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  • Thomas Woerner's avatar
    ipaclient_setup_ssh: Keep no_ for prefix for settings, use ssh_trust_dns · d0ba5315
    Thomas Woerner authored
    The no_ prefix for the ssh and sshd settings has been added back. The
    naming of the settings should be the same all over the ipcalient role.
    The exception is sssd here as it has been deprected and is used from
    The name for the setting ssh_trust_dns has been fixed to the command line
    option name and not the internl optinos name.
    ipaclient_setup_ssh: Keep no_ for prefix for settings, use ssh_trust_dns
    Thomas Woerner authored
    The no_ prefix for the ssh and sshd settings has been added back. The
    naming of the settings should be the same all over the ipcalient role.
    The exception is sssd here as it has been deprected and is used from
    The name for the setting ssh_trust_dns has been fixed to the command line
    option name and not the internl optinos name.