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Commit 3c50a812 authored by Thomas Woerner's avatar Thomas Woerner
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ipa* deployment roles: Hotfix for dns_over_tls (Freeipa#7343)

This is a hotfix to allow deployments of clients, replicas and servers
with the dns_over_tls PR for freeipa:

ipaclient: client.update_ssh_keys has changed parameters,
options.dns_over_tls needs to be set for ipaclient_setup_nss.

ipareplica, ipaserver: Set new parameters globally in module_utils so
far: options.dns_over_tls, options.dns_over_tls_key, options.dns_over_tls_cert,
options.dot_forwarders and options.dns_policy.

The enablement for DNS over TLS for the deployment roles will be done later on.
parent e8688d4c
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