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  1. Sep 28, 2021
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipasudocmd: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · 198e2152
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update sudocmd README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipaserver: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · 26dc8f1e
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update server README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      iparole: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · c38b1e25
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update role README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipapwpolicy: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · d5451cda
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update pwpolicy README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipaprivilege: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · 368cee93
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update privilege README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipapermission: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · a599f4ad
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update permission README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
      Due to differences in data returned when running in a client context,
      some values had to be modified so that comparision works and an
      unnecessary call to IPA API is executed.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipalocation: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · 1440fb39
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update location README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipahostgroup: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · 40f544ba
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update hostgroup README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipahost: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · d0287f90
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update host README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipahbacsvcgroup: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · 6ce1055b
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update hbacsvcgroup README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipahbacsvc: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · ec777dab
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update hbacsvc README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipahbacrule: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · 876187ab
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update hbacrule README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipagroup: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · 1fdf7a43
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update group README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipadnszone: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · cf7b197a
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update dnszone README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
      Due to differences in data returned when running in a client context,
      verification if zone is active had to be modified.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipadnsrecord: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · a834de1f
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update dnsrecord README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipadnsforwardzone: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · da45d74f
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update dnsforwardzone README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
      Due to differences in data returned when running ipadnsforwardzone in
      a client context, some values had to be modified so that comparision
      works, avoiding unnecessary IPA API calls.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipadnsconfig: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · 393cb8ba
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update dnsconfig README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipadelegation: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · 638977e0
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update delegation README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipaconfig: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · 65271a01
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update config README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
      As the tests for ipaconfig may render the server in an inconsistent
      state if they fail, the tests in tests/config/test_config.yml were
      wrapped in a way that if one test fails, the default FreeIPA
      configuration is restored to the server.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipaautomountlocation: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · e4d2b62b
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update automountlocation README file and add tests for executing plugin
      with `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
  2. Sep 27, 2021
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipaautomember: Allow execution of plugin in client host. · e6ecae0d
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Update automember README file and add tests for executing plugin with
      `ipaapi_context` set to `client`.
      A new test playbook can be found at:
      The new test file can be executed in a FreeIPA client host that is
      not a server. In this case, it should be defined in the `ipaclients`
      group, in the inventory file.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      tests: Create IPA fact ipa_host_is_client. · aa6c5c61
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      This patch adds a new fact `ipa_host_is_client`, available in the
      include task file `env_freeipa_facts.yml`.
      The variable `ipa_host_is_client` is set to TRUE if the client host
      is not an IPA server (primary or replica). It can be used if a test
      cannot be executed in a server, independent of the value set to
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      templates: Allow execution of plugins in an IPA client host. · 1c679c5a
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Modify templates to create the basic tests for `ipaapi_context: client`.
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      modules: Allow execution of plugins in an IPA client host. · 8bc6b01f
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      Add a new configuration variable, `ipaapi_context` to IPAAnsibleModule
      base specs, accepting only 'server' or 'client' values.
      By using this variable, an user can select the environment context in
      which the module will execute, server or client. This change will allow
      configuration of the server without requiring login access (e.g. `ssh`)
      to the server.
      The default behavior is to use a `server` context, but this behavior
      can be modified by the plugin, if it sets the `context` parameter when
      connecting to IPA API.
  3. Sep 26, 2021
  4. Sep 24, 2021
  5. Sep 23, 2021
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient_setup_nss: Use proper nosssd_files list · 60ff782a
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ipaclient_setup_nss is using the nosssd_files dict if sssd is disabled
      with no_sssd.
      The nosssd_files dict is generated in ipaclient_test and used in
      ipaclient_setup_nss. So far ipaclient_setup_nss was using nosssd_files
      from ipaclient installer, which was always None.
  6. Sep 20, 2021
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      ipaserver: Allow configuration of test server name. · 076835e0
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      As the server name was hard coded, when running tests for ipasever
      module using a server not name as 'ipaserver', the tests would fail.
      This patch allows the configuration of the server name using the
      variable 'ipa_server_name', and if not provided, try to infer the name
      from the ansible_hostname variable, or, if not possible, defaults to
      The same behavior is applied to 'ipasever_domain', with the default
      being 'ipa.test'.
  7. Sep 16, 2021
  8. Sep 15, 2021
  9. Sep 14, 2021