- May 16, 2019
MarkusTeufelberger authored
- Oct 10, 2018
Antoine Legrand authored
* Fix bootstrap_os/ubuntu idempotency * Update bastion role * move container_engine in sub-roles * requires ansible 2.5 * ubuntu18 as first CI job
- Oct 27, 2017
Aivars Sterns authored
- Oct 17, 2017
Jiří Stránský authored
This will allow running Kubespray when the user who runs it doesn't have write permissions to the Kubespray dir, at least when not using bastion.
- Oct 14, 2017
abelgana authored
* Changre raw execution to use yum module Changed raw exection to use yum module provided by Ansible. * Replace ansible_ssh_* by ansible_* Ansible 2.0 has deprecated the “ssh” from ansible_ssh_user, ansible_ssh_host, and ansible_ssh_port to become ansible_user, ansible_host, and ansible_port. If you are using a version of Ansible prior to 2.0, you should continue using the older style variables (ansible_ssh_*). These shorter variables are ignored, without warning, in older versions of Ansible. I am not sure about the broader impact of this change. But I have seen on the requirements the version required is ansible>=2.4.0. http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/intro_inventory.html
- Sep 18, 2017
Simon Li authored
- Aug 24, 2017
Mohamed Mehany authored
* Added private key file to ssh bastion conf * Used regular if condition insted of inline conditional
- Feb 18, 2017
Andrew Greenwood authored
Migrate older inline= syntax to pure yml syntax for module args as to be consistant with most of the rest of the tasks Cleanup some spacing in various files Rename some files named yaml to yml for consistancy
- Feb 02, 2017
Vladimir Rutsky authored
'absible_ssh_host' is deprecated in Ansible 2.0 and at least 'contrib/inventory_builder/inventory.py' uses 'ansible_host' instead.
- Dec 13, 2016
Alexander Block authored