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  • Etienne Champetier's avatar
    docker: stop using apt force · f3885aa5
    Etienne Champetier authored
    Here the desciption from Ansible docs
    Corresponds to the --force-yes to apt-get and implies allow_unauthenticated: yes
    This option will disable checking both the packages' signatures and the certificates of the web servers they are downloaded from.
    This option *is not* the equivalent of passing the -f flag to apt-get on the command line
    **This is a destructive operation with the potential to destroy your system, and it should almost never be used.** Please also see man apt-get for more information.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEtienne Champetier <>
    docker: stop using apt force
    Etienne Champetier authored
    Here the desciption from Ansible docs
    Corresponds to the --force-yes to apt-get and implies allow_unauthenticated: yes
    This option will disable checking both the packages' signatures and the certificates of the web servers they are downloaded from.
    This option *is not* the equivalent of passing the -f flag to apt-get on the command line
    **This is a destructive operation with the potential to destroy your system, and it should almost never be used.** Please also see man apt-get for more information.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEtienne Champetier <>