Weave be use with [**consensus**]( mode (default mode) and [**seed**]( mode
In kubespray, Weave encryption for all communication is supported
* For use Weave encryption, it's necessary to specify password (if no password specify, no encrytion)
# In file ./inventory/group_vars/k8s-cluster.yml
weave_password: EnterPasswordHere
This password is use in environment variable in weave container. So it's impossible to see it somewhere
* Check parameters of weave
# On node
ps -aux | grep weaver
the seed mode allows multi clouds simultaneously and also hybrid on premise/cloud clusters
# In file ./inventory/group_vars/k8s-cluster.yml
weave_mode_seed: true
This two variables are use to have automaticaly dynamic cluster (**/!\ do not manually change these values**)
# In file ./inventory/group_vars/k8s-cluster.yml
weave_seed: uninitialized
weave_peers: uninitialized
The first variable, `weave_seed`, allows to save the first or firsts nodes of the weave network
The seconde variable, `weave_peers`, allows to save IP of all nodes of the weave network
these two variables allows to connecte a new node to the weave network. this new node need to know the first node (seed) and list of IP to all node of network