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Unverified Commit c4346e59 authored by Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre's avatar Arthur Outhenin-Chalandre Committed by GitHub
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kubeadm/etcd: use config to download certificate (#9609)

This commit uses a kubeadm join config to pull down cert for etcd in
workers nodes (which is needed in some circumstances, for instance with
calico or cilium).

The previous way didn't allow us to pass certain parameters which was
typically given in the config in other kubeadm invokations in Kubespray.
This made kubeadm produced some errors for some edge cases.

For example, in our deployment we don't have a default route and even
though it's only to download the certificates, kubeadm produce an error
`unable to select an IP from default routes` (these command are kubeadm
controlplane command, so kubeadm does some additional checks). This is
fixed by specifying `advertiseAddress` within the kubeadm config.

Signed-off-by: default avatarArthur Outhenin-Chalandre <>

Signed-off-by: default avatarArthur Outhenin-Chalandre <>
parent bd81c615
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