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  • Thomas Woerner's avatar
    library/ Compatibilty to ipa 4.4 and later, new version check · 218d77e9
    Thomas Woerner authored
    For ipa versions prior to 4.5 it is needed to use ipa-client-install script
    as a source for functions. But the script contains a global finally clause
    in which the generated ccache file gets removed. Threfore the script is
    temporarily copied to and the global finally clause
    gets removed from the copy. All this is done in a temporary directory, which
    gets removed right after the import has been done.
    A Object called options is generated as ipa-client-install and also
    ipaclient/install/ functions are using this object.
    inspect.argspec is used on configure_krb5_conf to find out if the function
    requires configure_sssd as an optional argument or in the options object.
    library/ Compatibilty to ipa 4.4 and later, new version check
    Thomas Woerner authored
    For ipa versions prior to 4.5 it is needed to use ipa-client-install script
    as a source for functions. But the script contains a global finally clause
    in which the generated ccache file gets removed. Threfore the script is
    temporarily copied to and the global finally clause
    gets removed from the copy. All this is done in a temporary directory, which
    gets removed right after the import has been done.
    A Object called options is generated as ipa-client-install and also
    ipaclient/install/ functions are using this object.
    inspect.argspec is used on configure_krb5_conf to find out if the function
    requires configure_sssd as an optional argument or in the options object.