- Aug 23, 2020
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
The config attributte maxhostname is only available after IPA version 4.8.0. The tests for this attribute are now protected to not run if a previous IPA version is found.
- Aug 22, 2020
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
Add azure test build matrix
- Aug 21, 2020
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
New utils script to generate new modules using templates
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
New script utils/build-srpm.sh to build SRPM
Sergio Oliveira authored
Prevent Azure pipelines to build containers on PRs
Sergio Oliveira Campos authored
Changes azure-pipelines to have 3 different stages: fedora-latest, centos-7 and centos-8.
Sergio Oliveira Campos authored
Azure is building Centos and Fedora containers in every PR. We only need to have containers builds on a nightly build so we are disabling the default triggers from Azure.
Sergio Oliveira authored
Added Azure pipelines to build test containers
Thomas Woerner authored
The script will create the module in plugins/modules, the README, test and playbook files. Usage: new_module [options] <module name> <author name> <author email address> Create new ansible-freeipa module using templates. Options: -m Create module with member support -f Force creation -h Print this help Example: utils/new_module -m permission "My Name" myname@some.email
Thomas Woerner authored
This script gets version and release from git describe --tags. It uses utils/ansible-freeipa.spec.in and the variables to generate ansible-freeipa.spec in the top folder. An archive not including the spec file is created to generate the SRPM from.
Sergio Oliveira Campos authored
Added a pipeline file (tests/azure/build-containers.yml) to build test containers and upload them to quay.io. The pipeline will create containers with IPA pre-installed for testing proposes on three different Linux containers: CentOS 7, CentOS 8 and Fedora Latest.
Thomas Woerner authored
Add FreeIPA version as Ansible facts for testing.
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
Added cleanup to the end of dnszone tests
Sergio Oliveira Campos authored
Perform clean up at the end of the tests. Also reorganized setup/teardown in env_* files in a similar way proposed in dnsrecord module.
- Aug 19, 2020
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
Some attributes are not present in all supported versions of FreeIPA, and this might cause tests to fail due to unsupported versions. This patch add the means to test if a test can be executed based on the target host FreeIPA version.
- Aug 18, 2020
Thomas Woerner authored
Add support for option `name_from_ip` in ipadnszone module.
- Aug 17, 2020
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
Since `name_from_ip` has a similar, but not equal, behavior to `name`, and as the inferred DNS zone might depend on DNS configuration and can be different than the user expects, it has some limited usage, and the user must be aware of its effects. This change to the documentation enhance the documentation including more details on the attribute usage.
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
When adding a zone using the option name_from_ip, the user have little control over the final name of the zone, and if this name is to be used in further processing in a playbook it might lead to errors if the inferred name does not match what the user wanted to. By returning the actual inferred zone name, the name can be safely used for other tasks in the playbook.
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
Modified support for processing result of IPA API commands so that client code can define its own processing and add return values to self.exit_args based on command result. If a subclass need to process the result of IPA API commands it should override the method `process_command_result`. The default implementation will simply evaluate if `changed` should be true.
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
IPA CLI has an option `name_from_ip` that provide a name for a zone from the reverse IP address, so that it can be used to, for example, manage PTR DNS records. This patch adds a similar attribute to ipadnszone module, where it will try to find the proper zone name, using DNS resolve, or provide a sane default, if a the zone name cannot be resolved. The option `name_from_ip` must be used instead of `name` in playbooks, and it is a string, and not a list. A new example playbook was added: playbooks/dnszone/dnszone-reverse-from-ip.yml A new test playbook was added: tests/dnszone/test_dnszone_name_from_ip.yml
Sergio Oliveira authored
Fixed symlinks to be not absolute
Thomas Woerner authored
Fix ipavault `salt` update.
Sergio Oliveira authored
Fix `allow_create_keytab_host` in service module.
- Aug 14, 2020
Thomas Woerner authored
Missing admin passwords in location module.
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
Tests for module ipalocation failed due to missing ipaadmin_password. Added the variable to the playbooks, and also fixed the examples and documentation. Some playbooks had identation fixed to two spaces instead of one for consistency with other modules.
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
A test was failing due to use of old ipavault module return structure and some places on the documentation were alse referring to it. All ocurrences were fixed.
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
Modify and add tests to verify that a password change has the correct effect on ipavault.
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
When modifying an existing vault to change the value of `salt`, the password must also change. It is fine to "change" the password to the same value, thus only changing the salt value.
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
The generation of a random salt, when one was not provided, was in the wrong place and being generated too late to be used properly. Also, the generation of the value was duplicated.
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
In some scenarios, the value of the vault type is returned as a tuple, rather than a string, this made some changes to existing vault to fail. With this change, the vault type is correctly retrieved, if it was not provided by the user.
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
New location management module
- Aug 13, 2020
Thomas Woerner authored
Add support for parameter `rename` on ipahostgroup.
Thomas Woerner authored
Modified return value for ipavault module.
Thomas Woerner authored
Replace `host` to `user` in module ipauser on return value documentation
Thomas Woerner authored
Fixed error msgs on FreeIPABaseModule subclasses
Thomas Woerner authored
Allow to manage multiple dnszone entries.
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
New delegation management module
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
New selfservice management module
Thomas Woerner authored
There is a new location management module placed in the plugins folder: plugins/modules/ipalocation.py The location module allows to ensure presence or absence of locations. Here is the documentation for the module: README-location.md New example playbooks have been added: playbooks/location/location-absent.yml playbooks/location/location-present.yml New tests for the module: tests/location/test_location.yml