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  1. Nov 23, 2022
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient: No kinit on controller for deployment using OTP · 624e0d34
      Thomas Woerner authored
      The generation of the OTP for client deployment is now completely
      happening on the first of the given or detected servers with delegate_to.
      The module ipaclient_get_otp has been replaced by a new module using code
      from ipahost module and module_utils ansible_freeipa_module.
      The action plugin ipaclient_get_otp has been removed and with this also
      If an admin keytab is used instead of an admin password, it is copied to
      the server as a temporary file to enable the OTP generation. The temporary
      file is removed again after using the ipaclient_get_otp module.
      The utils script has been updated to not copy the
      ipaclient action plugin to the global plugins folder of the collection.
      This change is import for the use of the ipaclient role with AAP as only
      the base environment is sufficient now.
      The ipaclient README and also the global README have been updated as
      kinit is not needed anymore on the controller for OTP.
      Fixes #903 (Allow the use of principals other than admin when using
  2. Nov 18, 2022
  3. Nov 17, 2022
  4. Nov 14, 2022
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      Merge pull request #980 from rjeffman/ci_update_checkout · 2cfa9af5
      Thomas Woerner authored
      upstream ci: Update Github actions due to old Node.js.     
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      upstream ci: Use Shellcheck action from 'master'. · f2632d8c
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      The Shellcheck action used in Gtihub workflows has bee updated, but has
      not have a new release in 18 months. It is recommended by the action
      developers to use the 'master' branch for the action.
      This patch enables the use of the master branch for the Shellcheck
    • Rafael Guterres Jeffman's avatar
      upstream ci: Update Github actions due to old Node.js. · f82b93a8
      Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
      There are warnings on Github workflows about the need to update actions
      'checkout' and 'setup-python' due to the use of Node.js versions that
      are too old.
      This patch updates the use of actions/checkout from v2 to v3.1.0, and
      setup-python from v2 to v4.3.0.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_test: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 57c303d8
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `choices` needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_setup_otpd: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 165c3f06
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_setup_ntp: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 300292c0
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_setup_krb: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 15454c3a
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_setup_kra: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · d962939a
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_setup_http: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 66dbfce0
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_setup_ds: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · b22207d6
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_setup_dns: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 1062e0fe
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `choices` needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_setup_custodia: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 1148476c
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_setup_ca: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 9eb07f70
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_setup_adtrust: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 0faf8c86
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_set_ds_password: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 9f3a2d42
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_prepare: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · c2475304
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_master_password: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 2a817a98
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      RETURN section
      - `type: str` needs to be used for string parameters
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_load_cache: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 03e9dd3f
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaserver_enable_ipa: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 62d49e4e
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_server.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ansible_ipa_server: Fix ansible-test fake execution test findings · 446107f1
      Thomas Woerner authored
      All imports that are only available after installing IPA need to be in a
      try exception clause to be able to pass the fake execution test. The old
      workaround "if 'ansible.executor' in sys.modules:" is not working with
      this test anymore.
      If the imports can not be done, all used and needed attributes are
      defines with the value None.
      The new function check_imports has been added to fail with module.fail_json
      if an import exception occured and ANSIBLE_IPA_SERVER_MODULE_IMPORT_ERROR is
      not None. This function needs to be called in all modules.
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica_test: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 7627c57c
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      A call to ansible_ipa_replica.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica_setup_otpd: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 4cfa28ee
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_replica.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica_setup_krb: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · e42f1c11
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_replica.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica_setup_kra: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 78e94864
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - all parameters need to be defined
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_replica.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica_setup_http: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · ea3142ba
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_replica.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica_setup_ds: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · b3f85d49
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `default` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_replica.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica_setup_dns: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 12ee8a92
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_replica.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica_setup_custodia: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 72d9fea3
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_replica.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica_setup_certmonger: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 99289fc3
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `suboptions` needs to be removed without arguments
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_replica.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica_setup_ca: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · d12c3748
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `type: list` needs to be set for list parameters
      - `elements: str` needs to be given for list of string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `elements='str'` needs to be added to all list of string parameters
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_replica.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica_setup_adtrust: Fix documentation sections and agument spec · 8906cfc8
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-test with ansible-2.14 is adding a lot of new tests to ensure
      that the documentation section and the agument spec is complete. Needed
      DOCUMENTATION section
      - `type: str` needs to be set for string parameters
      - `required` tags need to be fixed according to the `argument_spec`
      - `type` tag needs to match `argument_spec`
      - `author` needs to be given with the github user also: `Name (@user)`
      - `type='str'` needs to be set for string parameters
      supports_check_mode is turned off as it is not supported.
      A call to ansible_ipa_replica.check_imports has been added to check for import
      The `copyright` date is extended with `-2022`.