--- ## Required for bootstrap-os/preinstall/download roles and setting facts # Valid bootstrap options (required): ubuntu, coreos, centos, none bootstrap_os: none kube_api_anonymous_auth: false # Default value, but will be set to true automatically if detected is_atomic: false ## Change this to use another Kubernetes version, e.g. a current beta release kube_version: v1.6.7 # Set to true to allow pre-checks to fail and continue deployment ignore_assert_errors: false # Directory where the binaries will be installed bin_dir: /usr/local/bin docker_bin_dir: /usr/bin etcd_data_dir: /var/lib/etcd # Where the binaries will be downloaded. # Note: ensure that you've enough disk space (about 1G) local_release_dir: "/tmp/releases" # Random shifts for retrying failed ops like pushing/downloading retry_stagger: 5 # DNS configuration. # Kubernetes cluster name, also will be used as DNS domain cluster_name: cluster.local # Subdomains of DNS domain to be resolved via /etc/resolv.conf for hostnet pods ndots: 2 # Can be dnsmasq_kubedns, kubedns or none dns_mode: kubedns # Can be docker_dns, host_resolvconf or none resolvconf_mode: docker_dns # Deploy netchecker app to verify DNS resolve as an HTTP service deploy_netchecker: false # Ip address of the kubernetes skydns service skydns_server: "{{ kube_service_addresses|ipaddr('net')|ipaddr(3)|ipaddr('address') }}" dnsmasq_dns_server: "{{ kube_service_addresses|ipaddr('net')|ipaddr(2)|ipaddr('address') }}" dns_domain: "{{ cluster_name }}" # Kubernetes configuration dirs and system namespace. # Those are where all the additional config stuff goes # the kubernetes normally puts in /srv/kubernets. # This puts them in a sane location and namespace. # Editting those values will almost surely break something. kube_config_dir: /etc/kubernetes kube_script_dir: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubernetes-scripts" kube_manifest_dir: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/manifests" system_namespace: kube-system # This is where all the cert scripts and certs will be located kube_cert_dir: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/ssl" # This is where all of the bearer tokens will be stored kube_token_dir: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/tokens" # This is where to save basic auth file kube_users_dir: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/users" # This is the group that the cert creation scripts chgrp the # cert files to. Not really changable... kube_cert_group: kube-cert # Cluster Loglevel configuration kube_log_level: 2 # Users to create for basic auth in Kubernetes API via HTTP kube_api_pwd: "changeme" kube_users: kube: pass: "{{kube_api_pwd}}" role: admin # Choose network plugin (calico, weave or flannel) # Can also be set to 'cloud', which lets the cloud provider setup appropriate routing kube_network_plugin: calico # Determines if calico-rr group exists peer_with_calico_rr: "{{ 'calico-rr' in groups and groups['calico-rr']|length > 0 }}" # Kubernetes internal network for services, unused block of space. kube_service_addresses: # internal network. When used, it will assign IP # addresses from this range to individual pods. # This network must be unused in your network infrastructure! kube_pods_subnet: # internal network node size allocation (optional). This is the size allocated # to each node on your network. With these defaults you should have # room for 4096 nodes with 254 pods per node. kube_network_node_prefix: 24 # The port the API Server will be listening on. kube_apiserver_ip: "{{ kube_service_addresses|ipaddr('net')|ipaddr(1)|ipaddr('address') }}" # https kube_apiserver_port: 6443 # http kube_apiserver_insecure_bind_address: kube_apiserver_insecure_port: 8080 # Path used to store Docker data docker_daemon_graph: "/var/lib/docker" # Docker log options # Rotate container stderr/stdout logs at 50m and keep last 5 docker_log_opts: "--log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=5" ## A string of extra options to pass to the docker daemon. ## This string should be exactly as you wish it to appear. ## An obvious use case is allowing insecure-registry access ## to self hosted registries like so: docker_options: "--insecure-registry={{ kube_service_addresses }} --graph={{ docker_daemon_graph }} {{ docker_log_opts }}" # Settings for containerized control plane (etcd/kubelet/secrets) etcd_deployment_type: docker kubelet_deployment_type: docker cert_management: script vault_deployment_type: docker # Enable kubeadm deployment (experimental) kubeadm_enabled: false kubeadm_token: "abcdef.0123456789abcdef" # Make a copy of kubeconfig on the host that runs Ansible in GITDIR/artifacts kubeconfig_localhost: false # Download kubectl onto the host that runs Ansible in GITDIR/artifacts kubectl_localhost: false # K8s image pull policy (imagePullPolicy) k8s_image_pull_policy: IfNotPresent efk_enabled: false enable_network_policy: false ## When OpenStack is used, Cinder version can be explicitly specified if autodetection fails (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/50461) # openstack_blockstorage_version: "v1/v2/auto (default)" ## When OpenStack is used, if LBaaSv2 is available you can enable it with the following variables. openstack_lbaas_enabled: false # openstack_lbaas_subnet_id: "Neutron subnet ID (not network ID) to create LBaaS VIP" # openstack_lbaas_floating_network_id: "Neutron network ID (not subnet ID) to get floating IP from, disabled by default" # openstack_lbaas_create_monitor: "yes" # openstack_lbaas_monitor_delay: false # openstack_lbaas_monitor_timeout: false # openstack_lbaas_monitor_max_retries: false ## List of authorization modes that must be configured for ## the k8s cluster. Only 'AlwaysAllow', 'AlwaysDeny', 'Node' and ## 'RBAC' modes are tested. authorization_modes: ['RBAC', 'Node'] rbac_enabled: "{{ 'RBAC' in authorization_modes or kubeadm_enabled }}" ## List of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for ## the k8s cluster. kube_feature_gates: ['Initializers=true'] # Vault data dirs. vault_base_dir: /etc/vault vault_cert_dir: "{{ vault_base_dir }}/ssl" vault_config_dir: "{{ vault_base_dir }}/config" vault_roles_dir: "{{ vault_base_dir }}/roles" vault_secrets_dir: "{{ vault_base_dir }}/secrets" ## Set no_proxy to all assigned cluster IPs and hostnames no_proxy: >- localhost {% if loadbalancer_apiserver is defined %} {{ apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name| default('') }} {{ loadbalancer_apiserver.address | default('') }} {% endif %} {% for item in (groups['k8s-cluster'] + groups['etcd'] + groups['calico-rr']|default([]))|unique -%} {{ hostvars[item]['access_ip'] | default(hostvars[item]['ip'] | default(hostvars[item]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'])) }} {% if (item != hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname']) %} {{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname'] }} {{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname'] }}.{{ dns_domain }} {% endif %} {{ item }} {{ item }}.{{ dns_domain }} {% endfor %} proxy_env: http_proxy: "{{ http_proxy| default ('') }}" https_proxy: "{{ https_proxy| default ('') }}" no_proxy: "{{ no_proxy }}" # Vars for pointing to kubernetes api endpoints is_kube_master: "{{ inventory_hostname in groups['kube-master'] }}" kube_apiserver_count: "{{ groups['kube-master'] | length }}" kube_apiserver_address: "{{ ip | default(ansible_default_ipv4['address']) }}" kube_apiserver_access_address: "{{ access_ip | default(kube_apiserver_address) }}" first_kube_master: "{{ hostvars[groups['kube-master'][0]]['access_ip'] | default(hostvars[groups['kube-master'][0]]['ip'] | default(hostvars[groups['kube-master'][0]]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'])) }}" loadbalancer_apiserver_localhost: "{{ loadbalancer_apiserver is not defined }}" kube_apiserver_endpoint: |- {% if not is_kube_master and loadbalancer_apiserver_localhost|default(true) -%} https://localhost:{{ nginx_kube_apiserver_port|default(kube_apiserver_port) }} {%- elif is_kube_master -%}{{ kube_apiserver_port }} {%- else -%} {%- if loadbalancer_apiserver is defined and loadbalancer_apiserver.port is defined -%} https://{{ apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name|default('lb-apiserver.kubernetes.local') }}:{{ loadbalancer_apiserver.port|default(kube_apiserver_port) }} {%- else -%} https://{{ first_kube_master }}:{{ kube_apiserver_port }} {%- endif -%} {%- endif %} kube_apiserver_insecure_endpoint: >- http://{{ kube_apiserver_insecure_bind_address | regex_replace('0\.0\.0\.0','') }}:{{ kube_apiserver_insecure_port }} # Vars for pointing to etcd endpoints is_etcd_master: "{{ inventory_hostname in groups['etcd'] }}" etcd_address: "{{ ip | default(ansible_default_ipv4['address']) }}" etcd_access_address: "{{ access_ip | default(etcd_address) }}" etcd_peer_url: "https://{{ etcd_access_address }}:2380" etcd_client_url: "https://{{ etcd_access_address }}:2379" etcd_access_addresses: |- {% for item in groups['etcd'] -%} https://{{ hostvars[item]['access_ip'] | default(hostvars[item]['ip'] | default(hostvars[item]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'])) }}:2379{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {%- endfor %} etcd_member_name: |- {% for host in groups['etcd'] %} {% if inventory_hostname == host %}{{"etcd"+loop.index|string }}{% endif %} {% endfor %} etcd_peer_addresses: |- {% for item in groups['etcd'] -%} {{ "etcd"+loop.index|string }}=https://{{ hostvars[item].access_ip | default(hostvars[item].ip | default(hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4['address'])) }}:2380{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %} {%- endfor %}