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Commit 6925503a authored by Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar Rafael Guterres Jeffman
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ipagroup: Fix management of AD objects

When using AD objects, a user expects to use the more human readable
form, like "user@ad.domain", but this impose some dificulties on
evaluating which object is being referenced as AD has several forms to
refer to the same object.

Each object is AD is identified uniquely by its SID, and this is the
identifier that IPA stores in its database. When managing AD objects,
IPA finds its SID and works with that value.

ansible-freeipa tried to process these objects using the human readable
values, and it cause idempontence error when ensuring the values were
present or modified, and, at least in some cases, prevented the objects
to be made absent, as the object list created didn't match the SID to
the value used as module parameter.

By using SID to process the AD objects in ipagroup, the addition or
removal of members works and idempotence of these members is ensured.

The only issue with thils approach is that it only works no server
nodes. In client nodes, the conversion to SID is not available and the
same issues that existed before will still be present.

Tests were updated to reflect these changes, a new test, specific to
idempotence issues of AD objects was added:


parent 8581b79e
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