- Nov 07, 2017
Chad Swenson authored
This allows `kube_apiserver_insecure_port` to be set to 0 (disabled). It's working, but so far I have had to: 1. Make the `uri` module "Wait for apiserver up" checks use `kube_apiserver_port` (HTTPS) 2. Add apiserver client cert/key to the "Wait for apiserver up" checks 3. Update apiserver liveness probe to use HTTPS ports 4. Set `kube_api_anonymous_auth` to true to allow liveness probe to hit apiserver's /healthz over HTTPS (livenessProbes can't use client cert/key unfortunately) 5. RBAC has to be enabled. Anonymous requests are in the `system:unauthenticated` group which is granted access to /healthz by one of RBAC's default ClusterRoleBindings. An equivalent ABAC rule could allow this as well. Changes 1 and 2 should work for everyone, but 3, 4, and 5 require new coupling of currently independent configuration settings. So I also added a new settings check. Options: 1. The problem goes away if you have both anonymous-auth and RBAC enabled. This is how kubeadm does it. This may be the best way to go since RBAC is already on by default but anonymous auth is not. 2. Include conditional templates to set a different liveness probe for possible combinations of `kube_apiserver_insecure_port = 0`, RBAC, and `kube_api_anonymous_auth` (won't be possible to cover every case without a guaranteed authorizer for the secure port) 3. Use basic auth headers for the liveness probe (I really don't like this, it adds a new dependency on basic auth which I'd also like to leave independently configurable, and it requires encoded passwords in the apiserver manifest) Option 1 seems like the clear winner to me, but is there a reason we wouldn't want anonymous-auth on by default? The apiserver binary defaults anonymous-auth to true, but kubespray's default was false.
- Nov 06, 2017
Aivars Sterns authored
Amit Kumar Jaiswal authored
Günther Grill authored
Haiwei Liu authored
Haiwei Liu <carllhw@gmail.com>
Rob Hirschfeld authored
- Nov 05, 2017
Stanislav Makar authored
- Nov 04, 2017
Spencer Smith authored
Fix bad handler directory name in kubeadm role
Spencer Smith authored
Remove proxy settings from etcd and kubernetes/master roles
Spencer Smith authored
Flannel RBAC Fix
Spencer Smith authored
Docker Version Update
- Nov 03, 2017
Chad Swenson authored
Update default docker version to 17.03.1
Matthew Mosesohn authored
* Set host IP for kubelet always Use ansible default IP if ip var is not set. * Update main.yml
Kevin Lefevre authored
* update helm to v2.7.0 * Update main.yml
Günther Grill authored
* Change deprecated vagrant ansible flag 'sudo' to 'become' * Emphasize, that the name of the pip_pyton_modules is only considered in coreos * Remove useless unused variable * Fix warning when jinja2 template-delimiters used in when statement There is no need for jinja2 template-delimiters like {{ }} or {% %} any more. They can just be omitted as described in https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/22397 * Fix broken link in getting-started guide
Günther Grill authored
* Change deprecated vagrant ansible flag 'sudo' to 'become' * Workaround ansible bug where access var via dict doesn't get real value When accessing a variable via it's name "{{ foo }}" its value is retrieved. But when the variable value is retrieved via the vars-dict "{{ vars['foo'] }}" this doesn't resolve the expression of the variable any more due to a bug. So e.g. a expression foo="{{ 1 == 1 }}" isn't longer resolved but just returned as string "1 == 1". * Make file yamllint complient
Spencer Smith authored
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Chad Swenson authored
When proxy vars are set, `uri` module tasks will attempt to route traffic through the proxy. This causes the "Wait for" tasks in the `etcd` and `kubernetes/master` roles to hang, as localhost connections struggle with a proxy. As far as I know these roles only need local/cluster networking, so a proxy doesn't apply here anyway.
Chad Swenson authored
Fixes a bug that can occur if `cni-flannel-rbac.yml` was written but the playbook failed before it was applied. Uses the same approach as calico.
- Nov 02, 2017
Spencer Smith authored
Change deprecated vagrant ansible flag 'sudo' to 'become'
Spencer Smith authored
Block anonymous auth requests to kubelet
Spencer Smith authored
Fix kubelet container with alternate Docker data paths
Spencer Smith authored
Fix local volume provisioner mount point for rkt
Spencer Smith authored
Typo in apt-get command
Aivars Sterns authored
Fernando Ripoll authored
Typo in apt-get command
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Matthew Mosesohn authored
- Nov 01, 2017
Chad Swenson authored
Some time ago I think the hardcoded `/var/lib/docker` was required, but kubelet running in a container has been aware of the Docker path since at least as far back as k8s 1.6. Without this change, you see a large number of errors in the kubelet logs if you installed with a non-default `docker_daemon_graph`
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Vicenç Juan Tomàs Montserrat authored
- Oct 31, 2017
Spencer Smith authored
Improved proxy support
Spencer Smith authored
Update to Kubernetes 1.8.2
Spencer Smith authored
Update kubedns to 1.14.7 release
Spencer Smith authored
Parameterize dockerproject apt repo endpoints
Spencer Smith authored
Typo in the apt-get command
Spencer Smith authored
- Oct 30, 2017
Matthew Mosesohn authored