The **** is wrap script with configured access credentials for command calicoctl allows to check the status of the network workloads. node status
* Show the configured network subnet for containers get ippool -o wide
* Show the workloads (ip addresses of containers and their location) get workloadEndpoint -o wide get hostEndpoint -o wide
### Optional : Define datastore type
The default datastore, Kubernetes API datastore is recommended for on-premises deployments, and supports only Kubernetes workloads; etcd is the best datastore for hybrid deployments.
Allowed values are `kdd` (default) and `etcd`.
Note: using kdd and more than 50 nodes, consider using the `typha` daemon to provide scaling.
To re-define you need to edit the inventory and add a group variable `calico_datastore`
calico_datastore: kdd
In some cases you may want to define Calico network backend. Allowed values are `bird`, `vxlan` or `none`. Bird is a default value.
To re-define you need to edit the inventory and add a group variable `calico_network_backend`
calico_network_backend: none
### Optional : Define the default pool CIDRs
Erwan Miran
By default, `kube_pods_subnet` is used as the IP range CIDR for the default IP Pool, and `kube_pods_subnet_ipv6` for IPv6.
In some cases you may want to add several pools and not have them considered by Kubernetes as external (which means that they must be within or equal to the range defined in `kube_pods_subnet` and `kube_pods_subnet_ipv6` ), it starts with the default IP Pools of which IP range CIDRs can by defined in group_vars (k8s_cluster/k8s-net-calico.yml):
Erwan Miran
Erwan Miran
calico_pool_cidr_ipv6: fd85:ee78:d8a6:8607::1:0000/112
Erwan Miran
In some cases you may want to route the pods subnet and so NAT is not needed on the nodes.
For instance if you have a cluster spread on different locations and you want your pods to talk each other no matter where they are located.
The following variables need to be set:
`peer_with_router` to enable the peering with the datacenter's border router (default value: false).
you'll need to edit the inventory and add a hostvar `local_as` by node.
node1 ansible_ssh_host= local_as=xxxxxx
Peers can be defined using the `peers` variable (see docs/calico_peer_example examples).
In order to define global peers, the `peers` variable can be defined in group_vars with the "scope" attribute of each global peer set to "global".
In order to define peers on a per node basis, the `peers` variable must be defined in hostvars.
NB: Ansible's `hash_behaviour` is by default set to "replace", thus defining both global and per node peers would end up with having only per node peers. If having both global and per node peers defined was meant to happen, global peers would have to be defined in hostvars for each host (as well as per node peers)
Erwan Miran
Since calico 3.4, Calico supports advertising Kubernetes service cluster IPs over BGP, just as it advertises pod IPs.
This can be enabled by setting the following variable as follow in group_vars (k8s_cluster/k8s-net-calico.yml)
Erwan Miran
calico_advertise_cluster_ips: true
Since calico 3.10, Calico supports advertising Kubernetes service ExternalIPs over BGP in addition to cluster IPs advertising.
This can be enabled by setting the following variable in group_vars (k8s_cluster/k8s-net-calico.yml)
- x.x.x.x/24
- y.y.y.y/32
Optional parameter `global_as_num` defines Calico global AS number (`/calico/bgp/v1/global/as_num` etcd key).
It defaults to "64512".
At large scale you may want to disable full node-to-node mesh in order to
optimize your BGP topology and improve `calico-node` containers' start times.
To do so you can deploy BGP route reflectors and peer `calico-node` with them as
recommended here:
* <>
* <>
You need to edit your inventory and add:
* `calico_rr` group with nodes in it. `calico_rr` can be combined with
`kube_node` and/or `kube_control_plane`. `calico_rr` group also must be a child
group of `k8s_cluster` group.
* `cluster_id` by route reflector node/group (see details
Here's an example of Kubespray inventory with standalone route reflectors:
rr0 ansible_ssh_host= ip=
rr1 ansible_ssh_host= ip=
node2 ansible_ssh_host= ip=
node3 ansible_ssh_host= ip=
node4 ansible_ssh_host= ip=
node5 ansible_ssh_host= ip=
The inventory above will deploy the following topology assuming that calico's
`global_as_num` is set to `65400`:

### Optional : Define default endpoint to host action
By default Calico blocks traffic from endpoints to the host itself by using an iptables DROP action. When using it in kubernetes the action has to be changed to RETURN (default in kubespray) or ACCEPT (see <> and <> Otherwise all network packets from pods (with hostNetwork=False) to services endpoints (with hostNetwork=True) within the same node are dropped.
To re-define default action please set the following variable in your inventory:
calico_endpoint_to_host_action: "ACCEPT"
### Optional : Define address on which Felix will respond to health requests
Since Calico 3.2.0, HealthCheck default behavior changed from listening on all interfaces to just listening on localhost.
To re-define health host please set the following variable in your inventory:
calico_healthhost: ""
### Optional : Configure Calico Node probe timeouts
Under certain conditions a deployer may need to tune the Calico liveness and readiness probes timeout settings. These can be configured like this:
calico_node_livenessprobe_timeout: 10
calico_node_readinessprobe_timeout: 10
## Config encapsulation for cross server traffic
Calico supports two types of encapsulation: [VXLAN and IP in IP]( VXLAN is supported in some environments where IP in IP is not (for example, Azure).
*IP in IP* and *VXLAN* is mutualy exclusive modes.
Configure Ip in Ip mode. Possible values is `Always`, `CrossSubnet`, `Never`.
calico_ipip_mode: 'Always'
Configure VXLAN mode. Possible values is `Always`, `CrossSubnet`, `Never`.
calico_vxlan_mode: 'Never'
If you use VXLAN mode, BGP networking is not required. You can disable BGP to reduce the moving parts in your cluster by `calico_network_backend: vxlan`
## Configuring interface MTU
This is an advanced topic and should usually not be modified unless you know exactly what you are doing. Calico is smart enough to deal with the defaults and calculate the proper MTU. If you do need to set up a custom MTU you can change `calico_veth_mtu` as follows:
* If Wireguard is enabled, subtract 60 from your network MTU (i.e. 1500-60=1440)
* If using VXLAN or BPF mode is enabled, subtract 50 from your network MTU (i.e. 1500-50=1450)
* If using IPIP, subtract 20 from your network MTU (i.e. 1500-20=1480)
* if not using any encapsulation, set to your network MTU (i.e. 1500 or 9000)
calico_veth_mtu: 1440
Please refer to the official documentation, for example [GCE configuration]( requires a security rule for calico ip-ip tunnels. Note, calico is always configured with ``calico_ipip_mode: Always`` if the cloud provider was defined.
By default the felix agent(calico-node) will abort if the Kernel RPF setting is not 'strict'. If you want Calico to ignore the Kernel setting:
calico_node_ignorelooserpf: true
Note that in OpenStack you must allow `ipip` traffic in your security groups,
otherwise you will experience timeouts.
To do this you must add a rule which allows it, for example:
### Optional : Felix configuration via extraenvs of calico node
Possible environment variable parameters for [configuring Felix](
neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol 4 --direction egress k8s-a0tp4t
neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol 4 --direction igress k8s-a0tp4t
### Optional : Use Calico CNI host-local IPAM plugin
Calico currently supports two types of CNI IPAM plugins, `host-local` and `calico-ipam` (default).
To allow Calico to determine the subnet to use from the Kubernetes API based on the `Node.podCIDR` field, enable the following setting.
calico_ipam_host_local: true
Refer to Project Calico section [Using host-local IPAM]( for further information.
## eBPF Support
Calico supports eBPF for its data plane see [an introduction to the Calico eBPF Dataplane]( for further information.
Note that it is advisable to always use the latest version of Calico when using the eBPF dataplane.
### Enabling eBPF support
To enable the eBPF dataplane support ensure you add the following to your inventory. Note that the `kube-proxy` is incompatible with running Calico in eBPF mode and the kube-proxy should be removed from the system.
calico_bpf_enabled: true
**NOTE:** there is known incompatibility in using the `kernel-kvm` kernel package on Ubuntu OSes because it is missing support for `CONFIG_NET_SCHED` which is a requirement for Calico eBPF support. When using Calico eBPF with Ubuntu ensure you run the `-generic` kernel.
### Cleaning up after kube-proxy
Calico node cannot clean up after kube-proxy has run in ipvs mode. If you are converting an existing cluster to eBPF you will need to ensure the `kube-proxy` DaemonSet is deleted and that ipvs rules are cleaned.
To check that kube-proxy was running in ipvs mode:
# ipvsadm -l
To clean up any ipvs leftovers:
# ipvsadm -C
### Calico access to the kube-api
Calico node, typha and kube-controllers need to be able to talk to the kubernetes API. Please reference the [Enabling eBPF Calico Docs]( for guidelines on how to do this.
Kubespray sets up the `kubernetes-services-endpoint` configmap based on the contents of the `loadbalancer_apiserver` inventory variable documented in [HA Mode](/docs/
If no external loadbalancer is used, Calico eBPF can also use the localhost loadbalancer option. In this case Calico Automatic Host Endpoints need to be enabled to allow services like `coredns` and `metrics-server` to communicate with the kubernetes host endpoint. See [this blog post]( on enabling automatic host endpoints.
loadbalancer_apiserver_localhost: true
use_localhost_as_kubeapi_loadbalancer: true
### Tunneled versus Direct Server Return
By default Calico usese Tunneled service mode but it can use direct server return (DSR) in order to optimize the return path for a service.
To configure DSR:
calico_bpf_service_mode: "DSR"
### eBPF Logging and Troubleshooting
In order to enable Calico eBPF mode logging:
calico_bpf_log_level: "Debug"
To view the logs you need to use the `tc` command to read the kernel trace buffer:
tc exec bpf debug
Please see [Calico eBPF troubleshooting guide](
## Wireguard Encryption
Calico supports using Wireguard for encryption. Please see the docs on [encryptiong cluster pod traffic](
To enable wireguard support:
calico_wireguard_enabled: true
The following OSes will require enabling the EPEL repo in order to bring in wireguard tools:
* CentOS 7 & 8
* AlmaLinux 8
* Amazon Linux 2
epel_enabled: true