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  1. Dec 28, 2016
  2. Dec 27, 2016
  3. Dec 22, 2016
  4. Dec 19, 2016
  5. Dec 15, 2016
  6. Dec 09, 2016
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Preconfigure DNS stack and docker early · a15d6267
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      In order to enable offline/intranet installation cases:
      * Move DNS/resolvconf configuration to preinstall role. Remove
        skip_dnsmasq_k8s var as not needed anymore.
      * Preconfigure DNS stack early, which may be the case when downloading
        artifacts from intranet repositories. Do not configure
        K8s DNS resolvers for hosts /etc/resolv.conf yet early (as they may be
        not existing).
      * Reconfigure K8s DNS resolvers for hosts only after kubedns/dnsmasq
        was set up and before K8s apps to be created.
      * Move docker install task to early stage as well and unbind it from the
        etcd role's specific install path. Fix external flannel dependency on
        docker role handlers. Also fix the docker restart handlers' steps
        ordering to match the expected sequence (the socket then the service).
      * Add default resolver fact, which is
        the cloud provider specific and remove hardcoded GCE resolver.
      * Reduce default ndots for hosts /etc/resolv.conf to 2. Multiple search
        domains combined with high ndots values lead to poor performance of
        DNS stack and make ansible workers to fail very often with the
        "Timeout (12s) waiting for privilege escalation prompt:" error.
      * Update docs.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Add tags · 8cc84e13
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      Add tags to allow more granular tasks filtering.
      Add generator script for MD formatted tags found.
      Add docs for tags how-to.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
  7. Nov 19, 2016
    • Dan Bode's avatar
      Ensure that etcd health checks always pass · ff675d40
      Dan Bode authored
      in the etcd handler, the reload etcd action
      was called after ansible waits for etcd to be
      up, this means that the health checks which are
      called immediately after fail (resulting in the etcd
      role always failing and never finishing)
      This patch changes the order to move the 'wait for etcd
      up' resource after the 'reload etcd resource', ensuring that
      the service is up before the health check is called.
  8. Nov 18, 2016
  9. Nov 14, 2016
  10. Nov 09, 2016
  11. Oct 21, 2016
  12. Oct 20, 2016
  13. Sep 15, 2016
  14. Sep 13, 2016
  15. Aug 29, 2016
  16. Aug 25, 2016
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Refactor roles and hosts · 8168689c
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      Shorten deployment time with:
      - Remove redundand roles if duplicated by a dependency and vice versa
      - When a member of k8s-cluster, always install docker as a dependency
        of the etcd role and drop the docker role from cluster.yaml.
      - Drop etcd and node role dependencies from master role as they are
        covered by the node role in k8s-cluster group as well. Copy defaults
        for master from node role.
      - Decouple master, node, secrets roles handlers and vars to be used w/o
        cross references.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
  17. Aug 15, 2016
  18. Aug 02, 2016
    • Matthew Mosesohn's avatar
      Move docker systemd unit creation to docker role · e8a1c7a5
      Matthew Mosesohn authored
      Creating the unit using default settings early on
      and then changing it during network_plugin section
      leads to too many docker restarts and duplicated code.
      Reversed Wants= dependence on docker.service so it does not
      restart docker when reloading systemd
      Consolidated all docker restart handlers.
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Rework systemd service units · 2af71f31
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      * Add for docker system units:
          ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
      * Add missed DOCKER_OPTIONS for calico/weave docker systemd unit.
      * Change Requires= to a less strict and non-faily Wants=, add missing
        Wants= for After=.
      * Align wants/after in a wat if Wants=foo, After= has foo as well.
      * Make wants/after docker.service to ask for the docker.socket as well.
      * Move "docker rm -f" commands from ExecStartPre= to ExecStopPost=.
        hooks to ensure non-destructive start attempts issued by Wants=.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
  19. Jul 29, 2016
  20. Jul 27, 2016
  21. Jul 26, 2016
    • Matthew Mosesohn's avatar
      Fix etcd standalone deployment · 1b1f5f22
      Matthew Mosesohn authored
      etcd facts are generated in kubernetes/preinstall, so etcd nodes need
      to be evaluated first before the rest of the deployment.
      Moved several directory facts from kubernetes/node to
      kubernetes/preinstall because they are not backward dependent.
  22. Jul 20, 2016
  23. Jul 19, 2016
    • Bogdan Dobrelya's avatar
      Add etcd proxy support · 32cd6e99
      Bogdan Dobrelya authored
      * Enforce a etcd-proxy role to a k8s-cluster group members. This
      provides an HA layout for all of the k8s cluster internal clients.
      * Proxies to be run on each node in the group as a separate etcd
      instances with a readwrite proxy mode and listen the given endpoint,
      which is either the access_ip:2379 or the localhost:2379.
      * A notion for the 'kube_etcd_multiaccess' is: ignore endpoints and
      loadbalancers and use the etcd members IPs as a comma-separated
      list. Otherwise, clients shall use the local endpoint provided by a
      etcd-proxy instances on each etcd node. A Netwroking plugins always
      use that access mode.
      * Fix apiserver's etcd servers args to use the etcd_access_endpoint.
      * Fix networking plugins flannel/calico to use the etcd_endpoint.
      * Fix name env var for non masters to be set as well.
      * Fix etcd_client_url was not used anywhere and other etcd_* facts
      evaluation was duplicated in a few places.
      * Define proxy modes only in the env file, if not a master. Del
      an automatic proxy mode decisions for etcd nodes in init/unit scripts.
      * Use Wants= instead of Requires= as "This is the recommended way to
      hook start-up of one unit to the start-up of another unit"
      * Make apiserver/calico Wants= etcd-proxy to keep it always up
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBogdan Dobrelya <>
      Co-authored-by: default avatarMatthew Mosesohn <>
  24. Jul 15, 2016
  25. Jul 14, 2016
  26. Jul 07, 2016
  27. Jul 02, 2016
  28. Jun 28, 2016
  29. May 31, 2016
    • Evgeny L's avatar
      Scale-up functionality for etcd cluster · 0500f27d
      Evgeny L authored
      * Set ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_STATE from `new` to `existing`,
      because parameter `new` makes sense only on cluster assembly
      * If cluster exists and current node is not a part
      of the cluster, add it with command `etcdctl add member name url`.
      Closes kubespray/kargo/#270