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Unverified Commit c0c2cd6e authored by Fish-pro's avatar Fish-pro Committed by GitHub
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Adjust the table style to make it easier to read (#9731)

parent 36c6de9a
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......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ test -f requirements-$ANSIBLE_VERSION.yml && \
Based on the table below and the available python version for your ansible host you should choose the appropriate ansible version to use with kubespray.
| Ansible Version | Python Version |
| --------------- | -------------- |
| 2.11 | 2.7,3.5-3.9 |
| 2.12 | 3.8-3.10 |
......@@ -104,135 +104,135 @@ the `-e` runtime flags (most simple way) or other layers described in the docs.
Kubespray uses only a few layers to override things (or expect them to
be overridden for roles):
Layer | Comment
**role defaults** | provides best UX to override things for Kubespray deployments
inventory vars | Unused
**inventory group_vars** | Expects users to use ``all.yml``,``k8s_cluster.yml`` etc. to override things
inventory host_vars | Unused
playbook group_vars | Unused
playbook host_vars | Unused
**host facts** | Kubespray overrides for internal roles' logic, like state flags
play vars | Unused
play vars_prompt | Unused
play vars_files | Unused
registered vars | Unused
set_facts | Kubespray overrides those, for some places
**role and include vars** | Provides bad UX to override things! Use extra vars to enforce
block vars (only for tasks in block) | Kubespray overrides for internal roles' logic
task vars (only for the task) | Unused for roles, but only for helper scripts
**extra vars** (always win precedence) | override with ``ansible-playbook -e @foo.yml``
| Layer | Comment |
| **role defaults** | provides best UX to override things for Kubespray deployments |
| inventory vars | Unused |
| **inventory group_vars** | Expects users to use ``all.yml``,``k8s_cluster.yml`` etc. to override things |
| inventory host_vars | Unused |
| playbook group_vars | Unused |
| playbook host_vars | Unused |
| **host facts** | Kubespray overrides for internal roles' logic, like state flags |
| play vars | Unused |
| play vars_prompt | Unused |
| play vars_files | Unused |
| registered vars | Unused |
| set_facts | Kubespray overrides those, for some places |
| **role and include vars** | Provides bad UX to override things! Use extra vars to enforce |
| block vars (only for tasks in block) | Kubespray overrides for internal roles' logic |
| task vars (only for the task) | Unused for roles, but only for helper scripts |
| **extra vars** (always win precedence) | override with ``ansible-playbook -e @foo.yml`` |
## Ansible tags
The following tags are defined in playbooks:
| Tag name | Used for
| annotate | Create kube-router annotation
| apps | K8s apps definitions
| asserts | Check tasks for download role
| aws-ebs-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: aws-ebs
| azure-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: azure
| bastion | Setup ssh config for bastion
| bootstrap-os | Anything related to host OS configuration
| calico | Network plugin Calico
| calico_rr | Configuring Calico route reflector
| canal | Network plugin Canal
| cephfs-provisioner | Configuring CephFS
| cert-manager | Configuring certificate manager for K8s
| cilium | Network plugin Cilium
| cinder-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: cinder
| client | Kubernetes clients role
| cloud-provider | Cloud-provider related tasks
| cluster-roles | Configuring cluster wide application (psp ...)
| cni | CNI plugins for Network Plugins
| containerd | Configuring containerd engine runtime for hosts
| container_engine_accelerator | Enable nvidia accelerator for runtimes
| container-engine | Configuring container engines
| container-runtimes | Configuring container runtimes
| coredns | Configuring coredns deployment
| crio | Configuring crio container engine for hosts
| crun | Configuring crun runtime
| csi-driver | Configuring csi driver
| dashboard | Installing and configuring the Kubernetes Dashboard
| dns | Remove dns entries when resetting
| docker | Configuring docker engine runtime for hosts
| download | Fetching container images to a delegate host
| etcd | Configuring etcd cluster
| etcd-secrets | Configuring etcd certs/keys
| etchosts | Configuring /etc/hosts entries for hosts
| external-cloud-controller | Configure cloud controllers
| external-openstack | Cloud controller : openstack
| external-provisioner | Configure external provisioners
| external-vsphere | Cloud controller : vsphere
| facts | Gathering facts and misc check results
| files | Remove files when resetting
| flannel | Network plugin flannel
| gce | Cloud-provider GCP
| gcp-pd-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: gcp-pd
| gvisor | Configuring gvisor runtime
| helm | Installing and configuring Helm
| ingress-controller | Configure ingress controllers
| ingress_alb | AWS ALB Ingress Controller
| init | Windows kubernetes init nodes
| iptables | Flush and clear iptable when resetting
| k8s-pre-upgrade | Upgrading K8s cluster
| k8s-secrets | Configuring K8s certs/keys
| k8s-gen-tokens | Configuring K8s tokens
| kata-containers | Configuring kata-containers runtime
| krew | Install and manage krew
| kubeadm | Roles linked to kubeadm tasks
| kube-apiserver | Configuring static pod kube-apiserver
| kube-controller-manager | Configuring static pod kube-controller-manager
| kube-vip | Installing and configuring kube-vip
| kubectl | Installing kubectl and bash completion
| kubelet | Configuring kubelet service
| kube-ovn | Network plugin kube-ovn
| kube-router | Network plugin kube-router
| kube-proxy | Configuring static pod kube-proxy
| localhost | Special steps for the localhost (ansible runner)
| local-path-provisioner | Configure External provisioner: local-path
| local-volume-provisioner | Configure External provisioner: local-volume
| macvlan | Network plugin macvlan
| master | Configuring K8s master node role
| metallb | Installing and configuring metallb
| metrics_server | Configuring metrics_server
| netchecker | Installing netchecker K8s app
| network | Configuring networking plugins for K8s
| mounts | Umount kubelet dirs when reseting
| multus | Network plugin multus
| nginx | Configuring LB for kube-apiserver instances
| node | Configuring K8s minion (compute) node role
| nodelocaldns | Configuring nodelocaldns daemonset
| node-label | Tasks linked to labeling of nodes
| node-webhook | Tasks linked to webhook (grating access to resources)
| nvidia_gpu | Enable nvidia accelerator for runtimes
| oci | Cloud provider: oci
| persistent_volumes | Configure csi volumes
| persistent_volumes_aws_ebs_csi | Configuring csi driver: aws-ebs
| persistent_volumes_cinder_csi | Configuring csi driver: cinder
| persistent_volumes_gcp_pd_csi | Configuring csi driver: gcp-pd
| persistent_volumes_openstack | Configuring csi driver: openstack
| policy-controller | Configuring Calico policy controller
| post-remove | Tasks running post-remove operation
| post-upgrade | Tasks running post-upgrade operation
| pre-remove | Tasks running pre-remove operation
| pre-upgrade | Tasks running pre-upgrade operation
| preinstall | Preliminary configuration steps
| registry | Configuring local docker registry
| reset | Tasks running doing the node reset
| resolvconf | Configuring /etc/resolv.conf for hosts/apps
| rbd-provisioner | Configure External provisioner: rdb
| services | Remove services (etcd, kubelet etc...) when resetting
| snapshot | Enabling csi snapshot
| snapshot-controller | Configuring csi snapshot controller
| upgrade | Upgrading, f.e. container images/binaries
| upload | Distributing images/binaries across hosts
| vsphere-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: vsphere
| weave | Network plugin Weave
| win_nodes | Running windows specific tasks
| youki | Configuring youki runtime
| Tag name | Used for |
| annotate | Create kube-router annotation |
| apps | K8s apps definitions |
| asserts | Check tasks for download role |
| aws-ebs-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: aws-ebs |
| azure-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: azure |
| bastion | Setup ssh config for bastion |
| bootstrap-os | Anything related to host OS configuration |
| calico | Network plugin Calico |
| calico_rr | Configuring Calico route reflector |
| canal | Network plugin Canal |
| cephfs-provisioner | Configuring CephFS |
| cert-manager | Configuring certificate manager for K8s |
| cilium | Network plugin Cilium |
| cinder-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: cinder |
| client | Kubernetes clients role |
| cloud-provider | Cloud-provider related tasks |
| cluster-roles | Configuring cluster wide application (psp ...) |
| cni | CNI plugins for Network Plugins |
| containerd | Configuring containerd engine runtime for hosts |
| container_engine_accelerator | Enable nvidia accelerator for runtimes |
| container-engine | Configuring container engines |
| container-runtimes | Configuring container runtimes |
| coredns | Configuring coredns deployment |
| crio | Configuring crio container engine for hosts |
| crun | Configuring crun runtime |
| csi-driver | Configuring csi driver |
| dashboard | Installing and configuring the Kubernetes Dashboard |
| dns | Remove dns entries when resetting |
| docker | Configuring docker engine runtime for hosts |
| download | Fetching container images to a delegate host |
| etcd | Configuring etcd cluster |
| etcd-secrets | Configuring etcd certs/keys |
| etchosts | Configuring /etc/hosts entries for hosts |
| external-cloud-controller | Configure cloud controllers |
| external-openstack | Cloud controller : openstack |
| external-provisioner | Configure external provisioners |
| external-vsphere | Cloud controller : vsphere |
| facts | Gathering facts and misc check results |
| files | Remove files when resetting |
| flannel | Network plugin flannel |
| gce | Cloud-provider GCP |
| gcp-pd-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: gcp-pd |
| gvisor | Configuring gvisor runtime |
| helm | Installing and configuring Helm |
| ingress-controller | Configure ingress controllers |
| ingress_alb | AWS ALB Ingress Controller |
| init | Windows kubernetes init nodes |
| iptables | Flush and clear iptable when resetting |
| k8s-pre-upgrade | Upgrading K8s cluster |
| k8s-secrets | Configuring K8s certs/keys |
| k8s-gen-tokens | Configuring K8s tokens |
| kata-containers | Configuring kata-containers runtime |
| krew | Install and manage krew |
| kubeadm | Roles linked to kubeadm tasks |
| kube-apiserver | Configuring static pod kube-apiserver |
| kube-controller-manager | Configuring static pod kube-controller-manager |
| kube-vip | Installing and configuring kube-vip |
| kubectl | Installing kubectl and bash completion |
| kubelet | Configuring kubelet service |
| kube-ovn | Network plugin kube-ovn |
| kube-router | Network plugin kube-router |
| kube-proxy | Configuring static pod kube-proxy |
| localhost | Special steps for the localhost (ansible runner) |
| local-path-provisioner | Configure External provisioner: local-path |
| local-volume-provisioner | Configure External provisioner: local-volume |
| macvlan | Network plugin macvlan |
| master | Configuring K8s master node role |
| metallb | Installing and configuring metallb |
| metrics_server | Configuring metrics_server |
| netchecker | Installing netchecker K8s app |
| network | Configuring networking plugins for K8s |
| mounts | Umount kubelet dirs when reseting |
| multus | Network plugin multus |
| nginx | Configuring LB for kube-apiserver instances |
| node | Configuring K8s minion (compute) node role |
| nodelocaldns | Configuring nodelocaldns daemonset |
| node-label | Tasks linked to labeling of nodes |
| node-webhook | Tasks linked to webhook (grating access to resources) |
| nvidia_gpu | Enable nvidia accelerator for runtimes |
| oci | Cloud provider: oci |
| persistent_volumes | Configure csi volumes |
| persistent_volumes_aws_ebs_csi | Configuring csi driver: aws-ebs |
| persistent_volumes_cinder_csi | Configuring csi driver: cinder |
| persistent_volumes_gcp_pd_csi | Configuring csi driver: gcp-pd |
| persistent_volumes_openstack | Configuring csi driver: openstack |
| policy-controller | Configuring Calico policy controller |
| post-remove | Tasks running post-remove operation |
| post-upgrade | Tasks running post-upgrade operation |
| pre-remove | Tasks running pre-remove operation |
| pre-upgrade | Tasks running pre-upgrade operation |
| preinstall | Preliminary configuration steps |
| registry | Configuring local docker registry |
| reset | Tasks running doing the node reset |
| resolvconf | Configuring /etc/resolv.conf for hosts/apps |
| rbd-provisioner | Configure External provisioner: rdb |
| services | Remove services (etcd, kubelet etc...) when resetting |
| snapshot | Enabling csi snapshot |
| snapshot-controller | Configuring csi snapshot controller |
| upgrade | Upgrading, f.e. container images/binaries |
| upload | Distributing images/binaries across hosts |
| vsphere-csi-driver | Configuring csi driver: vsphere |
| weave | Network plugin Weave |
| win_nodes | Running windows specific tasks |
| youki | Configuring youki runtime |
Note: Use the ``bash scripts/`` command to generate a list of all
tags found in the codebase. New tags will be listed with the empty "Used for"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The following table shows the impact of the CPU architecture on compatible featu
- amd64 + arm64: Cluster with a mix of x86/amd64 and arm64 CPUs
| kube_network_plugin | amd64 | arm64 | amd64 + arm64 |
| ------------------- | ----- | ----- | ------------- |
| Calico | Y | Y | Y |
| Weave | Y | Y | Y |
| Flannel | Y | N | N |
......@@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ export REGION="us-east-2"
Declare the cloud config variables for the `aws` provider as follows. Setting these variables are optional and depend on your use case.
aws_zone|string|Force set the AWS zone. Recommended to leave blank.
aws_vpc|string|The AWS VPC flag enables the possibility to run the master components on a different aws account, on a different cloud provider or on-premise. If the flag is set also the KubernetesClusterTag must be provided
aws_subnet_id|string|SubnetID enables using a specific subnet to use for ELB's
aws_route_table_id|string|RouteTableID enables using a specific RouteTable
aws_role_arn|string|RoleARN is the IAM role to assume when interaction with AWS APIs
aws_kubernetes_cluster_tag|string|KubernetesClusterTag is the legacy cluster id we'll use to identify our cluster resources
aws_kubernetes_cluster_id|string|KubernetesClusterID is the cluster id we'll use to identify our cluster resources
aws_disable_security_group_ingress|bool|The aws provider creates an inbound rule per load balancer on the node security group. However, this can run into the AWS security group rule limit of 50 if many LoadBalancers are created. This flag disables the automatic ingress creation. It requires that the user has setup a rule that allows inbound traffic on kubelet ports from the local VPC subnet (so load balancers can access it). E.g. 30000-32000.
aws_elb_security_group|string|Only in Kubelet version >= 1.7 : AWS has a hard limit of 500 security groups. For large clusters creating a security group for each ELB can cause the max number of security groups to be reached. If this is set instead of creating a new Security group for each ELB this security group will be used instead.
aws_disable_strict_zone_check|bool|During the instantiation of an new AWS cloud provider, the detected region is validated against a known set of regions. In a non-standard, AWS like environment (e.g. Eucalyptus), this check may be undesirable. Setting this to true will disable the check and provide a warning that the check was skipped. Please note that this is an experimental feature and work-in-progress for the moment.
| Variable | Type | Comment |
| aws_zone | string | Force set the AWS zone. Recommended to leave blank. |
| aws_vpc | string | The AWS VPC flag enables the possibility to run the master components on a different aws account, on a different cloud provider or on-premise. If the flag is set also the KubernetesClusterTag must be provided |
| aws_subnet_id | string | SubnetID enables using a specific subnet to use for ELB's |
| aws_route_table_id | string | RouteTableID enables using a specific RouteTable |
| aws_role_arn | string | RoleARN is the IAM role to assume when interaction with AWS APIs |
| aws_kubernetes_cluster_tag | string | KubernetesClusterTag is the legacy cluster id we'll use to identify our cluster resources |
| aws_kubernetes_cluster_id | string | KubernetesClusterID is the cluster id we'll use to identify our cluster resources |
| aws_disable_security_group_ingress | bool | The aws provider creates an inbound rule per load balancer on the node security group. However, this can run into the AWS security group rule limit of 50 if many LoadBalancers are created. This flag disables the automatic ingress creation. It requires that the user has setup a rule that allows inbound traffic on kubelet ports from the local VPC subnet (so load balancers can access it). E.g. 30000-32000. |
| aws_elb_security_group | string | Only in Kubelet version >= 1.7 : AWS has a hard limit of 500 security groups. For large clusters creating a security group for each ELB can cause the max number of security groups to be reached. If this is set instead of creating a new Security group for each ELB this security group will be used instead. |
| aws_disable_strict_zone_check | bool | During the instantiation of an new AWS cloud provider, the detected region is validated against a known set of regions. In a non-standard, AWS like environment (e.g. Eucalyptus), this check may be undesirable. Setting this to true will disable the check and provide a warning that the check was skipped. Please note that this is an experimental feature and work-in-progress for the moment. |
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Alternatively you can use the values `identity`, `aesgcm`, `aescbc` or `kms`.
| Provider | Why we have decided against the value as default |
| identity | no encryption |
| identity | no encryption |
| aesgcm | Must be rotated every 200k writes |
| aescbc | Not recommended due to CBC's vulnerability to padding oracle attacks. |
| kms | Is the official recommended way, but assumes that a key management service independent of Kubernetes exists, we cannot assume this in all environments, so not a suitable default value. |
......@@ -14,30 +14,30 @@ To set the number of replicas for the vSphere CSI controller, you can change `vs
You need to source the vSphere credentials you use to deploy your machines that will host Kubernetes.
| Variable | Required | Type | Choices | Default | Comment |
| external_vsphere_vcenter_ip | TRUE | string | | | IP/URL of the vCenter |
| external_vsphere_vcenter_port | TRUE | string | | "443" | Port of the vCenter API |
| external_vsphere_insecure | TRUE | string | "true", "false" | "true" | set to "true" if the host above uses a self-signed cert |
| external_vsphere_user | TRUE | string | | | User name for vCenter with required privileges (Can also be specified with the `VSPHERE_USER` environment variable) |
| external_vsphere_password | TRUE | string | | | Password for vCenter (Can also be specified with the `VSPHERE_PASSWORD` environment variable) |
| external_vsphere_datacenter | TRUE | string | | | Datacenter name to use |
| external_vsphere_kubernetes_cluster_id | TRUE | string | | "kubernetes-cluster-id" | Kubernetes cluster ID to use |
| external_vsphere_version | TRUE | string | | "6.7u3" | Vmware Vsphere version where located all VMs |
| external_vsphere_cloud_controller_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "latest" | Kubernetes cluster ID to use |
| vsphere_syncer_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "v2.2.1" | Syncer image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_attacher_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "v3.1.0" | CSI attacher image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_controller | TRUE | string | | "v2.2.1" | CSI controller image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_controller_replicas | TRUE | integer | | 1 | Number of pods Kubernetes should deploy for the CSI controller |
| vsphere_csi_liveness_probe_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "v2.2.0" | CSI liveness probe image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_provisioner_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "v2.1.0" | CSI provisioner image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_node_driver_registrar_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "v1.1.0" | CSI node driver registrar image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_driver_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "v1.0.2" | CSI driver image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_resizer_tag | TRUE | string | | "v1.1.0" | CSI resizer image tag to use
| vsphere_csi_aggressive_node_drain | FALSE | boolean | | false | Enable aggressive node drain strategy |
| vsphere_csi_aggressive_node_unreachable_timeout | FALSE | int | 300 | | Timeout till node will be drained when it in an unreachable state |
| vsphere_csi_aggressive_node_not_ready_timeout | FALSE | int | 300 | | Timeout till node will be drained when it in not-ready state |
| vsphere_csi_namespace | TRUE | string | | "kube-system" | vSphere CSI namespace to use; kube-system for backward compatibility, should be change to vmware-system-csi on the long run |
| Variable | Required | Type | Choices | Default | Comment |
| external_vsphere_vcenter_ip | TRUE | string | | | IP/URL of the vCenter |
| external_vsphere_vcenter_port | TRUE | string | | "443" | Port of the vCenter API |
| external_vsphere_insecure | TRUE | string | "true", "false" | "true" | set to "true" if the host above uses a self-signed cert |
| external_vsphere_user | TRUE | string | | | User name for vCenter with required privileges (Can also be specified with the `VSPHERE_USER` environment variable) |
| external_vsphere_password | TRUE | string | | | Password for vCenter (Can also be specified with the `VSPHERE_PASSWORD` environment variable) |
| external_vsphere_datacenter | TRUE | string | | | Datacenter name to use |
| external_vsphere_kubernetes_cluster_id | TRUE | string | | "kubernetes-cluster-id" | Kubernetes cluster ID to use |
| external_vsphere_version | TRUE | string | | "6.7u3" | Vmware Vsphere version where located all VMs |
| external_vsphere_cloud_controller_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "latest" | Kubernetes cluster ID to use |
| vsphere_syncer_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "v2.2.1" | Syncer image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_attacher_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "v3.1.0" | CSI attacher image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_controller | TRUE | string | | "v2.2.1" | CSI controller image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_controller_replicas | TRUE | integer | | 1 | Number of pods Kubernetes should deploy for the CSI controller |
| vsphere_csi_liveness_probe_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "v2.2.0" | CSI liveness probe image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_provisioner_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "v2.1.0" | CSI provisioner image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_node_driver_registrar_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "v1.1.0" | CSI node driver registrar image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_driver_image_tag | TRUE | string | | "v1.0.2" | CSI driver image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_resizer_tag | TRUE | string | | "v1.1.0" | CSI resizer image tag to use |
| vsphere_csi_aggressive_node_drain | FALSE | boolean | | false | Enable aggressive node drain strategy |
| vsphere_csi_aggressive_node_unreachable_timeout | FALSE | int | 300 | | Timeout till node will be drained when it in an unreachable state |
| vsphere_csi_aggressive_node_not_ready_timeout | FALSE | int | 300 | | Timeout till node will be drained when it in not-ready state |
| vsphere_csi_namespace | TRUE | string | | "kube-system" | vSphere CSI namespace to use; kube-system for backward compatibility, should be change to vmware-system-csi on the long run |
## Usage example
......@@ -90,22 +90,22 @@ cloud_provider: vsphere
Then, in the same file, you need to declare your vCenter credentials following the description below.
| Variable | Required | Type | Choices | Default | Comment |
| vsphere_vcenter_ip | TRUE | string | | | IP/URL of the vCenter |
| vsphere_vcenter_port | TRUE | integer | | | Port of the vCenter API. Commonly 443 |
| vsphere_insecure | TRUE | integer | 1, 0 | | set to 1 if the host above uses a self-signed cert |
| vsphere_user | TRUE | string | | | User name for vCenter with required privileges |
| vsphere_password | TRUE | string | | | Password for vCenter |
| vsphere_datacenter | TRUE | string | | | Datacenter name to use |
| vsphere_datastore | TRUE | string | | | Datastore name to use |
| vsphere_working_dir | TRUE | string | | | Working directory from the view "VMs and template" in the vCenter where VM are placed |
| vsphere_scsi_controller_type | TRUE | string | buslogic, pvscsi, parallel | pvscsi | SCSI controller name. Commonly "pvscsi". |
| Variable | Required | Type | Choices | Default | Comment |
| vsphere_vcenter_ip | TRUE | string | | | IP/URL of the vCenter |
| vsphere_vcenter_port | TRUE | integer | | | Port of the vCenter API. Commonly 443 |
| vsphere_insecure | TRUE | integer | 1, 0 | | set to 1 if the host above uses a self-signed cert |
| vsphere_user | TRUE | string | | | User name for vCenter with required privileges |
| vsphere_password | TRUE | string | | | Password for vCenter |
| vsphere_datacenter | TRUE | string | | | Datacenter name to use |
| vsphere_datastore | TRUE | string | | | Datastore name to use |
| vsphere_working_dir | TRUE | string | | | Working directory from the view "VMs and template" in the vCenter where VM are placed |
| vsphere_scsi_controller_type | TRUE | string | buslogic, pvscsi, parallel | pvscsi | SCSI controller name. Commonly "pvscsi". |
| vsphere_vm_uuid | FALSE | string | | | VM Instance UUID of virtual machine that host K8s master. Can be retrieved from instanceUuid property in VmConfigInfo, or as vc.uuid in VMX file or in `/sys/class/dmi/id/product_serial` (Optional, only used for Kubernetes <= 1.9.2) |
| vsphere_public_network | FALSE | string | | Blank | Name of the network the VMs are joined to |
| vsphere_resource_pool | FALSE | string | | Blank | Name of the Resource pool where the VMs are located (Optional, only used for Kubernetes >= 1.9.2) |
| vsphere_zone_category | FALSE | string | | | Name of the tag category used to set the `` label on nodes (Optional, only used for Kubernetes >= 1.12.0) |
| vsphere_region_category | FALSE | string | | | Name of the tag category used to set the `` label on nodes (Optional, only used for Kubernetes >= 1.12.0) |
| vsphere_public_network | FALSE | string | | Blank | Name of the network the VMs are joined to |
| vsphere_resource_pool | FALSE | string | | Blank | Name of the Resource pool where the VMs are located (Optional, only used for Kubernetes >= 1.9.2) |
| vsphere_zone_category | FALSE | string | | | Name of the tag category used to set the `` label on nodes (Optional, only used for Kubernetes >= 1.12.0) |
| vsphere_region_category | FALSE | string | | | Name of the tag category used to set the `` label on nodes (Optional, only used for Kubernetes >= 1.12.0) |
Example configuration:
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