1. unit-tests: fast jobs for fast feedback (linting, etc...)
2. deploy-part1: small number of jobs to test if the PR works with default settings
3. deploy-part2: slow jobs testing different platforms, OS, settings, CNI, etc...
4. deploy-part3: very slow jobs (upgrades, etc...)
1. build: build a docker image to be used in the pipeline
2. unit-tests: fast jobs for fast feedback (linting, etc...)
3. deploy-part1: small number of jobs to test if the PR works with default settings
4. deploy-part2: slow jobs testing different platforms, OS, settings, CNI, etc...
5. deploy-part3: very slow jobs (upgrades, etc...)
## Runners
Kubespray has 3 types of GitLab runners:
- packet runners: used for E2E jobs (usually long)
- light runners: used for short lived jobs
- auto scaling runners: used for on-demand resources, see [GitLab docs](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/autoscale.html) for more info
- packet runners: used for E2E jobs (usually long), running on Equinix Metal (ex-packet), on kubevirt managed VMs
- light runners: used for short lived jobs, running on Equinix Metal (ex-packet), as managed pods
- auto scaling runners (managed via docker-machine on Equinix Metal): used for on-demand resources, see [GitLab docs](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/autoscale.html) for more info
## Vagrant
@@ -25,3 +26,181 @@ In CI we have a set of overrides we use to ensure greater success of our CI jobs
The CI packet and light runners are deployed on a kubernetes cluster on Equinix Metal. The cluster is deployed with kubespray itself and maintained by the kubespray maintainers.
The following files are used for that inventory:
### cluster.tfvars
# your Kubernetes cluster name here
# Your Equinix Metal project ID. See hhttps://metal.equinix.com/developers/docs/accounts/
# The public SSH key to be uploaded into authorized_keys in bare metal Equinix Metal nodes provisioned
# leave this value blank if the public key is already setup in the Equinix Metal project
# Terraform will complain if the public key is setup in Equinix Metal
This section documents additional files used to complete a deployment of the kubespray CI, these files sit on the control-plane node and assume a working kubernetes cluster.