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  1. Oct 17, 2016
  2. Oct 05, 2016
  3. Sep 29, 2016
  4. Sep 27, 2016
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Allow subdomains of dns_domain and fix kubelet restarts · 5fd43b7c
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      * Add a var for ndots (default 5) and put it hosts' /etc/resolv.conf.
      * Poke kube dns container image to v1.7
      * In order to apply changes to kubelet, notify it to
      be restarted on changes made to /etc/resolv.conf. Ignore errors as the kubelet
      may yet to be present up to the moment of the notification being processed.
      * Remove unnecessary kubelet restart for master role as the node role ensures
      it is up and running. Notify master static pods waiters for apiserver,
      scheduler, controller-manager instead.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
  5. Sep 26, 2016
  6. Sep 23, 2016
  7. Sep 19, 2016
  8. Sep 15, 2016
  9. Aug 24, 2016
  10. Jul 25, 2016
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Add HA/LB endpoints for kube-apiserver · 731d32af
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      * Add HA docs for API server.
      * Add auto-evaluated internal endpoints and clarify the loadbalancer_apiserver
      vars and usecases.
      * Use facts for kube_apiserver to not repeat code and enable LB endpoints use.
      * Use /healthz check for the wait-for apiserver.
      * Use the single endpoint for kubelet instead of the list of apiservers
      * Specify kube_apiserver_count to for HA layout
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
  11. Jul 22, 2016
  12. Jul 19, 2016
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Add etcd proxy support · 32cd6e99
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      * Enforce a etcd-proxy role to a k8s-cluster group members. This
      provides an HA layout for all of the k8s cluster internal clients.
      * Proxies to be run on each node in the group as a separate etcd
      instances with a readwrite proxy mode and listen the given endpoint,
      which is either the access_ip:2379 or the localhost:2379.
      * A notion for the 'kube_etcd_multiaccess' is: ignore endpoints and
      loadbalancers and use the etcd members IPs as a comma-separated
      list. Otherwise, clients shall use the local endpoint provided by a
      etcd-proxy instances on each etcd node. A Netwroking plugins always
      use that access mode.
      * Fix apiserver's etcd servers args to use the etcd_access_endpoint.
      * Fix networking plugins flannel/calico to use the etcd_endpoint.
      * Fix name env var for non masters to be set as well.
      * Fix etcd_client_url was not used anywhere and other etcd_* facts
      evaluation was duplicated in a few places.
      * Define proxy modes only in the env file, if not a master. Del
      an automatic proxy mode decisions for etcd nodes in init/unit scripts.
      * Use Wants= instead of Requires= as "This is the recommended way to
      hook start-up of one unit to the start-up of another unit"
      * Make apiserver/calico Wants= etcd-proxy to keep it always up
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMatthew Mosesohn <>
  13. Jul 08, 2016
  14. Jul 07, 2016
  15. Jul 04, 2016