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  1. Nov 12, 2018
  2. Nov 10, 2018
  3. Oct 24, 2018
  4. Oct 17, 2018
  5. Oct 16, 2018
    • JuanJo Ciarlante's avatar
      [jjo] add kube-router support (#3339) · a5edd0d7
      JuanJo Ciarlante authored
      * [jjo] add kube-router support
      Fixes cloudnativelabs/kube-router#147.
      * add kube-router as another network_plugin choice
      * support most used kube-router flags via
        `kube_router_foo` vars as other plugins
      * implement replacing kube-proxy (--run-service-proxy=true) via
        `kube_proxy_mode: none`, verified in a _non kubeadm_enabled_
        install, should also work for recent kubeadm releases via
        `skipKubeProxyInstall: true` config
      * [jjo] address PR#3339 review from @woopstar
      * add busybox image used by kube-router to downloads
      * fix busybox download groups key
      * rework kubeadm_enabled + kube_router_run_service_proxy
      - verify it working ok w/the kubeadm_enabled and
        kube_router_run_service_proxy true or false
      - introduce `kube_proxy_remove` fact, to decouple logic
        from kube_proxy_mode (which affects kubeadm configmap
        settings, thus no-good to ab-use it to 'none')
      * improve re: kubeadm_enabled and kube_router_run_service_proxy
      * address @woopstar latest review
      * add inventory/sample/group_vars/k8s-cluster/k8s-net-kube-router.yml
      * fix kube_router_run_service_proxy conditional for kube-proxy removal
      * fix kube_proxy_remove fact (w/ |bool), add some needed kube-proxy tags on my and existing changes
      * update kube-router tolerations for 1.12 compatibility
      * add PriorityClass to kube-router DaemonSet
  6. Oct 11, 2018
  7. Sep 21, 2018
  8. Sep 20, 2018
  9. Sep 19, 2018
  10. Aug 31, 2018
  11. Aug 22, 2018
  12. Aug 21, 2018
  13. Aug 20, 2018
  14. Aug 07, 2018
  15. May 27, 2018
  16. May 22, 2018
  17. May 18, 2018
  18. May 16, 2018
    • Christopher J. Ruwe's avatar
      assert that number of pods on node does not exceed CIDR address range · c1bc4615
      Christopher J. Ruwe authored
      The number of pods on a given node is determined by the  --max-pods=k
      directive. When the address space is exhausted, no more pods can be
      scheduled even if from the --max-pods-perspective, the node still has
      The special case that a pod is scheduled and uses the node IP in the
      host network namespace is too "soft" to derive a guarantee.
      Comparing kubelet_max_pods with kube_network_node_prefix when given
      allows to assert that pod limits match the CIDR address space.
  19. Apr 26, 2018
  20. Apr 23, 2018
  21. Apr 11, 2018
  22. Feb 17, 2018
    • melkosoft's avatar
      Added cilium support (#2236) · f13e76d0
      melkosoft authored
      * Added cilium support
      * Fix typo in debian test config
      * Remove empty lines
      * Changed cilium version from <latest> to <v1.0.0-rc3>
      * Add missing changes for cilium
      * Add cilium to CI pipeline
      * Fix wrong file name
      * Check kernel version for cilium
      * fixed ci error
      * fixed cilium-ds.j2 template
      * added waiting for cilium pods to run
      * Fixed missing EOF
      * Fixed trailing spaces
      * Fixed trailing spaces
      * Fixed trailing spaces
      * Fixed too many blank lines
      * Updated tolerations,annotations in cilium DS template
      * Set cilium_version to iptables-1.9 to see if bug is fixed in CI
      * Update cilium image tag to v1.0.0-rc4
      * Update Cilium test case CI vars filenames
      * Add optional prometheus flag, adjust initial readiness delay
      * Update with cilium info
  23. Dec 06, 2017
  24. Dec 05, 2017
    • Chad Swenson's avatar
      Support for disabling apiserver insecure port · b8788421
      Chad Swenson authored
      This allows `kube_apiserver_insecure_port` to be set to 0 (disabled).
      Rework of #1937 with kubeadm support
      Also, fixed an issue in `kubeadm-migrate-certs` where the old apiserver cert was copied as the kubeadm key
  25. Nov 15, 2017
  26. Nov 14, 2017
  27. Nov 07, 2017
    • Chad Swenson's avatar
      Support for disabling apiserver insecure port · 0c7e1889
      Chad Swenson authored
      This allows `kube_apiserver_insecure_port` to be set to 0 (disabled). It's working, but so far I have had to:
      1. Make the `uri` module "Wait for apiserver up" checks use `kube_apiserver_port` (HTTPS)
      2. Add apiserver client cert/key to the "Wait for apiserver up" checks
      3. Update apiserver liveness probe to use HTTPS ports
      4. Set `kube_api_anonymous_auth` to true to allow liveness probe to hit apiserver's /healthz over HTTPS (livenessProbes can't use client cert/key unfortunately)
      5. RBAC has to be enabled. Anonymous requests are in the `system:unauthenticated` group which is granted access to /healthz by one of RBAC's default ClusterRoleBindings. An equivalent ABAC rule could allow this as well.
      Changes 1 and 2 should work for everyone, but 3, 4, and 5 require new coupling of currently independent configuration settings. So I also added a new settings check.
      1. The problem goes away if you have both anonymous-auth and RBAC enabled. This is how kubeadm does it. This may be the best way to go since RBAC is already on by default but anonymous auth is not.
      2. Include conditional templates to set a different liveness probe for possible combinations of `kube_apiserver_insecure_port = 0`, RBAC, and `kube_api_anonymous_auth` (won't be possible to cover every case without a guaranteed authorizer for the secure port)
      3. Use basic auth headers for the liveness probe (I really don't like this, it adds a new dependency on basic auth which I'd also like to leave independently configurable, and it requires encoded passwords in the apiserver manifest)
      Option 1 seems like the clear winner to me, but is there a reason we wouldn't want anonymous-auth on by default? The apiserver binary defaults anonymous-auth to true, but kubespray's default was false.
  28. Nov 03, 2017
    • Günther Grill's avatar
      Workaround ansible bug where access var via dict doesn't get real value (#1912) · 01957255
      Günther Grill authored
      * Change deprecated vagrant ansible flag 'sudo' to 'become'
      * Workaround ansible bug where access var via dict doesn't get real value
      When accessing a variable via it's name "{{ foo }}" its value is
      retrieved. But when the variable value is retrieved via the vars-dict
      "{{ vars['foo'] }}" this doesn't resolve the expression of the variable
      any more due to a bug. So e.g. a expression foo="{{ 1 == 1 }}" isn't
      longer resolved but just returned as string "1 == 1".
      * Make file yamllint complient
  29. Oct 27, 2017
  30. Oct 20, 2017
  31. Oct 17, 2017
  32. Oct 06, 2017
  33. Sep 29, 2017
  34. Sep 27, 2017