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  1. Nov 28, 2016
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Add advanced net check for DNS K8s app · b7692fad
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      * Add an option to deploy K8s app to test e2e network connectivity
        and cluster DNS resolve via Kubedns for nethost/simple pods
        (defaults to false).
      * Parametrize existing k8s apps templates with kube_namespace and
        kube_config_dir instead of hardcode.
      * For CoreOS, ensure nameservers from inventory to be put in the
        first place to allow hostnet pods connectivity via short names
        or FQDN and hostnet agents to pass as well, if netchecker
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
  2. Nov 22, 2016
  3. Nov 15, 2016
  4. Nov 09, 2016
  5. Nov 07, 2016
  6. Oct 11, 2016
    • Smana's avatar
      upgrade to kubernetes version 1.4.0 · 056f4b6c
      Smana authored
      test to change the machine type
      Revert "test to change the machine type"
      This reverts commit 7a91f1b5405a39bee6cb91940b09a0b0f9d3aee1.
      use google dns server when no upstream dns are defined
      comment upstream_dns_servers
      update documentation
      remove deprecated kubelet flags
      Revert "remove deprecated kubelet flags"
      This reverts commit 21e3b893c896d0291c36a07d0414f4cb88b8d8ac.
  7. Oct 05, 2016
  8. Sep 27, 2016
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Allow subdomains of dns_domain and fix kubelet restarts · 5fd43b7c
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      * Add a var for ndots (default 5) and put it hosts' /etc/resolv.conf.
      * Poke kube dns container image to v1.7
      * In order to apply changes to kubelet, notify it to
      be restarted on changes made to /etc/resolv.conf. Ignore errors as the kubelet
      may yet to be present up to the moment of the notification being processed.
      * Remove unnecessary kubelet restart for master role as the node role ensures
      it is up and running. Notify master static pods waiters for apiserver,
      scheduler, controller-manager instead.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
  9. Sep 23, 2016
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Make dnsmasq daemon set optional · 82ee60fe
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      Change additional dnsmasq opts:
      - Adjust caching size and TTL
      - Disable resolve conf to not create loops
      - Change dnsPolicy to default (similarly to kubedns's dnsmasq). The
        ClusterFirst should not be used to not create loops
      - Disable negative NXDOMAIN replies to be cached
      - Make its very installation as optional step (enabled by default).
        If you don't want more than 3 DNS servers, including 1 for K8s, disable
      - Add docs and a drawing to clarify DNS setup.
      - Fix stdout logs for dnsmasq/kubedns app configs
      - Add missed notifies to resolvconf -u handler
      - Fix idempotency of resolvconf head file changes
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
  10. Sep 15, 2016
  11. Sep 08, 2016
  12. Sep 06, 2016
  13. Jul 25, 2016
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Add HA/LB endpoints for kube-apiserver · 731d32af
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      * Add HA docs for API server.
      * Add auto-evaluated internal endpoints and clarify the loadbalancer_apiserver
      vars and usecases.
      * Use facts for kube_apiserver to not repeat code and enable LB endpoints use.
      * Use /healthz check for the wait-for apiserver.
      * Use the single endpoint for kubelet instead of the list of apiservers
      * Specify kube_apiserver_count to for HA layout
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
  14. Jul 22, 2016
  15. Jul 21, 2016
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Add HA/LB endpoints for kube-apiserver · a70c3b66
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      * Add auto-evaluated internal endpoints and clarify the loadbalancer_apiserver
      vars and usecases.
      * Add loadbalancer_apiserver_localhost (default false). If enabled, override
      the external LB and expect localhost:443/8080 to be new internal only frontends.
      * Add kube_apiserver_multiaccess to ignore loadbalancers, and make clients
      to access the apiservers as a comma-separated list of access_ip/ip/ansible ip
      (a default mode). When disabled, allow clients to use the given loadbalancers.
      * Define connections security mode for kube controllers, schedulers, proxies.
      It is insecure be default, which is the current deployment choice.
      * Rework the groups['kube-master'][0] hardcode defining the apiserver
      * Improve grouping of vars and add facts for kube_apiserver.
      * Define kube_apiserver_insecure_bind_address as a fact, add more
      facts for ease of use.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
  16. Jul 19, 2016
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Add etcd proxy support · 32cd6e99
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      * Enforce a etcd-proxy role to a k8s-cluster group members. This
      provides an HA layout for all of the k8s cluster internal clients.
      * Proxies to be run on each node in the group as a separate etcd
      instances with a readwrite proxy mode and listen the given endpoint,
      which is either the access_ip:2379 or the localhost:2379.
      * A notion for the 'kube_etcd_multiaccess' is: ignore endpoints and
      loadbalancers and use the etcd members IPs as a comma-separated
      list. Otherwise, clients shall use the local endpoint provided by a
      etcd-proxy instances on each etcd node. A Netwroking plugins always
      use that access mode.
      * Fix apiserver's etcd servers args to use the etcd_access_endpoint.
      * Fix networking plugins flannel/calico to use the etcd_endpoint.
      * Fix name env var for non masters to be set as well.
      * Fix etcd_client_url was not used anywhere and other etcd_* facts
      evaluation was duplicated in a few places.
      * Define proxy modes only in the env file, if not a master. Del
      an automatic proxy mode decisions for etcd nodes in init/unit scripts.
      * Use Wants= instead of Requires= as "This is the recommended way to
      hook start-up of one unit to the start-up of another unit"
      * Make apiserver/calico Wants= etcd-proxy to keep it always up
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMatthew Mosesohn <>
  17. Jun 12, 2016
  18. May 28, 2016
    • Paul Czarkowski's avatar
      example env allow insecure-registry · 67147cf4
      Paul Czarkowski authored
      Many use cases of k8s involve running a local
      registry, chances are the person running this
      will learn the hard way that they need to allow
      insecure registry on the `kube_service_addresses`
      We should just default to settings this in
      `inventory/group_vars/all.yml` to help reduce
      potential friction for first time users.
  19. May 25, 2016
  20. May 17, 2016
  21. May 11, 2016
  22. May 05, 2016
  23. May 04, 2016
  24. Mar 29, 2016
  25. Mar 23, 2016
  26. Mar 20, 2016
  27. Mar 07, 2016
  28. Feb 21, 2016
  29. Feb 10, 2016
  30. Feb 09, 2016
  31. Jan 28, 2016
    • Greg Althaus's avatar
      Add variables and defaults for multiple types of ip addresses. · bedcca92
      Greg Althaus authored
      Each node can have 3 IPs.
      1. ansible_default_ip4 - whatever ansible things is the first IPv4 address
         usually with the default gw.
      2. ip - An address to use on the local node to bind listeners and do local
         communication.  For example, Vagrant boxes have a first address that is the
         NAT bridge and is common for all nodes.  The second address/interface should
         be used.
      3. access_ip - An address to use for node-to-node access.  This is assumed to
         be used by other nodes to access the node and may not be actually assigned
         on the node.  For example, AWS public ip that is not assigned to node.
      This updates the places addresses are used to use either ip or access_ip and walk
      up the list to find an address.
  32. Jan 22, 2016
  33. Dec 24, 2015
  34. Dec 18, 2015
  35. Dec 15, 2015
  36. Dec 12, 2015
  37. Nov 24, 2015
  38. Nov 20, 2015