- Mar 02, 2017
Matthew Mosesohn authored
fix inline verbatim blocks formatting in markdown
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Allow to specify etcd backend for kube-api
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Add autoscalers for dnsmasq and kubedns
Matthew Mosesohn authored
By default kubedns and dnsmasq scale when installed. Dnsmasq is no longer a daemonset. It is now a deployment. Kubedns is no longer a replicationcluster. It is now a deployment. Minimum replicas is two (to enable rolling updates). Reduced memory erquirements for dnsmasq and kubedns
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Add upgrade-cluster and reset playbooks to syntax check
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Added host_vars to gitignore
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Use docker-engine 1.13.1
Matthew Mosesohn authored
John Dewey authored
The default version of Docker was switched to 1.13 in #1059. This change also bumped ubuntu from installing docker-engine 1.13.0 to 1.13.1. This PR updates os families which had 1.13 defined, but were using 1.13.0. The impetus for this change is an issue running tiller 1.2.3 on docker 1.13.0. See discussion [1][2]. [1] https://github.com/kubernetes/helm/issues/1838 [2] https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/kargo/pull/1100
John Dewey authored
- Mar 01, 2017
John Dewey authored
Since inventory ships with kargo, the ability to change functionality without having a dirty git index is nice. An example, we wish to change is the version of docker deployed to our CentOS systems. Due to an issue with tiller and docker 1.13, we wish to deploy docker 1.12. Since this change does not belong in Kargo, we wish to locally override the docker version, until the issue is sorted.
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Restart kube-controller for host_resolvconf mode
Vladimir Rutsky authored
Antoine Legrand authored
Fixed counter in ETCD Openssl.conf
Bogdan Dobrelya authored
Allow connections from pods to local endpoints
Bogdan Dobrelya authored
Fix vault role in upgrade-cluster.yml
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Artem Panchenko authored
By default Calico blocks traffic from endpoints to the host itself by using an iptables DROP action. It could lead to a situation when service has one alive endpoint, but pods which run on the same node can not access it. Changed the action to RETURN.
Antoine Legrand authored
Ensure vagrant uses flannel
John Dewey authored
The Vagrantfile is setup to use flannel. The default network was changed to Calico (#1031). However, the Vagrantfile was not updated to reflect this. Ensuring the Vagrantfile remains functional on master, until someone decides to make it work with Calico.
- Feb 28, 2017
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Adding KUBELET_CLOUDPROVIDER to kubelet.rkt.service
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Remove upgrade from the ubuntu-rkt-sep CI job
Antoine Legrand authored
Change kube-api default port from 443 to 6443
Sergii Golovatiuk authored
Kubernetes project is about to set etcdv3 as default storage engine in 1.6. This patch allows to specify particular backend for kube-apiserver. User may force the option to etcdv3 for new environment. At the same time if the environment uses v2 it will continue uses it until user decides to upgrade to v3. Signed-off-by:
Sergii Golovatiuk <sgolovatiuk@mirantis.com>
Sergii Golovatiuk authored
Operator can specify any port for kube-api (6443 default) This helps in case where some pods such as Ingress require 443 exclusively. Closes: 820 Signed-off-by:
Sergii Golovatiuk <sgolovatiuk@mirantis.com>
Brad Beam authored
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Lower default memory requests
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Make etcd data dir configurable.
Sergii Golovatiuk authored
Closes: #1073 Signed-off-by:
Sergii Golovatiuk <sgolovatiuk@mirantis.com>
- Feb 27, 2017
Brad Beam authored
This is to address out of memory issues on CI as well as help fit deployments for people starting out with kargo on smaller machines
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Vincent Schwarzer authored
When a apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name is added to the Openssl.conf the counter gets not increased correctly. This didnt seem to have an effect at the current kargo version.
Bogdan Dobrelya authored
Using the command module instead of raw
Bogdan Dobrelya authored
Align LB defaults with the HA docs
- Feb 26, 2017
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Fix cluster.yml file extension in docs
Kopylov German authored
- Feb 25, 2017
Matthew Mosesohn authored
Increase SSL TTL to 3650 days
- Feb 24, 2017
Sergii Golovatiuk authored
In real scenarios 365 days is short period of time. 3650 days is good enough for long running k8s environments
Antoine Legrand authored
Uncomment one key/value in all.yml
Sergii Golovatiuk authored
all.yaml shouldn't be empty otherwise ansible won't be able to merge 2 dicts. Related bug: ansible/issues/21889