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  • Markos Chandras's avatar
    Vagrantfile: Use rsync to copy working directory to VM · e113d1cc
    Markos Chandras authored
    Depending on the VM configuration, vagrant may either use 'rsync' or
    vboxfs for populating the working directory to the VM. However, vboxfs
    means that any files created by the VM will also be present on the host.
    As such, lets be explicit and always use 'rsync' to copy the directory
    to the VM so we can keep the host copy clean. Moreover, the default
    rsync options include '--copy-links' and this breaks rsync if there are
    missing symlinks in the working directory like the following one:
    Error: symlink has no referent:
    As such, we override the default options to drop --copy-links.
    Vagrantfile: Use rsync to copy working directory to VM
    Markos Chandras authored
    Depending on the VM configuration, vagrant may either use 'rsync' or
    vboxfs for populating the working directory to the VM. However, vboxfs
    means that any files created by the VM will also be present on the host.
    As such, lets be explicit and always use 'rsync' to copy the directory
    to the VM so we can keep the host copy clean. Moreover, the default
    rsync options include '--copy-links' and this breaks rsync if there are
    missing symlinks in the working directory like the following one:
    Error: symlink has no referent:
    As such, we override the default options to drop --copy-links.