--- - name: Test for Raspbian stat: path: /boot/cmdline.txt register: cmdline - name: Activating cgroup on Raspbian lineinfile: path: /boot/cmdline.txt regexp: '^(.*rootwait)$' line: '\1 cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory' backrefs: true when: - cmdline.stat.path is defined - ansible_facts.architecture is search("arm") register: boot_cmdline - name: Flush iptables before changing iptables-legacy shell: cmd: 'iptables -F' register: flush_iptables changed_when: - flush_iptables.rc == 0 and flush_iptables.stdout_lines.count == 0 when: - ansible_facts.distribution_release is search("buster") - name: Changing to iptables-legacy for Raspbian Buster alternatives: path: /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy name: iptables register: ip6_legacy when: - ansible_facts.distribution_release is search("buster") - name: Changing to ip6tables-legacy for Raspbian Buster alternatives: path: /usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy name: ip6tables register: ip4_legacy when: - ansible_facts.distribution_release is search("buster") - name: Rebooting on Raspbian reboot: when: - boot_cmdline is changed - ansible_facts.architecture is search("arm") - ip6_legacy is changed - ip4_legacy is changed