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  • Thomas Woerner's avatar
    ipareplica: Fix DNS setup issues · 44ce7263
    Thomas Woerner authored
    The configuration of DNS failed because of missing DNS settings in the
    ipareplica_prepare and ipareplica_setup_dns.
    Some fixed settings for use with DNSInstallInterface have been added
    to ansible_ipa_replica:
    options.dnssec_master = False
    options.disable_dnssec_master = False
    options.kasp_db_file = None
    options.force = False
    Fixes: #58 (install-replica fails: reverse_zones seems to be empty)
    Fixes: #63 (ipareplica_setup_dns fails)
    ipareplica: Fix DNS setup issues
    Thomas Woerner authored
    The configuration of DNS failed because of missing DNS settings in the
    ipareplica_prepare and ipareplica_setup_dns.
    Some fixed settings for use with DNSInstallInterface have been added
    to ansible_ipa_replica:
    options.dnssec_master = False
    options.disable_dnssec_master = False
    options.kasp_db_file = None
    options.force = False
    Fixes: #58 (install-replica fails: reverse_zones seems to be empty)
    Fixes: #63 (ipareplica_setup_dns fails)