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  • Thomas Woerner's avatar
    ipaclient: No kinit on controller for deployment using OTP · 624e0d34
    Thomas Woerner authored
    The generation of the OTP for client deployment is now completely
    happening on the first of the given or detected servers with delegate_to.
    The module ipaclient_get_otp has been replaced by a new module using code
    from ipahost module and module_utils ansible_freeipa_module.
    The action plugin ipaclient_get_otp has been removed and with this also
    If an admin keytab is used instead of an admin password, it is copied to
    the server as a temporary file to enable the OTP generation. The temporary
    file is removed again after using the ipaclient_get_otp module.
    The utils script has been updated to not copy the
    ipaclient action plugin to the global plugins folder of the collection.
    This change is import for the use of the ipaclient role with AAP as only
    the base environment is sufficient now.
    The ipaclient README and also the global README have been updated as
    kinit is not needed anymore on the controller for OTP.
    Fixes #903 (Allow the use of principals other than admin when using