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Unverified Commit c6e5be91 authored by Hans Feldt's avatar Hans Feldt Committed by GitHub
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crio: align template crio.conf with upstream (#6432)

* log level by default increased to 'info'
* cgroup manager by default set to 'systemd'
* stream port (used by kubelet) bound to for security reasons
* metrics can be enabled and port specified
parent ce22c0e6
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crio_cgroup_manager: "{{ kubelet_cgroup_driver | default('cgroupfs') }}"
crio_seccomp_profile: ""
crio_runc_path: "/usr/bin/runc"
crio_cgroup_manager: "{{ kubelet_cgroup_driver | default('systemd') }}"
crio_conmon: "/usr/bin/conmon"
crio_enable_metrics: false
crio_log_level: "info"
crio_metrics_port: "9090"
crio_pause_image: "{{ pod_infra_image_repo }}:{{ pod_infra_version }}"
crio_runc_path: "/usr/bin/runc"
crio_seccomp_profile: ""
crio_selinux: "{{ (preinstall_selinux_state == 'enforcing')|lower }}"
crio_signature_policy: "{% if ansible_os_family == 'ClearLinux' %}/usr/share/defaults/crio/policy.json{% endif %}"
crio_storage_driver: "overlay2"
crio_stream_port: "10010"
crio_required_version: "{{ kube_version | regex_replace('^v(?P<major>\\d+).(?P<minor>\\d+).(?P<patch>\\d+)$', '\\g<major>.\\g<minor>') }}"
# The CRI-O configuration file specifies all of the available configuration
# options and command-line flags for the crio(8) OCI Kubernetes Container Runtime
# daemon, but in a TOML format that can be more easily modified and versioned.
# Please refer to crio.conf(5) for details of all configuration options.
# CRI-O supports partial configuration reload during runtime, which can be
# done by sending SIGHUP to the running process. Currently supported options
# are explicitly mentioned with: 'This option supports live configuration
# reload'.
# CRI-O reads its storage defaults from the containers-storage.conf(5) file
# located at /etc/containers/storage.conf. Modify this storage configuration if
# you want to change the system's defaults. If you want to modify storage just
......@@ -20,19 +24,26 @@
# Storage driver used to manage the storage of images and containers. Please
# refer to containers-storage.conf(5) to see all available storage drivers.
storage_driver = "overlay2"
storage_driver = "{{ crio_storage_driver }}"
# List to pass options to the storage driver. Please refer to
# containers-storage.conf(5) to see all available storage options.
#storage_option = [
# If set to false, in-memory locking will be used instead of file-based locking.
file_locking = true
# The default log directory where all logs will go unless directly specified by
# the kubelet. The log directory specified must be an absolute directory.
log_dir = "/var/log/crio/pods"
# Path to the lock file.
file_locking_path = "/run/crio.lock"
# Location for CRI-O to lay down the temporary version file.
# It is used to check if crio wipe should wipe containers, which should
# always happen on a node reboot
version_file = "/var/run/crio/version"
# Location for CRI-O to lay down the persistent version file.
# It is used to check if crio wipe should wipe images, which should
# only happen when CRI-O has been upgraded
version_file_persist = "/var/lib/crio/version"
# The crio.api table contains settings for the kubelet/gRPC interface.
......@@ -41,10 +52,11 @@ file_locking_path = "/run/crio.lock"
listen = "/var/run/crio/crio.sock"
# IP address on which the stream server will listen.
stream_address = ""
stream_address = ""
# The port on which the stream server will listen.
stream_port = "10010"
# The port on which the stream server will listen. If the port is set to "0", then
# CRI-O will allocate a random free port number.
stream_port = "{{ crio_stream_port }}"
# Enable encrypted TLS transport of the stream server.
stream_enable_tls = false
......@@ -55,11 +67,11 @@ stream_enable_tls = false
stream_tls_cert = ""
# Path to the key file used to serve the encrypted stream. This file can
# change, and CRI-O will automatically pick up the changes within 5 minutes.
# change and CRI-O will automatically pick up the changes within 5 minutes.
stream_tls_key = ""
# Path to the x509 CA(s) file used to verify and authenticate client
# communication with the encrypted stream. This file can change, and CRI-O will
# communication with the encrypted stream. This file can change and CRI-O will
# automatically pick up the changes within 5 minutes.
stream_tls_ca = ""
......@@ -78,7 +90,6 @@ grpc_max_recv_msg_size = 16777216
# "nofile=1024:2048"
# If nothing is set here, settings will be inherited from the CRI-O daemon
#default_ulimits = [
# "nofile=65536:65536",
# default_runtime is the _name_ of the OCI runtime to be used as the default.
......@@ -88,28 +99,46 @@ default_runtime = "runc"
# If true, the runtime will not use pivot_root, but instead use MS_MOVE.
no_pivot = false
# decryption_keys_path is the path where the keys required for
# image decryption are stored. This option supports live configuration reload.
decryption_keys_path = "/etc/crio/keys/"
# Path to the conmon binary, used for monitoring the OCI runtime.
# Will be searched for using $PATH if empty.
conmon = "{{ crio_conmon }}"
# Cgroup setting for conmon
conmon_cgroup = "system.slice"
# Environment variable list for the conmon process, used for passing necessary
# environment variables to conmon or the runtime.
conmon_env = [
# Additional environment variables to set for all the
# containers. These are overridden if set in the
# container image spec or in the container runtime configuration.
default_env = [
# If true, SELinux will be used for pod separation on the host.
selinux = {{ (preinstall_selinux_state == 'enforcing')|lower }}
selinux = {{ crio_selinux }}
# Path to the seccomp.json profile which is used as the default seccomp profile
# for the runtime.
seccomp_profile = "{{crio_seccomp_profile}}"
# for the runtime. If not specified, then the internal default seccomp profile
# will be used. This option supports live configuration reload.
seccomp_profile = "{{ crio_seccomp_profile }}"
# Used to change the name of the default AppArmor profile of CRI-O. The default
# profile name is "crio-default-" followed by the version string of CRI-O.
# profile name is "crio-default". This profile only takes effect if the user
# does not specify a profile via the Kubernetes Pod's metadata annotation. If
# the profile is set to "unconfined", then this equals to disabling AppArmor.
# This option supports live configuration reload.
# apparmor_profile = "crio-default"
# Cgroup management implementation used for the runtime.
cgroup_manager = "{{crio_cgroup_manager}}"
cgroup_manager = "{{ crio_cgroup_manager }}"
# List of default capabilities for containers. If it is empty or commented out,
# only the capabilities defined in the containers json file by the user/kube
......@@ -140,16 +169,15 @@ default_sysctls = [
additional_devices = [
# Path to OCI hooks directories for automatically executed hooks.
# Path to OCI hooks directories for automatically executed hooks. If one of the
# directories does not exist, then CRI-O will automatically skip them.
hooks_dir = [
# List of default mounts for each container. **Deprecated:** this option will
# be removed in future versions in favor of default_mounts_file.
default_mounts = [
{% if ansible_os_family == "RedHat" %}
{% endif %}
# Path to the file specifying the defaults mounts for each container. The
......@@ -185,12 +213,20 @@ container_exits_dir = "/var/run/crio/exits"
# Path to directory for container attach sockets.
container_attach_socket_dir = "/var/run/crio"
# The prefix to use for the source of the bind mounts.
bind_mount_prefix = ""
# If set to true, all containers will run in read-only mode.
read_only = false
# Changes the verbosity of the logs based on the level it is set to. Options
# are fatal, panic, error, warn, info, and debug.
log_level = "error"
# are fatal, panic, error, warn, info, debug and trace. This option supports
# live configuration reload.
log_level = "{{ crio_log_level }}"
# Filter the log messages by the provided regular expression.
# This option supports live configuration reload.
log_filter = ""
# The UID mappings for the user namespace of each container. A range is
# specified in the form containerUID:HostUID:Size. Multiple ranges must be
......@@ -203,20 +239,65 @@ uid_mappings = ""
gid_mappings = ""
# The minimal amount of time in seconds to wait before issuing a timeout
# regarding the proper termination of the container.
ctr_stop_timeout = 0
# regarding the proper termination of the container. The lowest possible
# value is 30s, whereas lower values are not considered by CRI-O.
ctr_stop_timeout = 30
# **DEPRECATED** this option is being replaced by manage_ns_lifecycle, which is described below.
# manage_network_ns_lifecycle = false
# manage_ns_lifecycle determines whether we pin and remove namespaces
# and manage their lifecycle
manage_ns_lifecycle = false
# The directory where the state of the managed namespaces gets tracked.
# Only used when manage_ns_lifecycle is true.
namespaces_dir = "/var/run"
# The "crio.runtime.runtimes" table defines a list of OCI compatible runtimes.
# The runtime to use is picked based on the runtime_handler provided by the CRI.
# If no runtime_handler is provided, the runtime will be picked based on the level
# of trust of the workload.
# pinns_path is the path to find the pinns binary, which is needed to manage namespace lifecycle
pinns_path = ""
# The "crio.runtime.runtimes" table defines a list of OCI compatible runtimes.
# The runtime to use is picked based on the runtime_handler provided by the CRI.
# If no runtime_handler is provided, the runtime will be picked based on the level
# of trust of the workload. Each entry in the table should follow the format:
# runtime_path = "/path/to/the/executable"
# runtime_type = "oci"
# runtime_root = "/path/to/the/root"
# Where:
# - runtime-handler: name used to identify the runtime
# - runtime_path (optional, string): absolute path to the runtime executable in
# the host filesystem. If omitted, the runtime-handler identifier should match
# the runtime executable name, and the runtime executable should be placed
# in $PATH.
# - runtime_type (optional, string): type of runtime, one of: "oci", "vm". If
# omitted, an "oci" runtime is assumed.
# - runtime_root (optional, string): root directory for storage of containers
# state.
runtime_path = "{{ crio_runc_path }}"
runtime_type = "oci"
runtime_path = "{{ crio_runc_path }}"
runtime_type = "oci"
runtime_root = "/run/runc"
# Kata Containers is an OCI runtime, where containers are run inside lightweight
# VMs. Kata provides additional isolation towards the host, minimizing the host attack
# surface and mitigating the consequences of containers breakout.
# Kata Containers with the default configured VMM
# Kata Containers with the QEMU VMM
# Kata Containers with the Firecracker VMM
# The crio.image table contains settings pertaining to the management of OCI images.
# CRI-O reads its configured registries defaults from the system wide
......@@ -229,14 +310,23 @@ ctr_stop_timeout = 0
# Default transport for pulling images from a remote container storage.
default_transport = "docker://"
# The path to a file containing credentials necessary for pulling images from
# secure registries. The file is similar to that of /var/lib/kubelet/config.json
global_auth_file = ""
# The image used to instantiate infra containers.
pause_image = "docker://{{kube_image_repo}}/pause:3.1"
# This option supports live configuration reload.
pause_image = "{{ crio_pause_image }}"
# If not empty, the path to a docker/config.json-like file containing credentials
# necessary for pulling the image specified by pause_image above.
# The path to a file containing credentials specific for pulling the pause_image from
# above. The file is similar to that of /var/lib/kubelet/config.json
# This option supports live configuration reload.
pause_image_auth_file = ""
# The command to run to have a container stay in the paused state.
# When explicitly set to "", it will fallback to the entrypoint and command
# specified in the pause image. When commented out, it will fallback to the
# default: "/pause". This option supports live configuration reload.
pause_command = "/pause"
# Path to the file which decides what sort of policy we use when deciding
......@@ -244,11 +334,12 @@ pause_command = "/pause"
# this option be used, as the default behavior of using the system-wide default
# policy (i.e., /etc/containers/policy.json) is most often preferred. Please
# refer to containers-policy.json(5) for more details.
{% if ansible_os_family == "ClearLinux" %}
signature_policy = "/usr/share/defaults/crio/policy.json"
{% else %}
signature_policy = ""
{% endif %}
signature_policy = "{{ crio_signature_policy }}"
# List of registries to skip TLS verification for pulling images. Please
# consider configuring the registries via /etc/containers/registries.conf before
# changing them here.
#insecure_registries = "[]"
# Controls how image volumes are handled. The valid values are mkdir, bind and
# ignore; the latter will ignore volumes entirely.
......@@ -259,27 +350,32 @@ image_volumes = "mkdir"
# compatibility reasons. Depending on your workload and usecase you may add more
# registries (e.g., "", "",
# "", etc.).
registries = [
# "",
# "",
# "",
#registries = [
# ]
insecure_registries = [
"{{ kube_service_addresses }}"
# The table containers settings pertaining to the management of
# CNI plugins.
# The default CNI network name to be selected. If not set or "", then
# CRI-O will pick-up the first one found in network_dir.
# cni_default_network = ""
# Path to the directory where CNI configuration files are located.
network_dir = "/etc/cni/net.d/"
# Paths to directories where CNI plugin binaries are located.
plugin_dirs = [
# A necessary configuration for Prometheus based metrics retrieval
# Globally enable or disable metrics support.
enable_metrics = {{ crio_enable_metrics | bool | lower }}
# The port on which the metrics server will listen.
metrics_port = {{ crio_metrics_port }}
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