kvm-setup/README.md
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-# Kargo on KVM Virtual Machines hypervisor preparation
+# Kubespray on KVM Virtual Machines hypervisor preparation
-A simple playbook to ensure your system has the right settings to enable Kargo
+A simple playbook to ensure your system has the right settings to enable Kubespray
 deployment on VMs.
-This playbook does not create Virtual Machines, nor does it run Kargo itself.
+This playbook does not create Virtual Machines, nor does it run Kubespray itself.
 ### User creation
-If you want to create a user for running Kargo deployment, you should specify
+If you want to create a user for running Kubespray deployment, you should specify
 both `k8s_deployment_user` and `k8s_deployment_user_pkey_path`.
diff --git a/contrib/kvm-setup/group_vars/all b/contrib/kvm-setup/group_vars/all
index d08c2c3d3fb3efadc9ec5359dac6e1f1a624b6e8..6edfd8fd146115ad74ff107cc1d1d0938f3c10a6 100644
--- a/contrib/kvm-setup/group_vars/all
+++ b/contrib/kvm-setup/group_vars/all
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-#k8s_deployment_user: kargo
+#k8s_deployment_user: kubespray
 #k8s_deployment_user_pkey_path: /tmp/ssh_rsa
diff --git a/contrib/kvm-setup/roles/kvm-setup/tasks/sysctl.yml b/contrib/kvm-setup/roles/kvm-setup/tasks/sysctl.yml
index 11f464bdfd23445d188709f6ba2fda7f17067e47..5417708aca6bc1f77564346dde9f4503f50dd887 100644
--- a/contrib/kvm-setup/roles/kvm-setup/tasks/sysctl.yml
+++ b/contrib/kvm-setup/roles/kvm-setup/tasks/sysctl.yml
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
     line: 'br_netfilter'
   when: br_netfilter is defined and ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
-- name: Add br_netfilter into /etc/modules-load.d/kargo.conf
+- name: Add br_netfilter into /etc/modules-load.d/kubespray.conf
-    dest: /etc/modules-load.d/kargo.conf
+    dest: /etc/modules-load.d/kubespray.conf
     content: |-
       ### This file is managed by Ansible
diff --git a/docs/cloud.md b/docs/cloud.md
index f0db21c70a0f5a4afa16de9a9486aa2ca5670c96..7d966bafa9b4ff5ecd4798dbcedcd99a81e9eaf4 100644
--- a/docs/cloud.md
+++ b/docs/cloud.md
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ Cloud providers
 #### Provisioning
-You can use kargo-cli to start new instances on cloud providers
+You can use kubespray-cli to start new instances on cloud providers
 here's an example
-kargo [aws|gce] --nodes 2 --etcd 3 --cluster-name test-smana
+kubespray [aws|gce] --nodes 2 --etcd 3 --cluster-name test-smana
 #### Deploy kubernetes
-With kargo-cli
+With kubespray-cli
-kargo deploy [--aws|--gce] -u admin
+kubespray deploy [--aws|--gce] -u admin
 Or ansible-playbook command
diff --git a/docs/coreos.md b/docs/coreos.md
index 546ad0e89137cd52f2283d4a80523427e1f350b2..e8db71b2c3abf2e6fbf03e606275a46e363219cc 100644
--- a/docs/coreos.md
+++ b/docs/coreos.md
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 CoreOS bootstrap
-Example with **kargo-cli**:
+Example with **kubespray-cli**:
-kargo deploy --gce --coreos
+kubespray deploy --gce --coreos
 Or with Ansible:
diff --git a/docs/getting-started.md b/docs/getting-started.md
index 167dcaea271fb4d17ebc6680c66b40b4fb60859e..25bcbfaad87f8037bf7d7a50997d0307ab7fd5bb 100644
--- a/docs/getting-started.md
+++ b/docs/getting-started.md
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 Getting started
-The easiest way to run the deployement is to use the **kargo-cli** tool.
-A complete documentation can be found in its [github repository](https://github.com/kubespray/kargo-cli).
+The easiest way to run the deployement is to use the **kubespray-cli** tool.
+A complete documentation can be found in its [github repository](https://github.com/kubespray/kubespray-cli).
 Here is a simple example on AWS:
 * Create instances and generate the inventory
-kargo aws --instances 3
+kubespray aws --instances 3
 * Run the deployment
-kargo deploy --aws -u centos -n calico
+kubespray deploy --aws -u centos -n calico
 Building your own inventory
diff --git a/docs/roadmap.md b/docs/roadmap.md
index fb038ae1fb6e9947fe868828cb287e991d94c110..9b23ffc1c4bed701ecedd6b06fabb18593d7bed6 100644
--- a/docs/roadmap.md
+++ b/docs/roadmap.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ That would probably improve deployment speed and certs management [#553](https:/
 ### Self deployment (pull-mode) [#320](https://github.com/kubespray/kubespray/issues/320)
 - the playbook would install and configure docker/rkt and the etcd cluster
 - the following data would be inserted into etcd: certs,tokens,users,inventory,group_vars.
-- a "kubespray" container would be deployed (kargo-cli, ansible-playbook, kpm)
+- a "kubespray" container would be deployed (kubespray-cli, ansible-playbook, kpm)
 - to be discussed, a way to provide the inventory
 - **self deployment** of the node from inside a container [#321](https://github.com/kubespray/kubespray/issues/321)
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ That would probably improve deployment speed and certs management [#553](https:/
 - (to be discussed) option to set a loadbalancer for the apiservers like ucarp/packemaker/keepalived
 While waiting for the issue [kubernetes/kubernetes#18174](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/18174) to be fixed.
-### Kargo-cli
+### Kubespray-cli
 - Delete instances
-- `kargo vagrant` to setup a test cluster locally
-- `kargo azure` for Microsoft Azure support
+- `kubespray vagrant` to setup a test cluster locally
+- `kubespray azure` for Microsoft Azure support
 - switch to Terraform instead of Ansible for provisionning
 - update $HOME/.kube/config when a cluster is deployed. Optionally switch to this context