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  1. Apr 17, 2019
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipa[server,replica,client]: Do not use meta end_play · 0954f845
      Thomas Woerner authored
      Meta end_play has been used as a simple solution to end the playbook
      processing in special conditions, like for example when the deployment
      was already done before.
      meta end_play has been replaced with blocks and conditions for these
      Fixes: #70 (Avoid using meta end_play)
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipa[server,replica,client]: Do not enforce ansible_fqdn as hostname · bbaaf1f7
      Thomas Woerner authored
      The ansible_fqdn hostname has been enforced to be set and used in
      ipaserver, ipareplica and also ipaclient role. This has been removed as
      the hostname should only be set if specified explicitly with
  2. Apr 05, 2019
  3. Apr 03, 2019
  4. Mar 26, 2019
  5. Mar 25, 2019
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient: End install if already installed and no allow_repair and force_join · a6ee0d07
      Thomas Woerner authored
      If the client is already installed and the allow_repair and force_join
      options are not set end the playbook processing. This is useful if an
      inventory file contains existing and new machines.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      New ipaclient_setup_krb5: Use ipaclient_setup_krb5 instead of ipa-krb5 role · 099317fe
      Thomas Woerner authored
      The advantage of this is that the krb5 configuration is created in the same
      way as in the normal installers. The same functionality as in the normal
      installers is used in ipaclient_setup_krb5. There is no need to adapt the
      ipa-krb5 role or the the ask file for changes in how the krb5 configuration
      is done. Additionally ipaclient_force is now a supported parameter as
      it is in the normal installer.
      New config option:
      The variable has been added to ipaclient/defaults/main.yml.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      New ipaclient_ipa_conf: Use ipaclient_ipa_conf instead of ipaconf role · b9426617
      Thomas Woerner authored
      The advantage of this is that the ipa default configuration is created in
      the same way as in the normal installers. The same functionality as in the
      normal installers is used in ipaclient_ipa_conf.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient_setup_ssh: Keep no_ for prefix for settings, use ssh_trust_dns · d0ba5315
      Thomas Woerner authored
      The no_ prefix for the ssh and sshd settings has been added back. The
      naming of the settings should be the same all over the ipcalient role.
      The exception is sssd here as it has been deprected and is used from
      The name for the setting ssh_trust_dns has been fixed to the command line
      option name and not the internl optinos name.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient_setup_sssd: Update and cleanup · 2983d4e7
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ipaclient_setup_sssd is now using configure_sssd_conf from
      ipaclient/install/ instead. This simplified the module a lot
      and also adds more configuratino options for sssd.
      These are new config options supported by ipaclient_setup_sssd:
      These variables have been added to ipaclient/defaults/main.yml.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient_test: More tests from ipaclient installer, updated ansible_ipa_client · c5ce7548
      Thomas Woerner authored
      The ipaclient_test module was not doing all tests that should be done
      with the provided settings. All tests from ipaclient installer parts
      are now part of ipaclient_test. There are some minor changes though to
      make sure that the repair mode could still be used.
      ansible_ipa_client bindings have been updated to fullfill new needs.
  6. Mar 21, 2019
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient: New module ipaclient_setup_ntp, dropped ipaclient_ntp setting · 61862820
      Thomas Woerner authored
      The new module ipaclient_setup_ntp to configure and sync time with the NTP
      server has been added. The irregular setting ipaclient_ntp has been removed.
      The ipaclient_setup_ntp module is using either the new sync_time call or
      for compatibility with older FreeIPA versions synconce_ntp.
      The reference for ipaclient_ntp in has been removed also.
      This also fixes #55.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient: Replace extras module with ssh, automount, firefox and nis modules · 4b2fc33b
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ipaclient_extras could configure several things internally according to
      provided settings. These have been ssh, sshd, automount, firefox an also
      nis. The ssh and sshd configuration is now plocated in ipaclient_setup_ssh,
      the automount configuration in ipaclient_setup_automount, the firefox
      configuration in ipaclient_setup_firefox and the nis configuration in
      The following additional settings have been added to
      roles/ipaclient/defaults/main.yml to provide the same configruation options
      as ipa-client-install does:
      ipaclient_no_ssh: no
      ipaclient_no_sshd: no
      ipaclient_no_nisdomain: no
      ipaclient_configure_firefox: no
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient role: Fix naming of modules, action_plugins and registered vars · 7c378d9c
      Thomas Woerner authored
      The naming in the ipaclient role has not been following the naming scheme
      and conventions used in the ipaserver and ipareplica roles. Also registered
      results of modules and commands have not been unsing the result_ prefix as
      in the other roles. All this has been fixed and the naming is consistent
      These are the renames:
      ipahost -> ipaclient_get_otp
      ipaapi -> ipaclient_api
      ipaextras -> ipaclient_extras
      ipafixca -> ipaclient_fix_ca
      ipafstore -> ipaclient_fstore
      ipa_facts -> ipaclient_get_facts
      ipahost -> ipaclient_get_otp
      ipajoin -> ipaclient_join
      ipanss -> ipaclient_setup_nss
      ipasssd -> ipaclient_setup_sssd
      ipadiscovery -> ipaclient_test
      ipatest -> ipaclient_test_keytab
  7. Feb 12, 2019
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipa[server,replica,client]: New setting X_install_packages · 77d0a106
      Thomas Woerner authored
      With these settings for server, replica and client it is possible to skip
      package installation. This is for example useful if the packages are already
      installed. The settings default to yes
      The setting ipareplica_no_package_install has been removed.
  8. Nov 22, 2018
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      Replace deprecated include with import_tasks and include_tasks · 20d25d0d
      Thomas Woerner authored
      As the old way to include tasks is deprecated, replace static include
      statements with import_tasks and dynamic ones with include_tasks.
      Increaded the required ansible version to 2.5.0 to make sure that
      include_tasks and import_tasks is working as expected.
      Fixes issue #38
  9. Jul 19, 2018
  10. Jun 21, 2018
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient: Fix OTP action plugin to work with python3 bindings · 1ed9379c
      Thomas Woerner authored
      As the action plugin is used with the default python interpreter and
      the change to python3 for FreeIPA, the use of OTP was not working anymore.
      The ansible_python_interpreter is not automatically used for the module
      part of the action plugin. Therefore ansible_python_interpreter needed to
      be added to the action plugin call as a new var to make sure that the
      module part is used with the proper python version.
      Also a new import for the Python2/3 import test has been added to discover
      of the server is supporting python2 or python3. The old
      ansible_python_interpreter setting is saved before doing this and restored
      after the one-time password has been generated on the server.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient: Add support for IPA 4.7 (4.6.90-pre2) · 4063b6ca
      Thomas Woerner authored
      With IPA 4.7 bigger changes have been introduced
      - Use of timeconf and chrony instead of ntpconf and ntpd.
      - A new option ntp_pool has been introduced.
  11. May 18, 2018
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient: Make krb5 DNS lookup possible in cluster environments · 397acc01
      Thomas Woerner authored
      krb5 DNS discovery was not possible in cluster environments as the server
      list from groups.ipaserver was used all the time. DNS discovery is though
      only used if no servers are given.
      The new setting ipaclient_no_dns_lookup has been added to make sure that
      DNS lookup is used in the first place and can be disabled easily with this
      setting. There is also a new way to override servers per client in the
      inventory file with ipaclient_servers.
      Two new settings have been added:
      ipaclient_no_dns_lookup (bool, default: no)
        Set to 'yes' to use groups.ipaserver in cluster environments as servers
        for the clients. This deactivates DNS lookup in krb5.
      ipaclient_servers (list of strings, default: undefined)
        Manually override list of servers for example in a cluster environment on
        a per client basis. The list of servers is normally taken from from
        groups.ipaserver in cluster environments.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipaclient: Fix krb5 DNS lookup and servers · 3e9568e3
      Thomas Woerner authored
      The krb5 DNS lookup settings krb5_dns_lookup_realm and krb5_dns_lookup_kdc
      ans also the servers have not been set properly set if no server has been
      specified and discovery succeeded. This has been fixed.
      This fixes issue #23.
  12. Apr 11, 2018
  13. Feb 09, 2018
  14. Feb 01, 2018
  15. Jan 29, 2018
  16. Dec 06, 2017
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      library/ipadiscovery: Add time synchronization calls · d009b806
      Thomas Woerner authored
      Attempt to sync time if on_master is not set and no_ntp is not set: At
      first with given or dicovered time servers. If no ntp servers have been
      given or discovered, then with the ipa server.
      New parameters:
          description: IPA client installation on IPA server
          required: false
          default: false
          type: bool
          default: no
          description: List of NTP servers to use
          required: false
          type: list
          default: []
          description: Do not sync time and do not detect time servers
          required: false
          default: false
          type: bool
          default: no
      The ntp_servers output parameter is now always an empty list if on_master
      or no_ntp is set.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      Add support for on_master flag · a7e78597
      Thomas Woerner authored
      This is needed to be able to use ipaclient role in the server role
  17. Nov 09, 2017