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  • Thomas Woerner's avatar
    library/ New module for ipa discovery · 07a15c56
    Thomas Woerner authored
    The module is doing the same discovery that ipa-client-install is doing
    internally. The results are saved into a structure named ipadiscovery for
    the ansible module.
    The discovery module is needed to be able to not depend on the definition
    of the ipaservers group for example to get otp passwords, to be able to
    join and to configure sssd and other services corretly.
    library/ New module for ipa discovery
    Thomas Woerner authored
    The module is doing the same discovery that ipa-client-install is doing
    internally. The results are saved into a structure named ipadiscovery for
    the ansible module.
    The discovery module is needed to be able to not depend on the definition
    of the ipaservers group for example to get otp passwords, to be able to
    join and to configure sssd and other services corretly.