- Mar 24, 2020
Sergio Oliveira Campos authored
- Mar 13, 2020
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
Due to setting aaaa_extra_create_reverse or a_extra_create_reverse when not needed, host module fails to add a host with reverse address. This patch fixes the behavior by only adding *_extra_create_reverse when needed.
- Mar 10, 2020
chrisp authored
- Mar 05, 2020
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
There is a new vaultcontainer management module placed in the plugins folder: plugins/modules/ipadnsconfig.py The dnsconfig module allows to modify global DNS configuration. Here is the documentation for the module: README-dnsconfig.md New example playbooks have been added: playbooks/dnsconfig/set_configuration.yml playbooks/dnsconfig/disable-global-forwarders.yml playbooks/dnsconfig/disallow-reverse-sync.yml New tests for the module: tests/dnsconfig/test_dnsconfig.yml
- Mar 04, 2020
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
Add missing documentation for the `principal` variable.
- Feb 28, 2020
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
There is a new service management module placed in the pluginsfolder: plugins/modules/ipaservice.py The service module allows to ensure presence and absence of services, and manage members and certificates of the service. Here is the documentation for the module: README-service.md New example playbooks have been added: playbooks/service/service-host-is-absent.yml playbooks/service/service-host-is-present.yml playbooks/service/service-is-absent.yml playbooks/service/service-is-disabled.yml playbooks/service/service-is-present-with-all-attributes.yml playbooks/service/service-is-present-without-host-object.yml playbooks/service/service-is-present.yml playbooks/service/service-member-allow_create_keytab-absent.yml playbooks/service/service-member-allow_create_keytab-present.yml playbooks/service/service-member-allow_retrieve_keytab-absent.yml playbooks/service/service-member-allow_retrieve_keytab-present.yml playbooks/service/service-member-certificate-absent.yml playbooks/service/service-member-certificate-present.yml playbooks/service/service-member-principal-absent.yml playbooks/service/service-member-principal-present.yml New tests added for the module: tests/service/test-service.yml
- Feb 26, 2020
Thomas Woerner authored
Use SomeADMINpassword as the admin password also in the examples in the management modules.
- Feb 20, 2020
Thomas Woerner authored
For beeing able to catch ipalib.errors.NotFound errors in ipahost it is needed to import ipalib.errors. ipalib.errors is now imported as ipalib_errors to not have name conflicts with the errors list used in some of the modules. Related: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1804838
Thomas Woerner authored
If no IP address is given and either DNS is not configured or if the zone is not found then ipahost may not fail in dnsrecord_find. The error happened for example by ensuring the absence of a host that is not part of the domain or for a host that has been added with force and is using a domain that is not served by the DNS server in the domain. It also happened if there was no DNS server in the domain at all. A new test case has been added to test_host_ipaddresses.yml The fix requires ipalib_errors provided by ansible_freeipa_module. Fixes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1804838
- Feb 14, 2020
Thomas Woerner authored
The check to make sure that member can not be used on non existing hosts has bee missing. Also the reverse flag for the dnsrecord_add call was None if the varaible was not set. Fixes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1803026
- Feb 13, 2020
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
This change is needed to properly handle base64 encoding of certificates stored as bytes, under Python 3, as used by IPA service. It does not affect Python 2.7 as bytes are identical to str in this version of the language. When retireving certificates stored by FreeIPA service data is returned as bytes, under Python 3, and encoding then breaks, as there is no bytes.public_bytes method. In Python 3, encoding with base64 will be the same for strings and bytes.
Thomas Woerner authored
ipahost was so far ignoring IP addresses when the host already existed. This happened because host_mod is not providing functionality to do this. Now ipaddress is a list and it is possible to ensure a host with several IP addresses (these can be IPv4 and IPv6). Also it is possible to ensure presence and absence of IP addresses for an exising host using action member. There are no IP address conclict checks as this would lead into issues with updating an existing host that already is using a duplicate IP address for example for round-robin (RR). Also this might lead into issues with ensuring a new host with several IP addresses in this case. Also to ensure a list of hosts with changing the IP address of one host to another in the list would result in issues here. New example playbooks have been added: playbooks/host/host-present-with-several-ip-addresses.yml playbooks/host/host-member-ipaddresses-absent.yml playbooks/host/host-member-ipaddresses-present.yml A new test has been added for verification: tests/host/test_host_ipaddresses.yml Fixes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1783976 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1783979
- Feb 11, 2020
Thomas Woerner authored
Bool types are not iterable. Therefore the comparison using sets was failing with a TypeError. This prevented to change the bool parameters for hosts. A test for the host module has been added to verify that the bool parameters can be modified. New test: tests/host/test_host_bool_params.yml Fixes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1784514
- Feb 07, 2020
Thomas Woerner authored
Changing members (host, hostgroup, hbacsvc, hbacsvcgroup, user, group) with action hbacrule was not working due to the use of the wrong parameter prefix. This has been fixed and the old members are removed correctly now. The test script has been reworked completely to verify the fix. Fixes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1787996
- Feb 06, 2020
Thomas Woerner authored
If the name is not set, the policy global_policy is now used. It was needed before to explicitly name the global_policy. Also a check has been added to fail early if global_policy is used with state absent. The README for pwpolicy has been extended with an example for global_policy and also the description of the name variable. The test has also been extended to check a change of maxlife for global_policy and that global_policy can not be used with state: absent Fixes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1797532
- Feb 03, 2020
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
This patch adds the following attributes to ipasudorule: - order - sudooption - runasuser - runasgroup It also fixes behavior of sudocmd assigned to the the sudorule, with the adittion of the attributes: - allow_sudocmds - deny_sudocmds - allow_sudocmdgroups - deny_sudocmdgroups README-sudorule and tests have been updated to comply with the changes.
- Jan 16, 2020
Jesús Marín authored
This fixes the issue https://github.com/freeipa/ansible-freeipa/issues/185, where the python script was launching an exception There was a lack of verification that the input string (for the description) was a text string
- Dec 18, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
The failure message if member parameters like certificate, managedby_host, principal, allow_create_keytab_* and allow_retrieve_keytab_* are used without member action for state absent has been enhanced to propose the member action.
- Dec 17, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
It was not possible to reset the userauthtype. The empty string has been added to userauthtype for this. Also ipauser will only depend on given first and last name if the user does not exist yet. For the update operation these parameters are not needed anymore.
Thomas Woerner authored
The choices for the auth_ind parameter have been wrong. The choices are now ['radius', 'otp', 'pkinit', 'hardened', '']. The empty string has been added to be able to rest auth_ind for the host entry.
- Dec 16, 2019
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
There is a new vault management module placed in the plugins folder: plugins/modules/ipavault.py The vault module allows to ensure presence and absence of vaults, manage members and owner of the vault, and archive data in the vault. Here is the documentation for the module: README-vault.md New example playbooks have been added: playbooks/vault/data-archive-in-asymmetric-vault.yml playbooks/vault/data-archive-in-symmetric-vault.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-asymetric-vault-is-absent.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-asymetric-vault-is-present.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-service-vault-is-absent.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-service-vault-is-present.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-shared-vault-is-absent.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-shared-vault-is-present.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-standard-vault-is-absent.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-standard-vault-is-present.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-symetric-vault-is-absent.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-symetric-vault-is-present.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-vault-is-present-with-members.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-vault-member-group-is-absent.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-vault-member-group-is-present.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-vault-member-user-is-absent.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-vault-member-user-is-present.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-vault-owner-is-absent.yml playbooks/vault/ensure-vault-owner-is-present.yml New tests added for the module: tests/vault/test_vault.yml
- Dec 13, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
If there is no domain set for email addresses, extend the email addresses with the default email domain that is gathered from the config_show output. This fixes RHBZ#1747413 ([ansible-freeipa] user module throwing an error if..)
- Dec 11, 2019
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
There are some commands in the IPA API that do not require arguments, and current implementation does not allow these commands to be execute. This patch adds api_command_no_name to allow the execution of such commands, which is required, for example, to create a vaultcontainer management module.
- Dec 02, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
The ipahost management module was not able to add several hosts at once. Addtionally there have been settings missing. ansible_freeipa_module has been extended to provide two additional functions that are needed to simplify the extension of the ipahost module: gen_add_del_lists(user_list, res_list) encode_certificate(cert) gen_add_del_lists will generate the lists for the addition and removal of members using the provided user and ipa settings. encode_certificate will encode a certificate using base64 with also taking FreeIPA and Python versions into account. The missing settings in ipahost have been: certificate managedby_host principal create_keytab_[user,group,host,hostgroup] retrieve_keytab_[user,group,host,hostgroup] sshpubkey userclass auth_ind requires_pre_auth ok_as_delegate ok_to_auth_as_delegate The README-host.md file has been updated to provide information about the new settings and also the members. Also examples for the new things have been added. New example playbooks have been added: playbooks/host/add-host.yml playbooks/host/host-member-allow_create_keytab-absent.yml playbooks/host/host-member-allow_create_keytab-present.yml playbooks/host/host-member-allow_retrieve_keytab-absent.yml playbooks/host/host-member-allow_retrieve_keytab-present.yml playbooks/host/host-member-certificate-absent.yml playbooks/host/host-member-certificate-present.yml playbooks/host/host-member-managedby_host-absent.yml playbooks/host/host-member-managedby_host-present.yml playbooks/host/host-member-principal-absent.yml playbooks/host/host-member-principal-present.yml playbooks/host/host-present-with-allow_create_keytab.yml playbooks/host/host-present-with-allow_retrieve_keytab.yml playbooks/host/host-present-with-certificate.yml playbooks/host/host-present-with-managedby_host.yml playbooks/host/host-present-with-principal.yml playbooks/host/host-present-with-randompassword.yml playbooks/host/host-present.yml playbooks/host/hosts-member-certificate-absent.yml playbooks/host/hosts-member-certificate-present.yml playbooks/host/hosts-member-managedby_host-absent.yml playbooks/host/hosts-member-managedby_host-present.yml playbooks/host/hosts-member-principal-absent.yml playbooks/host/hosts-member-principal-present.yml playbooks/host/hosts-present-with-certificate.yml playbooks/host/hosts-present-with-managedby_host.yml playbooks/host/hosts-present-with-randompasswords.yml New tests have been added for the module: tests/host/certificate/cert1.der tests/host/certificate/cert1.pem tests/host/certificate/cert2.der tests/host/certificate/cert2.pem tests/host/certificate/cert3.der tests/host/certificate/cert3.pem tests/host/certificate/private1.key tests/host/certificate/private2.key tests/host/certificate/private3.key tests/host/certificate/test_host_certificate.yml tests/host/certificate/test_hosts_certificate.yml tests/host/test_host.yml tests/host/test_host_allow_create_keytab.yml tests/host/test_host_allow_retrieve_keytab.yml tests/host/test_host_managedby_host.yml tests/host/test_host_principal.yml tests/host/test_host_random.yml tests/host/test_hosts.yml tests/host/test_hosts_managedby_host.yml tests/host/test_hosts_principal.yml
Thomas Woerner authored
The use of gssapi.creds.Credentials is not good if krb5 ticket forwarding is used. It will fail. gssapi.Credentials with usage and store is the proper way to do this.
- Nov 29, 2019
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
This patch allows the connection to the ipa api to use a context different than 'server', if needed.
- Nov 20, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
The random password is only returned if random is yes and the host did not exist or update_password is yes. If only one host is handled by the module, the returned dict is containing this dict: { "randompassword": "<the host random password>" } If several hosts are handled by the module (future feature): { "<host>": { "randompassword": "<the host random password>" } } Fixes issue #134 (ipahost does not return the random password)
Thomas Woerner authored
The random password is only returned if random is yes and user did not exist or update_password is yes. If only one user is handled by the module, the returned dict is containing this dict: { "randompassword": "<the user random password>" } If several users are handled by the module: { "<user>": { "randompassword": "<the user random password>" } } This is related to issue #134 (ipahost does not return the random password)
- Nov 15, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
- Nov 08, 2019
Chris Chapman authored
- Nov 07, 2019
Rafael Guterres Jeffman authored
There is a new sudorule (Sudo Rule) management module placed in the plugins folder: plugins/modules/ipasudorule.py The sudorule module allows to ensure presence and absence of Sudo Rules. Here is the documentation for the module: README-sudorule.md New example playbooks have been added: playbooks/sudorule/ensure-sudorule-host-member-is-absent.yml playbooks/sudorule/ensure-sudorule-host-member-is-present.yml playbooks/sudorule/ensure-sudorule-hostgroup-member-is-absent.yml playbooks/sudorule/ensure-sudorule-hostgroup-member-is-present.yml playbooks/sudorule/ensure-sudorule-is-absent.yml playbooks/sudorule/ensure-sudorule-is-disabled.yml playbooks/sudorule/ensure-sudorule-is-enabled.yml playbooks/sudorule/ensure-sudorule-is-present.yml playbooks/sudorule/ensure-sudorule-sudocmd-is-absent.yml playbooks/sudorule/ensure-sudorule-sudocmd-is-present.yml New tests added for the module: tests/hbacrule/test_sudorule.yml
Thomas Woerner authored
The changed flag returned by ipahostgroup calls have not always been correct. The use of the module with IPA version 4.6 on RHEL-7 resulted in encoding errors. All this has been fixed. Addtitionally new test cases have been added to make sure that the issues are solved.
- Nov 05, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
There is a new hbacrule (HBAC Rule) management module placed in the plugins folder: plugins/modules/ipahbacrule.py The hbacrule module allows to ensure presence and absence of HBAC Rules. Here is the documentation for the module: README-hbacrule.md New example playbooks have been added: playbooks/hbacrule/ensure-hbarule-allhosts-absent.yml playbooks/hbacrule/ensure-hbarule-allhosts-disabled.yml playbooks/hbacrule/ensure-hbarule-allhosts-enabled.yml playbooks/hbacrule/ensure-hbarule-allhosts-present.yml playbooks/hbacrule/ensure-hbarule-allhosts-server-member-absent.yml playbooks/hbacrule/ensure-hbarule-allhosts-server-member-present.yml New tests added for the module: tests/hbacrule/test_hbacrule.yml
- Oct 31, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
The information about the version limitation of the passwordexpiration parameter has been missing. The parameter is only usable for IPA versions 4.7 and up.
- Oct 30, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
The changed flag returned by ipagroup calls have not been correct. This change fixes this. Addtitionally new test cases have been added to make sure that the changed flag is correct.
Thomas Woerner authored
group_add_member is only supporting services in more recent IPA versions. This is 4.7+. Code has been added to detect if services are supported by the used IPA version and used in the parameters of the module. In this case an error is printed. Additionally all parameters will be get from the module using module_params_get provided by ansible_freeipa_module. Additional to_text conversions have been removed as they are not needed anymore with this.
- Oct 25, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
There is a new hbacsvcgroup (HBAC Service Group) management module placed in the plugins folder: plugins/modules/ipahbacsvcgroup.py The hbacsvc module allows to ensure presence and absence of HBAC Service Groups. Here is the documentation for the module: README-hbacsvcgroup.md New example playbooks have been added: playbooks/hbacsvcgroup/ensure-hbacsvcgroup-absent.yml playbooks/hbacsvcgroup/ensure-hbacsvcgroup-member-absent.yml playbooks/hbacsvcgroup/ensure-hbacsvcgroup-member-present.yml playbooks/hbacsvcgroup/ensure-hbacsvcgroup-present.yml New tests added for the module: tests/hbacsvcgroup/test_hbacsvcgroup.yml
- Oct 24, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
There is a new hbacsvc (HBAC Service) management module placed in the plugins folder: plugins/modules/ipahbacsvc.py The hbacsvc module allows to ensure presence and absence of HBAC Services. Here is the documentation for the module: README-hbacsvc.md New example playbooks have been added: playbooks/hbacsvc/ensure-hbacsvc-absent.yml playbooks/hbacsvc/ensure-hbacsvc-present.yml New tests added for pwpolicy: tests/hbacsvc/test_hbacsvc.yml
- Oct 22, 2019
Thomas Woerner authored
There is a new pwpolicy management module placed in the plugins folder: plugins/modules/ipapwpolicy.py The pwpolicy module allows to ensure presence and absence of pwpolicies for groups. Here is the documentation for the module: README-pwpolicy.md New example playbooks have been added: playbooks/pwpolicy/pwpolicy_absent.yml playbooks/pwpolicy/pwpolicy_present.yml New tests added for pwpolicy: tests/pwpolicy/test_pwpolicy.yml
Thomas Woerner authored
With IPA 4.5 integers for examle in pwpolicy_find are returned as integer values. The internally generated value will be converted from integer to string (using to_text) if the value from find call result is a string (or unicode for Python2).