- Mar 29, 2021
Terry authored
DNSSEC is off by default on ubuntu/bionic64 (18.04) as per resolved.conf(5). These tasks are artefacts of obsolete infra configuration, and no longer needed. Further removing these tasks resolves the issue that the tasks always reports 'changed' and bounces systemd-resolved unneccesarily, even if there was no actual modification of /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.
- Feb 11, 2021
Etienne Champetier authored
This fixes deployment with CentOS 8 Streams and make detection more reliable Signed-off-by:
Etienne Champetier <e.champetier@ateme.com>
- Feb 10, 2021
Etienne Champetier authored
By default Ansible stat module compute checksum, list extended attributes and find mime type To find all stat invocations that really use one of those: git grep -F stat. | grep -vE 'stat.(islnk|exists|lnk_source|writeable)' Signed-off-by:
Etienne Champetier <e.champetier@ateme.com>
- Feb 08, 2021
Vyacheslav authored
```` TASK [bootstrap-os : Enable RHEL 8 repos] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** fatal: [node6]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "This system has no repositories available through subscriptions"} fatal: [node7]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "This system has no repositories available through subscriptions"} fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "This system has no repositories available through subscriptions"} root@node1:/kubespray# cat /etc/os-release NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS" VERSION_ID="18.04" HOME_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/" SUPPORT_URL="https://help.ubuntu.com/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy" VERSION_CODENAME=bionic UBUNTU_CODENAME=bionic root@node1:/kubespray# ```
- Jan 29, 2021
Sander Cornelissen authored
Ensure when use_oracle_public_repo is set to false the public Oracle Linux yum repos are not set (#7228)
- Jan 25, 2021
Etienne Champetier authored
This was introduced in 143e2272 Extra repo is enabled by default in CentOS, and is not the right repo for EL8 Instead of adding a CentOS repo to RHEL, enable the needed RHEL repos with rhsm_repository For RHEL 7, we need the "extras" repo for container-selinux For RHEL 8, we need the "appstream" repo for container-selinux, ipvsadm and socat Signed-off-by:
Etienne Champetier <champetier.etienne@gmail.com>
- Jan 11, 2021
Etienne Champetier authored
no_proxy is a pain to get right, and having proxy variables present causes issues (k8s components get proxy configuration after upgrade, see #7100) It's better to only configure what require proxy: - the runtime (containerd/docker/crio) - the package manager + apt_key - the download tasks Tested with the following clusters - 4 CentOS 8 nodes - 1 Ubuntu 20.04 node Signed-off-by:
Etienne Champetier <champetier.etienne@gmail.com>
- Jan 07, 2021
Etienne Champetier authored
* Improve how we set 'proxy=' in yum.conf or dnf.conf Signed-off-by:
Etienne Champetier <champetier.etienne@gmail.com> * Fixup spaces in no_proxy Signed-off-by:
Etienne Champetier <champetier.etienne@gmail.com> * Add svc,svc.{{ dns_domain }} to no_proxy Signed-off-by:
Etienne Champetier <champetier.etienne@gmail.com>
- Jan 06, 2021
flix444 authored
Valuating conditional (need_https_proxy.rc != 0) fail if http_proxy set and skip_http_proxy_on_os_packages is true (#7078) * Remove because of empty need_http_proxy.rc if http/https_proxy and skip_http_proxy_on_os_packages=true is set * Modify sample for debian and centos skip_http_proxy * Modify sample for debian and centos skip_http_proxy
- Dec 30, 2020
Kenichi Omichi authored
This fixes markdownlint failures under roles/
- Dec 23, 2020
marcosfsch authored
* Fedora CoreOS: Fix for ethtool pre-installed Fix error in rpm-ostree when ethtool is already insatlled (FCOS >= 32.20201104.3.0) * Fedora CoreOS: Fix connection lost Fedora CoreOS: Ignore connection lost due to reboot and continues the playbook
- Nov 24, 2020
Barry Melbourne authored
- Nov 11, 2020
Sebastian P authored
The previous hash was still that of v7.3.1, see https://www.pypy.org/download.html for the hash of the current release.
- Oct 21, 2020
wand3r3r authored
* Adding option to disable gloablly applying a proxy to etc/yum.conf * Change made to proxy_yum_globaly basedon reviewer feedback * fix trailing spaces in ymllint
- Oct 09, 2020
Florian Ruynat authored
- Sep 09, 2020
Florian Ruynat authored
- Sep 07, 2020
spaced authored
* remove podman cni plugin * configure networkamanger global dns * allow installation of python3-libselinux by disabling update repo temporary * remove ipv4 section because it is not a valid configuration
Florian Ruynat authored
- Aug 28, 2020
Barry Melbourne authored
- Aug 21, 2020
Christian Strack authored
The bootstrap-os role uses a bootstrap script to provision a python interpreter on flatcar and container os hosts. As the pypy project switched to another hoster, the download url changed. If applied this will use the new proper pypy download url in bootstrap script
- Aug 04, 2020
Victor Morales authored
Victor Morales <v.morales@samsung.com>
- Jul 22, 2020
Michael Sheinberg authored
Trying to layer this package on Fedora 32 causes the install to crash and furthermore it looks like the original bug linked to in the comment has been resolved for Fedora 31
- Jun 17, 2020
Maxime Guyot authored
Maxime Guyot authored
- Jun 12, 2020
marcosfsch authored
* Add oraclelinux8 and disable firewalld Add oraclelinux8 image and disable firewalld on oraclelinux VMs * Fix Oracle Linux repositories As documented in: http://yum.oracle.com/getting-started.html#installing-software-from-oracle-linux-yum-server public-yum-ol7.repo was deprecated on release 7.6. Some repos were integrated into oracle-linux-ol7.repo (i.e.: ol7_latest, ol7_addons) and other are available as packages (epel). This also adds support for oraclelinux8 * Fix to use ansible_distribution_version Instead of ansible_distribution_major_version * Update README.md
- Jun 09, 2020
Danilo Riecken P. de Morais authored
- May 06, 2020
Michael Sheinberg authored
As of pypy 7.3.0, we can utilize the official pypy project as opposed to the previously used "portable-pypy" distribution.
- Apr 24, 2020
Florian Ruynat authored
- Apr 18, 2020
Maxime Guyot authored
Victor Morales authored
The playbook that bootstrap openSUSE servers assumes that the /etc/sysconfig/proxy file exists but the execution fails when these file is not present. This change guarantees its existence.
- Apr 11, 2020
spaced authored
* fix upgrade of crio on fcos - update documents * install conntrack required by kube-proxy - like commit 48c41bcb * enable fedora modular repo for crio * allow to override crio configuration - set cgroup manager same to kubelet_cgroup_driver if defined - path of seccomp_profile depends on distribution * allow to override crio configuration - fix path for ubuntu * allow to override crio configuration - fix cni path for fcos
- Apr 09, 2020
aharrisson authored
Denis Kadyshev authored
* Fix proxy and module_hotfixes On CentOS 8 with proxy ansible render inline `proxy` and `module_hotfixes` options. For example: `proxy=` But expected result: ``` proxy= module_hotfixes=True ``` * Use ini_file module for work with ini files * Prevent duplicates proxy= option in /etc/yum.conf Module `lineinfile` is weak, use most powerful module `ini_file` and add or remove `proxy=` when `http_proxy` is defined or not.
- Apr 08, 2020
Maxime Guyot authored
- Apr 01, 2020
Maxime Guyot authored
- Mar 18, 2020
spaced authored
- Mar 17, 2020
spaced authored
* fedora coreos support - bootstrap and new fact for * fedora coreos support - fix bootstrap condition * fedora coreos support - allow customize packages for fedora coreos bootstrap * fedora coreos support - prevent install ptyhon3 and epel via dnf for fedora coreos * fedora coreos support - handle all ostree like os in same way * fedora coreos support - handle all ostree like os in same way for crio * fedora coreos support - add fcos documentations
- Mar 14, 2020
Cédric de Saint Martin authored
Solves problem with mitogen about 'Compress object has no attribute copy' in zlib module.
Sander Cornelissen authored
* Merge OracleLinux in RedHat bootstrap-os * Set default for use_oracle_public_repo in main.yaml
- Mar 13, 2020
dymq authored
The 'regexp' parameter matches last occurrence of a line starting with 'proxy=' and replaces it with the one defined in 'line' parameter. If no match - it works same way as before. This fixes resuming cluster deployments failed after that task (if there was no more than one line starting with 'proxy' in the yum.conf file - this condition should also be reassured with the change introduced here) eg. if they were initiated with Terraform.