- Apr 17, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
Meta end_play has been used as a simple solution to end the playbook processing in special conditions, like for example when the deployment was already done before. meta end_play has been replaced with blocks and conditions for these blocks. Fixes: #70 (Avoid using meta end_play)
Thomas Woerner authored
The ansible_fqdn hostname has been enforced to be set and used in ipaserver, ipareplica and also ipaclient role. This has been removed as the hostname should only be set if specified explicitly with ipa[server,replica,client]_hostname.
Thomas Woerner authored
The FreeIPA versions since 4.7.0 are using chrony and also the new sync_time function for time synchronization which has been added to ipaclient/install/client.py. The old version in ipaclient_setup_ntp has been updated to the code that has been used in 4.6.4.
- Apr 16, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
The installer logs have not been created using the ansible ipaclient, ipareplica and ipaserver roles. This has been fixed and the installer logs are created now. This is a new and fixed version of 2113c791 where verbose mode is turned off.
- Apr 05, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
cli_servers from ipaclient_test was missing in ipaclient_setup_ntp. This resulted in a backtrace and is fixed now. Fix options.ntp_servers check to not use length on NoneType.
Thomas Woerner authored
The call of standard_logging_setup results in verbose and debug output in the ansible modules. This needs to be done in an altenative way. This reverts commit 2113c791.
- Apr 04, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
check_ldap_conf is only available in FreeIPA 4.7 and later and tasks.is_nosssd_supported is only available since 4.6.90.pre2. check_ldap_conf is None (ansible_ipa_client) if it can not be imported. hasattr has been added to check if is_nosssd_supported is a valid attribute in tasks. Fixes: #61 (ipaserver role - Fails on ipaclient install)
Thomas Woerner authored
The entity argument for validate_domain_name is only available in FreeIPA 4.7 and later. This has been fixed using inspect to be able to detect if entity is a valid argument. If not the whole realm name check is skipped. Related: #61 (ipaserver role - Fails on ipaclient install) Fixes: #66 (Python 2 error with validate_domain)
- Apr 03, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
This setting had the wrong and unsed prefix ipahost. THis has been fixed and the proper prefix ipaclient is now used. The change in ipaclient/defaults/main.yml was missing from the first commit b5d6dc00
Thomas Woerner authored
The installer logs have not been created using the ansible ipaclient, ipareplica and ipaserver roles. This has been fixed and the installer logs are created now.
Thomas Woerner authored
This setting had the wrong and unsed prefix ipahost. THis has been fixed and the proper prefix ipaclient is now used.
Thomas Woerner authored
Krb5 configuration was also done if ipaclient_on_master was set. This resulted in a reverted configuration while deploying the client part in a server deploment.
- Mar 26, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
The role test is executed in the ipa[server,replica,client] roles first. These tests are usable in the Ansible test mode, but the folllowing steps in the task list are not. Therefore the blocks following the tests are limited to not being executed in test mode.
Thomas Woerner authored
python_2_3_test needs to be executed also in test mode to make sure that the follwing ipa[server,replica,client]_test modules could be executed also in test mode.
Thomas Woerner authored
For consitency the result_ prefix has been added to the registered result of the py3test.py script.
Thomas Woerner authored
The use of ScriptError without an error message but with rval resulted in very limited information in ansible. The error messages from logger.error calls have have added to these ScriptError raises.
Thomas Woerner authored
Removed addtional empty line in ipaclient_setup_sssd sectio
Thomas Woerner authored
default(omit) is not needed for bool values, as these need to be set either way.
Thomas Woerner authored
The __getattr__ method in installer_obj was used for debugging to make sure that all needed settings in the installer object have been set.
Thomas Woerner authored
A remain from debugging in ipaclient_test has been removed.
- Mar 25, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
Deploying a client with one-time password use was failing in latest tests using ansible 2.7 and FreeIPA 4.7 because of an encoding problem.
Thomas Woerner authored
If the client is already installed and the allow_repair and force_join options are not set end the playbook processing. This is useful if an inventory file contains existing and new machines.
Thomas Woerner authored
The advantage of this is that the krb5 configuration is created in the same way as in the normal installers. The same functionality as in the normal installers is used in ipaclient_setup_krb5. There is no need to adapt the ipa-krb5 role or the the ask file for changes in how the krb5 configuration is done. Additionally ipaclient_force is now a supported parameter as it is in the normal installer. New config option: ipaclient_force The variable has been added to ipaclient/defaults/main.yml.
Thomas Woerner authored
The advantage of this is that the ipa default configuration is created in the same way as in the normal installers. The same functionality as in the normal installers is used in ipaclient_ipa_conf.
Thomas Woerner authored
The no_ prefix for the ssh and sshd settings has been added back. The naming of the settings should be the same all over the ipcalient role. The exception is sssd here as it has been deprected and is used from ipaclient_test. The name for the setting ssh_trust_dns has been fixed to the command line option name and not the internl optinos name.
Thomas Woerner authored
ipaclient_setup_sssd is now using configure_sssd_conf from ipaclient/install/client.py instead. This simplified the module a lot and also adds more configuratino options for sssd. These are new config options supported by ipaclient_setup_sssd: ipaclient_no_sudo ipassd_fixed_primary ipassd_permit ipassd_enable_dns_updates ipassd_no_krb5_offline_passwords ipassd_preserve_sssd These variables have been added to ipaclient/defaults/main.yml.
Thomas Woerner authored
The ipaclient_test module was not doing all tests that should be done with the provided settings. All tests from ipaclient installer parts are now part of ipaclient_test. There are some minor changes though to make sure that the repair mode could still be used. ansible_ipa_client bindings have been updated to fullfill new needs.
Thomas Woerner authored
The import line of ansible_ipa_client was not correct and used a test version of the binding that is not possible anymore due to the move of the module_utils directories into the specific role locations.
- Mar 21, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
The new module ipaclient_setup_ntp to configure and sync time with the NTP server has been added. The irregular setting ipaclient_ntp has been removed. The ipaclient_setup_ntp module is using either the new sync_time call or for compatibility with older FreeIPA versions synconce_ntp. The reference for ipaclient_ntp in REPLICA.md has been removed also. This also fixes #55.
Thomas Woerner authored
ipaclient_extras could configure several things internally according to provided settings. These have been ssh, sshd, automount, firefox an also nis. The ssh and sshd configuration is now plocated in ipaclient_setup_ssh, the automount configuration in ipaclient_setup_automount, the firefox configuration in ipaclient_setup_firefox and the nis configuration in ipaclient_setup_nis. The following additional settings have been added to roles/ipaclient/defaults/main.yml to provide the same configruation options as ipa-client-install does: ipaclient_no_ssh: no ipaclient_no_sshd: no ipaclient_no_nisdomain: no ipaclient_configure_firefox: no
Thomas Woerner authored
The naming in the ipaclient role has not been following the naming scheme and conventions used in the ipaserver and ipareplica roles. Also registered results of modules and commands have not been unsing the result_ prefix as in the other roles. All this has been fixed and the naming is consistent now. These are the renames: ipahost -> ipaclient_get_otp ipaapi -> ipaclient_api ipaextras -> ipaclient_extras ipafixca -> ipaclient_fix_ca ipafstore -> ipaclient_fstore ipa_facts -> ipaclient_get_facts ipahost -> ipaclient_get_otp ipajoin -> ipaclient_join ipanss -> ipaclient_setup_nss ipasssd -> ipaclient_setup_sssd ipadiscovery -> ipaclient_test ipatest -> ipaclient_test_keytab
- Feb 20, 2019
David Sastre Medina authored
- Feb 12, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
With these settings for server, replica and client it is possible to skip package installation. This is for example useful if the packages are already installed. The settings default to yes The setting ipareplica_no_package_install has been removed.
- Feb 01, 2019
Alessandro De Blasis authored
- Nov 22, 2018
Thomas Woerner authored
As the old way to include tasks is deprecated, replace static include statements with import_tasks and dynamic ones with include_tasks. Increaded the required ansible version to 2.5.0 to make sure that include_tasks and import_tasks is working as expected. Fixes issue #38
- Nov 21, 2018
Thomas Woerner authored
The api command to get the server config is failing with more recent freeipa versions. Therefore another way to gather the server config using api.Backend.rpcclient.forward has been added in case the first version fails. The new code is from freeipa commit 8af6accfa5734a7e9a7c92fcf38d5440482413d4 (https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/commit/8af6accf)
- Jul 23, 2018
Thomas Woerner authored
This is a partly pick of the changes done by pyguy for pull request #28. The unrelated changed on inventory files have been removed and the change to the README has been adapted to use the "Supported Distributions" section. The original commits by pyguy in https://github.com/pyguy/ansible-freeipa are: commit 1ed1fa845eafd69432b1fd1fc8e5329e4991e84a Author: pyguy <hr.josheghani@gmail.com> Date: Mon Jun 25 17:17:31 2018 +0430 Ubuntu Support added commit 9a4a7c84e4af20af27e814aba4fc2c6b8b35ec0f Author: pyguy <hr.josheghani@gmail.com> Date: Sun Jun 24 10:58:07 2018 +0430 Ubuntu support added
- Jul 19, 2018
Thomas Woerner authored
Thomas Woerner authored
This is needed to use ipaclient in ipareplica for client deployment.
Thomas Woerner authored
Set default_domain if not ipadiscovery.dnsok or not ipadiscovery.kdc like it is done in ipa-client-install.