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  • Thomas Woerner's avatar
    ipaclient: Fix OTP action plugin to work with python3 bindings · 1ed9379c
    Thomas Woerner authored
    As the action plugin is used with the default python interpreter and
    the change to python3 for FreeIPA, the use of OTP was not working anymore.
    The ansible_python_interpreter is not automatically used for the module
    part of the action plugin. Therefore ansible_python_interpreter needed to
    be added to the action plugin call as a new var to make sure that the
    module part is used with the proper python version.
    Also a new import for the Python2/3 import test has been added to discover
    of the server is supporting python2 or python3. The old
    ansible_python_interpreter setting is saved before doing this and restored
    after the one-time password has been generated on the server.
    ipaclient: Fix OTP action plugin to work with python3 bindings
    Thomas Woerner authored
    As the action plugin is used with the default python interpreter and
    the change to python3 for FreeIPA, the use of OTP was not working anymore.
    The ansible_python_interpreter is not automatically used for the module
    part of the action plugin. Therefore ansible_python_interpreter needed to
    be added to the action plugin call as a new var to make sure that the
    module part is used with the proper python version.
    Also a new import for the Python2/3 import test has been added to discover
    of the server is supporting python2 or python3. The old
    ansible_python_interpreter setting is saved before doing this and restored
    after the one-time password has been generated on the server.