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  1. Jun 25, 2019
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica: Set all needed settings for kra · 5d881a9b
      Thomas Woerner authored
      Some settings for kra have not been correct for kra with the change to
      use single Custodia instance in the installer (freeipa 994f71ac8).
      These modules have been adapted:
  2. Jun 21, 2019
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ipareplica: Make sure that certmonger picks the right master · 20922206
      Thomas Woerner authored
      This is related to freeipa#0f31564b35aac250456233f98730811560eda664
        During ipa-replica-install, http installation first creates a service
        principal for http/hostname (locally on the soon-to-be-replica), then
        waits for this entry to be replicated on the master picked for the
        In a later step, the installer requests a certificate for HTTPd. The local
        certmonger first tries the master defined in xmlrpc_uri (which is
        pointing to the soon-to-be-replica), but fails because the service is not
        up yet. Then certmonger tries to find a master by using the DNS and looking
        for a ldap service. This step can pick a different master, where the
        principal entry has not always be replicated yet.
        As the certificate request adds the principal if it does not exist, we can
        end by re-creating the principal and have a replication conflict.
        The replication conflict later causes kerberos issues, preventing
        from installing a new replica.
        The proposed fix forces xmlrpc_uri to point to the same master as the one
        picked for the installation, in order to make sure that the master already
        contains the principal entry.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      ansible_ipa_client: Always set options.unattended · ca4518a6
      Thomas Woerner authored
      This has not been done so far in the ansible_ipa_client, but only in the
      modules where it was really needed. But as these places are getting more
      with 4.7.90, this setting makes it into the module_utils.
  3. Jun 17, 2019
  4. Jun 14, 2019
  5. Jun 12, 2019
  6. Jun 07, 2019
  7. Jun 05, 2019
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      Increase minimal Ansible version to 2.8 · c8286758
      Thomas Woerner authored
      ansible-freeipa is a new Ansible Collection introduced with Ansible 2.8 and
      Ansible Galaxy 3.2.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      New galaxy.yml file for Ansible 2.8 and Ansible Galaxy 3.2 · 2717fc6c
      Thomas Woerner authored
      Dashes in names are not allowed in Galaxy and are automatically replaced
      by underscores. Therefore the name in Galaxy is ansible_freeipa.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      New topology managament modules · 62fd4cc1
      Thomas Woerner authored
      There are now two topology management modules placed in the plugins folder:
      Topology segments can be added, removed and reinitialized with the
      ipatopologysegment module. Also it is possible to verify topology suffixes
      with the ipatopologysuffix module.
      A new module_utils for plugins has been added:
      And documentation for the modules:
      New sample playbooks are available in playbooks/topology:
      The plugins folder can be used with the new Ansible Collections supported
      by Ansible 2.8 and Ansible galaxy 3.2.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      Move role documentation into the specific role locations as · c822423b
      Thomas Woerner authored
      This will result in a better role documentation on galaxy.
    • Thomas Woerner's avatar
      New playbook folder for sample playbooks · 9c2b9957
      Thomas Woerner authored
      The playbooks install-client.yml, install-cluster.yml, install-replica.yml,
      install-server.yml, uninstall-client.yml, uninstall-cluster.yml,
      uninstall-replica.yml and uninstall-server.yml have been moved into
      the playbooks folder.
  8. Jun 04, 2019