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  • Thomas Woerner's avatar
    library/ipadiscovery: Add time synchronization calls · d009b806
    Thomas Woerner authored
    Attempt to sync time if on_master is not set and no_ntp is not set: At
    first with given or dicovered time servers. If no ntp servers have been
    given or discovered, then with the ipa server.
    New parameters:
        description: IPA client installation on IPA server
        required: false
        default: false
        type: bool
        default: no
        description: List of NTP servers to use
        required: false
        type: list
        default: []
        description: Do not sync time and do not detect time servers
        required: false
        default: false
        type: bool
        default: no
    The ntp_servers output parameter is now always an empty list if on_master
    or no_ntp is set.
    library/ipadiscovery: Add time synchronization calls
    Thomas Woerner authored
    Attempt to sync time if on_master is not set and no_ntp is not set: At
    first with given or dicovered time servers. If no ntp servers have been
    given or discovered, then with the ipa server.
    New parameters:
        description: IPA client installation on IPA server
        required: false
        default: false
        type: bool
        default: no
        description: List of NTP servers to use
        required: false
        type: list
        default: []
        description: Do not sync time and do not detect time servers
        required: false
        default: false
        type: bool
        default: no
    The ntp_servers output parameter is now always an empty list if on_master
    or no_ntp is set.