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  • Florence Blanc-Renaud's avatar
    Fix otp + force-join usecase · 92d73ae2
    Florence Blanc-Renaud authored
    When the client already has a working keytab, use_otp is disabled. This creates
    an issue when ipaclient_force_join is set, because the join module is called
    with ipaadmin_principal and ipaadmin_password, but these variables may be
    undefined if ipaadmin_keytab is used instead.
    We should not disable OTP when force-join is specified.
    Fix otp + force-join usecase
    Florence Blanc-Renaud authored
    When the client already has a working keytab, use_otp is disabled. This creates
    an issue when ipaclient_force_join is set, because the join module is called
    with ipaadmin_principal and ipaadmin_password, but these variables may be
    undefined if ipaadmin_keytab is used instead.
    We should not disable OTP when force-join is specified.