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  • Matthew Mosesohn's avatar
    Add scale thresholds to split etcd and k8s-masters · f742fc3d
    Matthew Mosesohn authored
    Also adds calico-rr group if there are standalone etcd nodes.
    Now if there are 50 or more nodes, 3 etcd nodes will be standalone.
    If there are 200 or more nodes, 2 kube-masters will be standalone.
    If thresholds are exceeded, kube-node group cannot add nodes that
    belong to etcd or kube-master groups (according to above statements).
    Add scale thresholds to split etcd and k8s-masters
    Matthew Mosesohn authored
    Also adds calico-rr group if there are standalone etcd nodes.
    Now if there are 50 or more nodes, 3 etcd nodes will be standalone.
    If there are 200 or more nodes, 2 kube-masters will be standalone.
    If thresholds are exceeded, kube-node group cannot add nodes that
    belong to etcd or kube-master groups (according to above statements).