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download.yml 45 KiB
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local_release_dir: /tmp/releases
download_cache_dir: /tmp/kubespray_cache

# If this is true, debug information will be displayed but
# may contain some private data, so it is recommended to set it to false
# in the production environment.
unsafe_show_logs: false

# do not delete remote cache files after using them
# NOTE: Setting this parameter to TRUE is only really useful when developing kubespray
download_keep_remote_cache: false

# Only useful when download_run_once is false: Localy cached files and images are
# uploaded to kubernetes nodes. Also, images downloaded on those nodes are copied
# back to the ansible runner's cache, if they are not yet preset.
download_force_cache: false
# Used to only evaluate vars from download role
skip_downloads: false

# Optionally skip kubeadm images download
skip_kubeadm_images: false
# if this is set to true will only download files once. Doesn't work
# on Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk unless the download_localhost is true and localhost
# is running another OS type. Default compress level is 1 (fastest).
download_compress: 1
# if this is set to true will download container
# if this is set to true, uses the localhost for download_run_once mode
# (requires docker and sudo to access docker). You may want this option for
# local caching of docker images or for Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk cluster nodes.
# Otherwise, uses the first node in the kube_control_plane group to store images
# in the download_run_once mode.
# Always pull images if set to True. Otherwise check by the repo's tag/digest.
# Some problems may occur when downloading files over https proxy due to ansible bug
# Set this variable to False to disable
# SSL validation of get_url module. Note that kubespray will still be performing checksum validation.
# Use the first kube_control_plane if download_localhost is not set
download_delegate: "{% if download_localhost %}localhost{% else %}{{ groups['kube_control_plane'][0] }}{% endif %}"
# Allow control the times of download retries for files and containers
download_retries: 4

# The docker_image_info_command might seems weird but we are using raw/endraw and `{{ `{{` }}` to manage the double jinja2 processing
docker_image_pull_command: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker pull"
docker_image_info_command: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker images -q | xargs -i {{ '{{' }} docker_bin_dir }}/docker inspect -f {% raw %}'{{ '{{' }} if .RepoTags }}{{ '{{' }} join .RepoTags \",\" }}{{ '{{' }} end }}{{ '{{' }} if .RepoDigests }},{{ '{{' }} join .RepoDigests \",\" }}{{ '{{' }} end }}' {% endraw %} {} | tr '\n' ','"
nerdctl_image_info_command: "{{ bin_dir }}/nerdctl -n images --format '{% raw %}{{ .Repository }}:{{ .Tag }}{% endraw %}' 2>/dev/null | grep -v ^:$ | tr '\n' ','"
# Using the ctr instead of nerdctl to workdaround the
nerdctl_image_pull_command: "{{ bin_dir }}/ctr -n images pull{% if containerd_registries_mirrors is defined %} --hosts-dir {{ containerd_cfg_dir }}/certs.d{%- endif -%}"
crictl_image_info_command: "{{ bin_dir }}/crictl images --verbose | awk -F ': ' '/RepoTags|RepoDigests/ {print $2}' | tr '\n' ','"
crictl_image_pull_command: "{{ bin_dir }}/crictl pull"

image_command_tool: "{%- if container_manager == 'containerd' -%}nerdctl{%- elif container_manager == 'crio' -%}crictl{%- else -%}{{ container_manager }}{%- endif -%}"
image_command_tool_on_localhost: "{{ image_command_tool }}"

image_pull_command: "{{ lookup('vars', image_command_tool + '_image_pull_command') }}"
image_info_command: "{{ lookup('vars', image_command_tool + '_image_info_command') }}"
image_pull_command_on_localhost: "{{ lookup('vars', image_command_tool_on_localhost + '_image_pull_command') }}"
image_info_command_on_localhost: "{{ lookup('vars', image_command_tool_on_localhost + '_image_info_command') }}"

# Arch of Docker images and needed packages
image_arch: "{{ host_architecture | default('amd64') }}"
Smaine Kahlouch's avatar
Smaine Kahlouch committed
# Versions
kubeadm_version: "{{ kube_version }}"
Victor Morales's avatar
Victor Morales committed
kata_containers_version: 3.1.3
youki_version: 0.1.0

# this is relevant when container_manager == 'docker'
docker_containerd_version: 1.6.28
# gcr and kubernetes image repo define
kube_image_repo: ""

# docker image repo define
docker_image_repo: ""

# quay image repo define
quay_image_repo: ""
# github image repo define (ex multus only use that)
github_image_repo: ""

# TODO(mattymo): Move calico versions to roles/network_plugins/calico/defaults
# after migration to container download
calico_version: "v3.27.3"
calico_ctl_version: "{{ calico_version }}"
calico_cni_version: "{{ calico_version }}"
calico_flexvol_version: "{{ calico_version }}"
calico_policy_version: "{{ calico_version }}"
calico_typha_version: "{{ calico_version }}"
calico_apiserver_version: "{{ calico_version }}"
typha_enabled: false
calico_apiserver_enabled: false
flannel_version: "v0.22.0"
flannel_cni_version: "v1.1.2"
cni_version: "v1.3.0"
cilium_enable_hubble: false

kube_ovn_version: "v1.11.5"
kube_ovn_dpdk_version: "19.11-{{ kube_ovn_version }}"
kube_router_version: "v2.0.0"
multus_version: "v3.8"
helm_version: "v3.14.2"
nerdctl_version: "1.7.4"
krew_version: "v0.4.4"
skopeo_version: "v1.15.0"
# Get kubernetes major version (i.e. 1.17.4 => 1.17)
kube_major_version: "{{ kube_version | regex_replace('^v([0-9])+\\.([0-9]+)\\.[0-9]+', 'v\\1.\\2') }}"
  v1.28: "3.9"
  v1.27: "3.9"
pod_infra_version: "{{ pod_infra_supported_versions[kube_major_version] }}"

  v1.29: "v3.5.12"
  v1.28: "v3.5.12"
  v1.27: "v3.5.12"
etcd_version: "{{ etcd_supported_versions[kube_major_version] }}"

ERIK's avatar
ERIK committed
  v1.28: "v1.28.0"
  v1.27: "v1.27.1"
crictl_version: "{{ crictl_supported_versions[kube_major_version] }}"
ant31's avatar
ant31 committed

ERIK's avatar
ERIK committed
  v1.28: v1.28.4
  v1.27: v1.27.4
crio_version: "{{ crio_supported_versions[kube_major_version] }}"

# Scheduler plugins doesn't build for K8s 1.28 yet
  v1.28: 0
  v1.27: v0.27.8
scheduler_plugins_version: "{{ scheduler_plugins_supported_versions[kube_major_version] }}"


# Download URLs
kubelet_download_url: "{{ dl_k8s_io_url }}/release/{{ kube_version }}/bin/linux/{{ image_arch }}/kubelet"
kubectl_download_url: "{{ dl_k8s_io_url }}/release/{{ kube_version }}/bin/linux/{{ image_arch }}/kubectl"
kubeadm_download_url: "{{ dl_k8s_io_url }}/release/{{ kubeadm_version }}/bin/linux/{{ image_arch }}/kubeadm"
etcd_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/etcd-io/etcd/releases/download/{{ etcd_version }}/etcd-{{ etcd_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
cni_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/containernetworking/plugins/releases/download/{{ cni_version }}/cni-plugins-linux-{{ image_arch }}-{{ cni_version }}.tgz"
calicoctl_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/projectcalico/calico/releases/download/{{ calico_ctl_version }}/calicoctl-linux-{{ image_arch }}"
calico_crds_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/projectcalico/calico/archive/{{ calico_version }}.tar.gz"
ciliumcli_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/cilium/cilium-cli/releases/download/{{ cilium_cli_version }}/cilium-linux-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
crictl_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools/releases/download/{{ crictl_version }}/crictl-{{ crictl_version }}-{{ ansible_system | lower }}-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
crio_download_url: "{{ storage_googleapis_url }}/cri-o/artifacts/cri-o.{{ image_arch }}.{{ crio_version }}.tar.gz"
helm_download_url: "{{ get_helm_url }}/helm-{{ helm_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
runc_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/opencontainers/runc/releases/download/{{ runc_version }}/runc.{{ image_arch }}"
crun_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/containers/crun/releases/download/{{ crun_version }}/crun-{{ crun_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}"
youki_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/containers/youki/releases/download/v{{ youki_version }}/youki_{{ youki_version | regex_replace('\\.', '_') }}_linux.tar.gz"
kata_containers_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/kata-containers/kata-containers/releases/download/{{ kata_containers_version }}/kata-static-{{ kata_containers_version }}-{{ ansible_architecture }}.tar.xz"
# gVisor only supports amd64 and uses x86_64 to in the download link
gvisor_runsc_download_url: "{{ storage_googleapis_url }}/gvisor/releases/release/{{ gvisor_version }}/{{ ansible_architecture }}/runsc"
gvisor_containerd_shim_runsc_download_url: "{{ storage_googleapis_url }}/gvisor/releases/release/{{ gvisor_version }}/{{ ansible_architecture }}/containerd-shim-runsc-v1"
nerdctl_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/containerd/nerdctl/releases/download/v{{ nerdctl_version }}/nerdctl-{{ nerdctl_version }}-{{ ansible_system | lower }}-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
krew_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/kubernetes-sigs/krew/releases/download/{{ krew_version }}/krew-{{ host_os }}_{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
containerd_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/containerd/containerd/releases/download/v{{ containerd_version }}/containerd-{{ containerd_version }}-linux-{{ image_arch }}.tar.gz"
cri_dockerd_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/Mirantis/cri-dockerd/releases/download/v{{ cri_dockerd_version }}/cri-dockerd-{{ cri_dockerd_version }}.{{ image_arch }}.tgz"
skopeo_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/lework/skopeo-binary/releases/download/{{ skopeo_version }}/skopeo-linux-{{ image_arch }}"
yq_download_url: "{{ github_url }}/mikefarah/yq/releases/download/{{ yq_version }}/yq_linux_{{ image_arch }}"
etcd_binary_checksum: "{{ etcd_binary_checksums[image_arch][etcd_version] }}"
cni_binary_checksum: "{{ cni_binary_checksums[image_arch][cni_version] }}"
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