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  1. Feb 22, 2021
  2. Feb 20, 2021
  3. Feb 19, 2021
  4. Feb 17, 2021
  5. Feb 16, 2021
  6. Feb 15, 2021
  7. Feb 13, 2021
  8. Feb 11, 2021
  9. Feb 10, 2021
  10. Feb 09, 2021
    • Sergey's avatar
      fix typo error in role ingress-nginx (#7272) · a21ee331
      Sergey authored
    • Takashi IIGUNI's avatar
      fix: Restart network doesn't work on Fedora CoreOS (#7271) · bcaa31ae
      Takashi IIGUNI authored
      Running remove-node.yml tasks for clean up cluster on Fedora CoreOS.
      The task failed to restart network daemon (task name: "reset | Restart network").
      Fedora CoreOS is essentially using NetworkManager, but this task returns network.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarTakashi IIGUNI <>
    • David Louks's avatar
      Remove deletion of coredns deployment. (#7211) · 0cc17267
      David Louks authored
      * Add unique annotation on coredns deployment and only remove existing deployment if annotation is missing.
      * Ignore errors when gathering coredns deployment details to handle case where it doesn't exist yet
      * Remove run_once, deletegate_to and add to when statement
    • David Louks's avatar
      Updated etcd cert check tasks to detect when new cert gen is required (#7219) · aad78840
      David Louks authored
      * Added force_etcd_cert_refresh var to maintain existing functionality. Broke out etcd node cert syncing from member and admin cert sync logic. Now first etcd will sync node certs to other etcd members on every run to keep all etcds up to date after adding additional worker nodes to the cluster
      * Updated etcd cert check tasks to better detect when new certificates need to be generated
      * Move usage of force_etcd_cert_refresh var to gen_certs fact set
      * Force etcd cert generation per server if force_etcd_cert_refresh is set to true
      * Include gathering of node certs even if k8s-cluster member and in etcd group.
      * Removed run_once due to when statement
  11. Feb 08, 2021
    • Vyacheslav's avatar
      Update main.yml (#7267) · e3ab665e
      Vyacheslav authored
      TASK [bootstrap-os : Enable RHEL 8 repos] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
      fatal: [node6]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "This system has no repositories available through subscriptions"}
      fatal: [node7]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "This system has no repositories available through subscriptions"}
      fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "This system has no repositories available through subscriptions"}
      root@node1:/kubespray# cat /etc/os-release
      VERSION="18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
      PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS"
  12. Feb 05, 2021
  13. Feb 03, 2021
    • Cristian Klein's avatar
      contrib/terraform/exoscale: Rework SSH public keys (#7242) · b77460ec
      Cristian Klein authored
      * contrib/terraform/exoscale: Rework SSH public keys
      Exoscale has a few limitations with `exoscale_ssh_keypair` resources.
      Creating several clusters with these scripts may lead to an error like:
      Error: API error ParamError 431 (InvalidParameterValueException 4350): The key pair "lj-sc-ssh-key" already has this fingerprint
      This patch reworks handling of SSH public keys. Specifically, we rely on
      the more cloud-agnostic way of configuring SSH public keys via
      * contrib/terraform/exoscale: terraform fmt
      * contrib/terraform/exoscale: Add terraform validate
      * contrib/terraform/exoscale: Inline public SSH keys
      The Terraform scripts need to install some SSH key, so that Kubespray
      (i.e., the "Ansible part") can take over. Initially, we pointed the
      Terraform scripts to `~/.ssh/`. This proved to be suboptimal:
      Operators sharing responbility for a cluster risk unnecessarily replacing resources.
      Therefore, it has been determined that it's best to inline the public
      SSH keys. The chosen variable `ssh_public_keys` provides some uniformity
      with `contrib/azurerm`.
      * Fix Terraform Exoscale test
      * Fix Terraform 0.14 test
    • forselli-stratio's avatar
      Fix ansible calico route reflector tasks in calico role (#7224) · 88bee6c6
      forselli-stratio authored
      * Fix calico-rr tasks
      * revert stdin only when it's already a string
    • Sebastian Schmid's avatar
      local-path-provisioner change default version to v0.0.19 and update config template (#7238) · 1f84d634
      Sebastian Schmid authored
      * update local-path-storage config template to version v0.0.19
      * changes local_path_provisioner image tag to v0.0.19
      * removes copy paste example from rancher local-path-provisioner repo
    • Kenichi Omichi's avatar
      Move recover_control_plane/master to control-plane (#7236) · 699fbd64
      Kenichi Omichi authored
      According to the following recommendation, this moves the directory
      to control-plane:
      The Kubernetes project is moving away from wording that is considered
      offensive. A new working group WG Naming was created to track this work,
      and the word "master" was declared as offensive. A proposal was formalized
      for replacing the word "master" with "control plane".