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  • Dan Bode's avatar
    Decouple etcd/k8s-cluster roles in ec2 terraform · cb84b939
    Dan Bode authored
    Currently, the terraform script in contrib
    adds etcd role as a child of k8s-cluster in
    its generated inventory file.
    This is problematic when the etcd role is
    deployed on separate nodes from the k8s master
    and nodes. In this case, this leads to failures
    of the k8s node since the PKI certs required for
    that role have not been propogated.
    Decouple etcd/k8s-cluster roles in ec2 terraform
    Dan Bode authored
    Currently, the terraform script in contrib
    adds etcd role as a child of k8s-cluster in
    its generated inventory file.
    This is problematic when the etcd role is
    deployed on separate nodes from the k8s master
    and nodes. In this case, this leads to failures
    of the k8s node since the PKI certs required for
    that role have not been propogated.