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  1. Aug 23, 2019
  2. Aug 17, 2019
  3. Aug 16, 2019
  4. Aug 08, 2019
    • Matthew Mosesohn's avatar
      Refactor calico route reflector to run in k8s cluster (#4975) · 023108a7
      Matthew Mosesohn authored
      * Refactor calico-rr to run in k8s cluster with taint
      Change-Id: I75a3169ff5b36ce8302fc7ef1c32d3eb697b5afa
      * add preinstall checks
      * rework calico/rr role
      Change-Id: I2f0a7e6cb77cf91ad4a615923680760d2e5d9ca8
      * add empty calico-rr group
      Change-Id: I006c0a60db9b72d02245bf8fdfabcf982144a5ad
  5. Aug 07, 2019
  6. Aug 05, 2019
  7. Aug 01, 2019
  8. Jul 31, 2019
  9. Jul 16, 2019
  10. Jul 10, 2019
  11. Jul 08, 2019
  12. Jun 28, 2019
    • Simon Lelievre's avatar
      add macvlan cni to kubespray (#4901) · f599c2a6
      Simon Lelievre authored
      * add macvlan cni to kubespray
      * macvlan: lint yaml files and fix sample config file
      * macvlan: add OWNERS file
      * add macvlan to README
      * macvlan : CI first shoot
      * macvlan : CI add full masquerade
      * delegate retrive pod cidr to master only
      * macvlan: add config for CI
      * macvlan: add netchecker deployment
  13. Jun 11, 2019
  14. Jun 10, 2019
    • Johnny Halfmoon's avatar
      Added file and container image caching (#4828) · 23c9071c
      Johnny Halfmoon authored
      * File and container image downloads are now cached localy, so that repeated vagrant up/down runs do not trigger downloading of those files. This is especially useful on laptops with kubernetes runnig locally on vm's. The total size of the cache, after an ansible run, is currently around 800MB, so bandwidth (=time) savings can be quite significant.
      * When download_run_once is false, the default is still not to cache, but setting download_force_cache will still enable caching.
      * The local cache location can be set with download_cache_dir and defaults to /tmp/kubernetes_cache
      * A local docker instance is no longer required to cache docker images; Images are cached to file. A local docker instance is still required, though, if you wish to download images on localhost.
      * Fixed a FIXME, wher the argument was that delegate_to doesn't play nice with omit. That is a correct observation and the fix is to use default(inventory_host) instead of default(omit). See ansible/ansible#26009
      * Removed "Register docker images info" task from download_container and set_docker_image_facts because it was faulty and unused.
      * Removed redundant when:download.{container,enabled,run_once} conditions from {sync,download}_container.yml
      * All features of commit d6fd0d2a by Timoses <>, merged May 1st 2019, are included in this patch. Not all code was included verbatim, but each feature of that commit was checked to be working in this patch. One notable change: The actual downloading of the kubeadm images was moved to {download,sync)_container, to enable caching.
      Note 1: I considered splitting this patch, but most changes that are not directly related to caching, are a pleasant by-product of implementing the caching code, so splitting would be impractical.
      Note 2: I have my doubts about the usefulness of the upload, download and upgrade tags in the download role. Must they remain or can they be removed? If anybody knows, then please speak up.
  15. May 28, 2019
  16. May 19, 2019
  17. May 08, 2019
  18. May 01, 2019
    • Timoses's avatar
      Enable delegating all downloads (binaries, images, kubeadm images) (#4420) · d6fd0d2a
      Timoses authored
      * Download to delegate and sync files when download_run_once
      * Fail on error after saving container image
      * Do not set changed status when downloaded container was up to date
      * Only sync containers when they are actually required
      Previously, non-required images (pull_required=false as
      image existed on target host) were synced to the target
      hosts. This failed as the image was not downloaded to
      the download_delegate and hence was not available for
      * Sync containers when only missing on some hosts
      * Consider images with multiple repo tags
      * Enable kubeadm images pull/syncing with download_delegate
      * Use kubeadm images list to pull/sync
      'kubeadm config images pull' is replaced by collecting the images
      list with 'kubeadm config images list' and using the commonly
      used method of pull/syncing the images.
      * Ensure containers are downloaded and synced for all hosts
      * Fix download/syncing when download_delegate is a kubernetes host
  19. Apr 29, 2019
  20. Apr 24, 2019
    • Vincent Gramer's avatar
      support azure loadbalancer standard sku (#4150) (#4476) · f47a6662
      Vincent Gramer authored
      add the support of the folling property in azure-credential-check.yml
        - azure_loadbalancer_sku: Sku of Load Balancer and Public IP. Candidate values are: basic and standard.
        - azure_exclude_master_from_standard_lb: excludes master nodes from standard load balancer.
        - azure_disable_outbound_snat: disables the outbound SNAT for public load balancer rules
        - useInstanceMetadata: Use instance metadata service where possible
        - azure_primary_availability_set: (Optional) The name of the availability set that should be used as the load balancer backend
  21. Apr 23, 2019
    • Justin Chao's avatar
      Update (#4599) · 64f48bf8
      Justin Chao authored
      Ansible 2.0 has deprecated the “ssh” from ansible_ssh_host.
      Updating the docs to be more aligned with the Ansible version used in the sample/inventory.ini file as well.
      Also adding `[bastion]` group in the docs to avoid confusion.
  22. Apr 20, 2019
  23. Apr 18, 2019
  24. Apr 10, 2019
  25. Apr 09, 2019
    • Markos Chandras's avatar
      openSUSE: Use Leap 15.0 instead of 42.3 (#4442) · 12c6b5c3
      Markos Chandras authored
      * Vagrantfile: Bump openSUSE to Leap 15.0
      * roles: container-engine: Add 'containerd' package for openSUSE
      The 'containerd' package contains the docker-containerd and
      docker-containerd-shim binaries. We also need to ensure that the latest
      version is installed since an older version may already be present (eg GCE
      * Remove docker log-opts for opensuse
      * roles: bootstrap-os: Use lowercase 'o' for openSUSE
      OpenSUSE is not a valid family name. The correct one is openSUSE
      * roles: bootstrap-os: Update zypper cache before first installation
      The zypper cache may be outdated so ensure that it's fully updated
      before we try and install the bootstrap packages.
  26. Apr 03, 2019
  27. Apr 01, 2019
    • Matthew Mosesohn's avatar
      Remove kubedns and dnsmasq. Move dns_late phase after apps (#4406) · 5f12b7ae
      Matthew Mosesohn authored
      Both kubedns and dnsmasq modes are long not maintained.
      We should run dns_late steps at the end because sshd
      makes DNS lookups during Ansible run and has 2s timeouts
      for each failed lookup trying to connect to coredns before
      it is ready.
    • MarkusTeufelberger's avatar
      Yamllint fixes (#4410) · 9ffc65f8
      MarkusTeufelberger authored
      * Lint everything in the repository with yamllint
      * yamllint fixes: syntax fixes only
      * yamllint fixes: move comments to play names
      * yamllint fixes: indent comments in .gitlab-ci.yml file
  28. Mar 29, 2019
  29. Mar 26, 2019
  30. Feb 26, 2019
  31. Feb 07, 2019