Shelming.Song authored
* optimize cgroups settings for node reserved * fix * set cgroup slice for multi container engine * set cgroup slice for crio * add reserved cgroups variables to sample files * Compatible with cgroup path for different container managers * add cgroups doc * fix markdown
Shelming.Song authored* optimize cgroups settings for node reserved * fix * set cgroup slice for multi container engine * set cgroup slice for crio * add reserved cgroups variables to sample files * Compatible with cgroup path for different container managers * add cgroups doc * fix markdown
k8s-cluster.yml 14.98 KiB
# Kubernetes configuration dirs and system namespace.
# Those are where all the additional config stuff goes
# the kubernetes normally puts in /srv/kubernetes.
# This puts them in a sane location and namespace.
# Editing those values will almost surely break something.
kube_config_dir: /etc/kubernetes
kube_script_dir: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubernetes-scripts"
kube_manifest_dir: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/manifests"
# This is where all the cert scripts and certs will be located
kube_cert_dir: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/ssl"
# This is where all of the bearer tokens will be stored
kube_token_dir: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/tokens"
kube_api_anonymous_auth: true
## Change this to use another Kubernetes version, e.g. a current beta release
kube_version: v1.25.5
# Where the binaries will be downloaded.
# Note: ensure that you've enough disk space (about 1G)
local_release_dir: "/tmp/releases"
# Random shifts for retrying failed ops like pushing/downloading
retry_stagger: 5
# This is the user that owns tha cluster installation.
kube_owner: kube
# This is the group that the cert creation scripts chgrp the
# cert files to. Not really changeable...
kube_cert_group: kube-cert
# Cluster Loglevel configuration
kube_log_level: 2
# Directory where credentials will be stored
credentials_dir: "{{ inventory_dir }}/credentials"
## It is possible to activate / deactivate selected authentication methods (oidc, static token auth)
# kube_oidc_auth: false
# kube_token_auth: false
## Variables for OpenID Connect Configuration https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/authentication/
## To use OpenID you have to deploy additional an OpenID Provider (e.g Dex, Keycloak, ...)
# kube_oidc_url: https:// ...
# kube_oidc_client_id: kubernetes
## Optional settings for OIDC
# kube_oidc_ca_file: "{{ kube_cert_dir }}/ca.pem"
# kube_oidc_username_claim: sub
# kube_oidc_username_prefix: 'oidc:'
# kube_oidc_groups_claim: groups
# kube_oidc_groups_prefix: 'oidc:'
## Variables to control webhook authn/authz
# kube_webhook_token_auth: false
# kube_webhook_token_auth_url: https://...
# kube_webhook_token_auth_url_skip_tls_verify: false
## For webhook authorization, authorization_modes must include Webhook
# kube_webhook_authorization: false
# kube_webhook_authorization_url: https://...
# kube_webhook_authorization_url_skip_tls_verify: false
# Choose network plugin (cilium, calico, kube-ovn, weave or flannel. Use cni for generic cni plugin)
# Can also be set to 'cloud', which lets the cloud provider setup appropriate routing
kube_network_plugin: calico