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  • Matthew Mosesohn's avatar
    Add autoscalers for dnsmasq and kubedns · 9cb12cf2
    Matthew Mosesohn authored
    By default kubedns and dnsmasq scale when installed.
    Dnsmasq is no longer a daemonset. It is now a deployment.
    Kubedns is no longer a replicationcluster. It is now a deployment.
    Minimum replicas is two (to enable rolling updates).
    Reduced memory erquirements for dnsmasq and kubedns
    Add autoscalers for dnsmasq and kubedns
    Matthew Mosesohn authored
    By default kubedns and dnsmasq scale when installed.
    Dnsmasq is no longer a daemonset. It is now a deployment.
    Kubedns is no longer a replicationcluster. It is now a deployment.
    Minimum replicas is two (to enable rolling updates).
    Reduced memory erquirements for dnsmasq and kubedns